Learn the buyer scripts and strategies to use when your client tells you that they are working with multiple real estate agents.
Today, Brad Baldwin (Director of Coaching at ICC) is talking about the buyer scripts you can use to demonstrate your value proposition. Why would somebody work with you rather than the agent down the street? Your value proposition will set you apart from your competition. And when buyers tell you they are working with multiple agents, you need to be ready to tell them why they should work with you, and you alone.
VIDEO: Buyer Scripts When Working with Multiple Agents
When your buyer is working with multiple agents
When your client says, “I’m working with multiple agents to find a house,” what do you say? What buyer scripts do you use? We asked this question to our Facebook group, the Real Estate Agent Round Table, to see how our clients and followers handle this situation. There were a variety of answers. A lot of people reacted defensively. And then we got a few comments that demonstrated the right mindset for this situation: add more value.
Where is this defensive attitude coming from? Fear. Fear drives defensive and angry behavior. In this case, these real estate agents are probably afraid that they are going to lose a client. Instead of getting mad or defensive, agents should consider what they can do to set themselves apart from the competition. Everyone should ask, how can I add more value so that I am the clear choice when it comes to Realtors?
Lack of value will always cost you money. You must bring value to your clients. What do I do differently than other agents? What extra value do I provide to my clients? Think about those questions and write down the answer. This is your value proposition.
Buyer scripts to add value
It’s all about setting up and conducting a buyer consultation with your client. This adds tremendous value. Here are the steps and buyer scripts that will help guide you.
- Schedule the buyer consultation. This can be virtual (by Zoom or other video conferencing software) or in person at your office. However, I recommend virtual because it is more convenient and more efficient. As for buyer scripts to use, it’s simple. “Do you have fifteen or twenty minutes to talk about your home buying goals? I’d like to share with you what I can do for you as a real estate agent to make your goals a reality.”
- Host the buyer consultation. This is where you have an opportunity to share your value. Remember, not may agents do this! Most Realtors just start showing clients homes without setting up any expectations or presenting exactly what their client can expect while working with them.
- Have the uncomfortable conversations. Buyer consultations have changed with the times. Now, it is important that you walk your buyer through the entire process that they will be going through to compete for a home in this low inventory market. Set proper expectations. When your buyers are more prepared, they will have more confidence in you. The reason most clients leave the agent they are currently working with to work with someone else is because they lost confidence in their agent.
For more helpful buyer scripts, be sure to watch the video in this blog with Brad Baldwin. He provides a lot of great tips and scripts for how to speak to your buyers, set proper expectations, and ultimately gain their confidence and loyalty.
Take the online course
From the buyer consultation, to showing houses, and all buyer scripts to use along the way, our online course will walk you through the entire process. Learn how to leverage your networks to get buyers on your side. We’ll teach you all the tips, tools and techniques you need to address buyers’ unique needs, get them in the door for a proper appointment, make the most of your consultations, and get them on board as your clients. Click the link below to enroll today.

Need more help?
To get better at these buyer scripts and strategies, there are a few things you can do.
- Watch the video in this blog.
- Enroll in our Buyer Lead Conversion Process course.
- Reach out to your mentor or coach and practice with role playing.
If you don’t already have a coach, it might be the perfect time to get an ICC coach in your corner! Reach out for a free consultation call today.