Use these listing objection handlers for real estate agents in listing consultations when sellers lack urgency and want to wait until later on to sell.
Now it’s time to talk about the third most common listing objection handlers that you’ll need, and that is urgency. We’ve already talked about several common listing consultation objections… price, and waiting to list until the client has found a replacement home. We also touched on the general process and script for a listing consultation.
In the video below, I run through a practice listing consultation where there is an urgency-related objection. Watch how I use listing objection handlers to speak to the seller.
VIDEO: The Listing Consultation: Creating Urgency and Objection Handling Script for Real Estate Agents
Listing objection handlers: “I want to wait”
Your goal during a listing consultation is to get a signed listing agreement. Your client may decide they are not quite ready to list their home today. They may express to you that they wish to wait a while. It’s important for your client to know that just because they sign the agreement today, that does not meant they have to list their house on the market right away! The listing agreement establishes that you will be working together. It eliminates the uncertainty of another agent getting the listing. It also allows you to start working for them immediately.
Explain the process and the timeline
Often, your client may not understand how long the process takes to list a house. They might not realize that a lot goes into getting it on the market in the first place. Explain to them everything that needs to happen. Tell them how long everything will take. This will help them understand why getting started sooner is better. When it comes to listing objection handlers, this one applies to almost any listing consultation. It is helpful to explain your process and timeline to any client.

Touch back on seller motivation
Usually, in your client’s reason for wanting to move, there is a timeline. Weave this reason into your listing objection handlers script. For example, perhaps your client wanted to move so her son could attend a new school in the fall. Use that. Now, we are back to using the concept of playing it safe vs. rolling the dice. Explain to your client that you would rather be safe than sorry. In order to ensure that her son is able to enroll in this desirable new school, you need to be timely. Waiting until the last minute leaves a lot to chance.
Now is where you explain the ways you can get the ball rolling sooner. “I can start working for you right away to get things in motion.” This is where you loop in the listing agreement. Get this signed, and remind the seller that you are in “no rush” but this allows you to start laying the groundwork for a successful sale when the time is right.
Remind your client that it is up to them when it comes to going active with the listing. However, the contract needs to be signed. This allows you to leave the listing consultation under contract. Using these simple listing objection handlers will help you get your listing agreement signed!
For help with listing objection handlers
If you need help getting more listing agreements signed, give us a call. Icenhower Coaching and Consulting coaches help our clients with scripts and systems that help them get more listings on contract. Knowing how to user listing objection handlers is part of that equation. Having a coach in your corner could be the push you need to reach and exceed your goals this year!