
Brian Icenhower, featured in Inman News, delivers a harsh reality: brokerages, as they exist today, are broken. The good news? We can fix them.

Brian Icenhower, CEO and founder of Icenhower Coaching and Consulting, is known for his tell-it-like-it-is approach. He has been in the real estate industry for decades, as an agent, an owner of multiple brokerages, a real estate coach, speaker, author, and owner of one of the largest real estate coaching companies in the world. So, why is Inman News taking notice? Throughout the Inman News article, Icenhower shares harsh truths as well as very doable solutions.

VIDEO: Brian Icenhower Shares Insight in Webinar

Fact: It’s hard out there

For decades, National Association of REALTORS® survey data has shown that 33% of new agents quit after one year, and 87% don’t make it a full five years in the business. Few industries can boast of a more terrifying survival rate. Furthermore, only 15% of agents close an overwhelming 85% of the transactions sold in most areas.

Why? Brian Icenhower’s answer is simple: “Agents aren’t being trained or coached on how to generate income in real estate, and they’re all quitting because they aren’t making enough money to survive.”

According to Icenhower, the modern brokerage must find a way to attract and retain high-quality agents to survive as well. With the advent of discount brokerages and the constant competition and “the grass is greener” mentality of agents, brokers must answer the question: why should an agent choose this brokerage?

Brian Icenhower

How can brokerages survive? “Provide value,” says Brian Icenhower

In a time when brokers and team managers alike struggle to create an attractive value proposition to provide their agents, ICC is answering the call to help provide the value that both broker/owners and agents need.

Enter ICC’s extensive and all-encompassing Online Learning Center and resource library. The Online Learning Center is revolutionizing the way brokerages and real estate teams alike provide both value and high-quality training to their recruits.

With the largest online library in the history of real estate, Icenhower’s model provides training courses to agents, as well as the downloadable resources, tools, and marketing materials to back them up. All this along with a system to hold agents accountable to actually completing the online training courses. ICC clients also get a team of ICC experts and coaches to help with the integration of these training and marketing systems into their respective organizations to ensure that they are implemented.

Brian Icenhower

Training and coaching for brokers, team leaders, and solo agents

Beyond the sheer magnitude of value that the Online Learning Center and resource library offers, ICC is a coaching company at its core. As such, ICC boasts over 30 coaches, all handpicked and trained by Brian Icenhower himself. When it comes to coaching companies, ICC is a high-tier specialty shop, not a one-size-fits-all, discount model.

While ICC’s competitors may serve more clients, ICC serves over 500 of the top-performing real estate agents and teams across North America. All ICC coaching clients receive access to the Online Learning Center for each of its agents. “We are providing that value,” says Icenhower. “We are helping brokerages and teams train and keep their high-performing agents.”

Brian Icenhower and The High-Performing Real Estate Team

Beyond Brian Icenhower’s position in leading ICC and the industry as a whole, Brian is also a best-selling author. With over 10 books under his belt, Brian Icenhower penned The High-Performing Real Estate Team at the beginning of 2021. Immediately an Amazon bestseller, sales continue to skyrocket.

As the instruction manual for real estate agents, teams, and brokerages alike, The High-Performing Real Estate Team provides a step-by-step guide and five keys to dramatically increasing sales and commissions.

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