Real estate agents can use this listing objection handling script and dialogue when sellers want to find a home to buy before listing their current up for sale.
It is important for Realtors to have a script for handling common objections during a listing consultation. We’ve already talked about the general process and script for a listing consultation. And, we also touched on one of the most common listing consultation objection handling scripts: price objection.
Now, we are going to talk about handling the objection where a client is afraid of listing their home before they find a new home. Watch the video below to see as I run through this script in a practice scenario.
VIDEO: The Listing Consultation: Buying a Home Before Selling Objection Handling Script for Realtors
Listing objection handling: We want to find a new home first
“We don’t want to be homeless.”
Your client is fearful of selling their home and having no new home to move into. It’s important that you are sensitive when handling this listing objection because it is tied up in your client’s emotions. Be understanding of their concerns and reassure them that you won’t let their fears become reality.
SCRIPT: Okay, I understand your concern. Here’s the scenario. If we find your dream home, and we put an offer on it, contingent upon selling your current home, that is going to be a big negative for the seller of your dream home. The seller will now look at your offer as if it has a blemish or a problem with it. If there are competing offers for your dream home, they are going to look better than yours. Now the dream home seller needs to sell your house, too. How you price and sell your home is out of their control. You could take a long time to sell your current home, and that ties up the seller of your dream home within your timeline.
“I’ve never puchased and sold a home at the same time before.”
SCRIPT: Right! It can be overwhelming. But let me tell you that homes are almost never purchased with a contingency anymore. Almost 98% of people buy a new home while selling their old home at the same time.
“I am scared of being without a home.”
Handling listing objections like this one can be simple. Many people don’t understand how they can be protected during the sale of their home.
SCRIPT: You will never be homeless, I can tell you that right now. We’ll get your house on the market and we’ll start our search for your new, dream home today. I’ll get you all set up on listing alerts so you get emailed every time a house goes on the market. And, we can put in our negotiations with any interested buyers a contingency plan that states you must find your new house before you are forced to move out of your current house. That provides protection for you and ensures that you will be able to find your replacement house before selling your current house.
By educating your client on how contingencies work, you can help them see that listing their home right away is wise. You can show them that waiting to list their home until they’ve found their new home is a detriment to their chances of getting their dream home. Using these helpful scripts will help you in handling listing objections.