Use these real estate listing presentation scripts to increase REALTOR listing conversion rates and price homes effectively to sell.
Challenges are commonplace with listing presentations, and real estate listing presentation scripts are an effective way to feel confident in your ability to handle whatever comes your way. Today, we are going to provide key insights on the keys to getting your listing agreement signed by utilizing scripts.
Why Should You Use Real Estate Listing Presentation Scripts?
The key to any interaction with real estate clients is demonstrating professionalism. As a seller, prospective sellers want to feel confident that the REALTOR they choose to list and sell their home is a professional. The more prepared you are, the more professional you appear, and the more likely clients will enter a contract with you.
Secondly, a prepared real estate agent has more value to add to their clients than one who is not prepared. Value propositions are essential in real estate, and following a succinct script helps immensely.
Start at the Kitchen Table
Before you take a tour of the home with your prospective clients, ask them if you can place your bag on their kitchen table. Why the kitchen table and not somewhere like the living room or a formal dining table?
While sitting on a couch is comfortable, it’s not effective to have to reach over with your listing presentation or agreement. Furthermore, it’s even worse to stand over someone while they read a brochure or other prepared materials. Formal dining tables are not ideal for having a relaxing conversation either.
The kitchen table is one of the most ubiquitous areas for casual conversation, and will help put your prospects at ease.
Tour the Home with the Homeowners
Some real estate agents prefer to tour the home on their own. However, touring the home with the owners is a great time to ask questions and make connections that they can relate to. Some examples that you may encounter during the tour include:
[Agent] I see your son is a Boy Scout. My son is in [Troop ___”
[Agent] So, you vacationed in (country)? We were thinking of traveling there next summer. What did you like about it?
{Agent] This is a beautiful armoire. Where did you get it?
These types of questions accomplish a few important tasks. For one, you can start to get a feel and a read for where your clients fall on the DISC Behavioral Assessment spectrum. This makes it easier to match their style and help them feel more at peace.
Second, you set forth the building blocks of a relationship by asking them questions about things that interest them and their families. By connecting those dots, you are not just an expert real estate agent, but someone they can actually relate to.
Return to the Kitchen Table
Once your home tour is complete, everyone should naturally head over to the kitchen table, where you have conveniently placed your stuff. From there, the conversation can shift to the next important phase: discussing price.
However, before you dig deeper into why they are selling, ask them the following question.
“Do you have any further questions for me, or do you prefer we talk about the price of your home?”
By asking this question, you shift the focus on what you do as a listing agent to the actionable part of pricing and selling their home. Not only does this further establish you as an expert real estate agent, it also demonstrates your ability to focus on what’s important.
Future Pleasure and Future Pain
Understanding a clients’ motivation for selling is essential. Instead of placing focus on the Comparative Market Analysis, learn more about their future pleasure and future pain.
For example, if they tell you they are selling their home to be closer to their adult children, dig a little deeper. Why exactly do they want to live closer to their kids? This is another opportunity to learn more about their motivation and represent them with their best interests in mind.
Once future pleasure is established, we can shift into future pain. What happens if the home doesn’t sell? Using the example above, is future pain going to result in longer commutes to see their family? Will there be less time spent as a family to compensate for that longer commute?
Placing both pleasure and pain at the forefront of the mind is critical to the next phase of the listing presentation: price.
The Important Aspect of Real Estate Listing Presentation Scripts: Price
The reason why the needs analysis above is crucial to discussing price is it creates urgency. It’s no secret that most sellers tend to overvalue the cost of their home, even when shown a comparative market analysis. Since higher-priced homes require a buyer willing to pay above the comparative market value and an appraiser, knowing their motivation for selling is ideal for honing in on a price that will maximize their return in the fastest time possible.
There could be other listing presentation objections you may run into as well. Revert back to their motivation, and once you decide on a price, you can calmly and proudly present them with a listing agreement!
Need more help with listing presentation scripts?
Be sure to check out the full video within this blog for more insight. And, for personalized advice and one-on-one help, get an ICC coach in your corner. Our ICC coaches are leading our clients through this challenging low-inventory market, and our clients are having the biggest years of their real estate careers. Book a free consultation call today!