Running a real estate team or brokerage requires a vision and clear goals conveyed by the leader. Learn how a successful real estate agent mindset plays a key role in leadership success.
When it comes to being a successful real estate agent, the mindset is absolutely key. One of our top real estate coaches here at Icenhower Coaching and Consulting, Travis Recer, gave his input on the topic.
VIDEO: Successful Real Estate Agent Mindset, Clarity, Vision and How They Work Together
How do I stay consistent with my lead generation during the busy season?
This is a question that comes up a lot with our clients here at Icenhower Coaching and Consulting. When the busy season hits and you are slammed with “now” work, you may not feel like you have time to keep up with lead generation. Lead generation is key in order to pipeline business for the not-so-busy season. There are several things to recognize when answering this question.
The successful real estate agent mindset
It’s all in the way you choose to think about it. You should have an abundance mindset. This is important. If you are in the middle of lead generation tasks, you will get interruptions. You may be afraid of having a deal fall apart if you don’t pick up the phone every time it rings. There are a lot of mundane things that can easily get in the way of your lead generation tasks.
What is your vision?
You need to be clear on your vision. Don’t worry about what you might lose and instead, you must focus on your big goal. What is your vision for your business? You need to think, act, speak, and do business now with your future goals in mind. This is key for achieving a successful real estate agent mindset. If you are crystal clear on your goals and your vision, you will be focused on adhering to your calendar. What’s the most important part of that calendar? Your lead generation tasks.
Who is holding you accountable?
Everyone performs better when there is some accountability in place. How are you going to keep yourself following your calendar and lead generating when you are so busy? Having a mentor or a coach in your corner to keep after you and check-in with you on a regular basis will make all the difference.
If you’re interested in learning more about how a coach could help you get on track with your mindset and vision, we can help! Have a coach to keep you accountable will ultimately help you achieve a successful real estate agent mindset. Sign up for a free coaching consultation call with no obligation. It is our goal to help you succeed and grow your real estate business.