Use these Realtor scripts to get listings from past clients and existing clients that you are currently working with.
Today we are going to talk about scripts that will get you listings from your sphere of influence as well as referrals. In this Zoom mastermind, I’m chatting with several coaching clients and fellow coaches about how to ask for more listings. You can take these scripts and ideas and edit them, see what works for you, make adjustments.
The most important thing to remember is to not miss an opportunity to ask for referrals! You may feel anxious about “bothering” your current or past clients, and these scripts will help you get past your fears and gain confidence in asking for more business.
VIDEO: Realtor Scripts to Get Listings from Current & Past Clients
First, you need a strong SOI
To get more listings, you need a strong sphere of influence. This is how we coach all of our clients here at Icenhower Coaching and Consulting. Before we even dive into talking about scripts to get you more listings, we have to address the quality of your SOI.
People are not very choosy when it comes to selecting a buyer’s agent — they only need a buyer’s agent to get in the door and see houses. For a listing agent, however, people are way more choosy. They need to trust you, know you on some level, and see your track record. It is for this reason that you will most likely get all of your listings from your SOI because these are people that know you and your reputation on some level.
Talking to current clients
Fact: You will receive the most referrals for listings from buyers or sellers you are currently working with. This is why you need to start this conversation right away when working with a current client. If you think about it, when someone is buying or selling their home, they have a heightened sense of awareness of other people doing the same thing. People like to talk about things they have in common! Not only that, but right now, they are your client, so they are in a current, direct relationship with you. For this reason, it’s the ideal time to bring up the subject of referrals.
This conversation can start during the listing consultation or buyer consultation. Yes, that early! Here’s an easy script to ask a current client to help refer more listings your way. “By the way, the majority of my business comes by word of mouth from past clients. It’s how I prefer to run my business. So if you know anyone who is looking to buy or sell their home this year, would you mind referring them to me?”
Then, you want to continuously remind them throughout your working relationship. Typically, we have to keep reminding them. You will need to bring it up at least three or four times.

Other times to ask your current client about referrals
When you’re calling to tell them about how well their open house went, you can say, “By the way, I love working with clients like you. If you happen to know anyone else looking to buy or sell, would you feel comfortable referring them to me?” You’re calling them to report good news, and then you weave in your spiel about wanting their referrals.
What other times might you be calling to deliver good news to a current client? After an appraisal, after an inspection, after an offer comes in, after the offer is accepted … etc. Choose these points of positivity to remind your client that you want their referral. To get more listings, you can use a script like this: “I have loved working with you through this, and I’m so happy Jane referred you to me. I love working with clients like you! And hey, if you happen to know anyone else thinking of buying or selling, I’d sure appreciate if you would give them my number.”
My personal favorite script to use on current clients? “Who else do you know that needs to move right now?” Easy and direct. Your client will be able to feel your confidence.
A Listing & Closing Checklist will help remind you to ask
If you don’t already have one, you must create one. This is where you can detail each step of the process with your client. You can create points on that checklist that remind you to ask for referrals. Don’t miss these perfect opportunities to create more business for yourself! Below I will link to our Listing and Closing Checklists. You can download these lists and edit them to make them your own. No need to reinvent the wheel!
Talking to past clients
Beyond your current, “active” clients, you also have a high chance of referral from a client that you just closed a transaction with. This is a huge reason to stay in touch with your clients after closing! Check in on them 30 days after closing. See how things are going. Remind them to reach out to you if they need anything! This is excellent customer service and will help keep you first in mind for their referrals.
The conversation would go something like this: “Hey Joe, I hope you’re enjoying your new home! How is everything? I wanted to let you know I’m here to help. If you’re looking for a great handyman that can help you fix x, y, and z, I have the perfect guy.” Then, as you are wrapping up your conversation, add: “Oh, and by the way Joe, I prefer to do my business by word of mouth. I like working with you, and I’d love to work with more people like you. So if you ever bump into anyone who’s thinking of buying or selling, would you have any problem with referring my services to them?”
At ICC, we have developed a Past Client Follow Up Script to use 30, 90, 180 days after closing, and it’s very similar to the conversation above, but more detailed. If you are trying to get more listings from your past clients’ referrals, this script will help.
Use these scripts to get more listings
If you like these scripts and want to start using them, you can buy them at our online store (link below). They are easily editable and will provide a great jumping off point for you as you reach out to your current and past clients to ask for referrals!