These scripts will help you turn a single listing in a neighborhood into a neighborhood of listings. The booklet of real estate lead scripts shows you how to use every stage in the real estate process, from just listed to just sold to your prospecting advantage.
This FSBO Prospecting Scripts Booklet contains the numerous scripts offering different approaches to converting homeowners. These scripts are used by many of the nations Top Producing agents and are an excerpt from our larger Online Leads Script Booklet.
If you’re just starting out, or looking for a new approach to FSBO homeowners, this booklet is for you. Whether you’re a solo agent or run a team of Inside Sales Agents (ISA) these scripts will work!
These scripts will help you turn a single listing in a neighborhood into a neighborhood of listings. The booklet of real estate lead scripts shows you how to use every stage in the real estate process, from just listed to just sold to your prospecting advantage.
Get referrals from your Sphere of Influence (SOI) using these real estate lead scripts. The Sphere of Influence (SOI) Referral Prospecting Scripts Booklet offers scripts for every occasion you would have to contact your SOI.