Learn these top real estate prospecting scripts to contact the people that make up your center of influence (COI) regularly for more business. In order to vary the content of each call to members of your client database and avoid turning off people in your COI, it is important to use a number of tested prospecting scripts over time. ย Use the following prospecting scripts and dialogues to systematically and continuously stay in conversation with the people you know to help develop more clients.
y Database Communication
The diversification of communication to a real estate agent’s sphere of influence (SOI) is essential to building long lasting relationships that continuously render future business. Consequently, agents must find different ways to add value and give to people in their databases so that their communications aren’t perceived as annoyances. ย In the following video , top producing luxury agent Bridget Ann Stuart reveals the real estate prospecting scripts that she uses to regularly stay in contact with members of her client database. Then below we have provided a collection of some diverse real estate prospecting scripts to help you regularly touch base with your COI in different ways.
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Real Estate Prospecting COI Scripts
“Hi _______, this is John Smith at ABC Realty, how have you been? (Wait for response) In case you don’t remember, I’m the agent that sold your home and forgive me for not calling for so long. I had a bad client database system and we are now upgrading that, and I just wanted to touch back and see how everything is going. So how is everything?”
“Great! Since we’re in the process of trying to update our databases and do better at staying in communication, is it okay if I keep you in our database, mail to you and touch base every now and then?”
“Awesome! Thank you for letting me apologize for not following up and staying in better touch with you, and if there is anything I can do to be of service in the future please let me know?”
2. ย UPDATING YOUR DATABASE (For agent administrative staff use too)
“Hi ________, this is John Smith with ABC Realty, how are you today?” I’m calling because we are reviewing our database and noticed that we are missing some information like email addresses, phone numbers and etc. ย So that we can stay in touch with you, we need to get our records updated, is that okay?”
“Great! So let’s see, it looks like we need your email address . . (Obtain address and ask for any other information needed). Perfect, thank you! ย So is there anything that we can do for you right now? (Respond if applicable) Remember that we are here for you to take care of all your real estate needs and thanks again for your help!”
“Hi __________ย (business owner), I’m John Smith with ABC Realty and I’m in the process of creating a list of preferred business & service providers to give to my clients.ย Since I frequently have clients ask me for a goodย _____________ย (dentist, landscaper or other business),ย I’m looking for a trusted company to refer them to. ย I’ve heard good things about your company, would you and your business be interested in being included?”ย ย (If yes, continue . . .)ย
“Great! ย I like to establish these professional referral partnerships to help grow each others’ businesses as well. ย So if I were to refer clients to you, would you be willing to refer your clients that are looking to buy or sell a home to me with the assurance that I will provide them with the high level of customer service that youย expect?ย (If yes, continue . . .)ย ย Excellent! ย How about we confirm each other’s contact information so that we can get started?”ย
“I want to work with more clients like you, and I find that people looking to move know others in the same position. How would you feel about referring my services to them?”
“It’s been really great working with you thus far, and I feel really grateful to Jane for introducing you to me. ย If it wasn’t for her, I would’ve never met you. So I just wanted to take the time to ask you if you know anyone else that is looking to buy or sell a home, and if you would feel comfortable introducing them to me?”
“Who else do you know that needs to move right now?”
“You are so great to work with, and I find that people typically hang around similar people. ย I would love to work with more people like you, so do you know anyone looking to move in the near future?”
“Because you are in the process of moving right now, you will overhear a lot of conversations from different people looking to move when you are out and about. ย When you do, would you mind giving them my phone number and ask them to call me?”
“Hi _______, this is John Smith at ABC Realty, how have you been? ย This is a quick call about business. ย I’m reaching out to remind you that I’m in real estate! ย You see, statistics show that our are going to run into 6 to 10 people over the next 12 months that are looking buy or sell a home. So can I ask you a favor?” (If yes . . .).ย
“When you bump into these people, would you be willing to call me with their contact information?” (Pause and wait patiently for a response. Let silence do the heavy lifting here).
“Thanks! ย Oh and since I’ve got you on the phone, do you happen to know anyone that is thinking about buying or selling a home right now?ย (After their response . . .)ย Thanks for all your help. ย I’ll be in touch!”ย (NOTE: A follow up “Thank You” card can have a very positive impact).
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