Use this real estate annual review sample to provide customer service to past clients on an ongoing basis by giving their real estate assets an annual check-up.
Today we are going to show you a real estate annual review sample. We’ll also give you some helpful scripts to use while conducing an Annual Property Analysis. AND, you can download our Annual Property Analysis Template for FREE.
Why is this topic so important? Because this is the most important content that you can use as a “touch” to people in your sphere of influence (SOI). An Annual Property Analysis is super effective and very valuable, so let’s dive in and talk about what an APA is, how to conduct it, and why it is so crucial.
VIDEO: Real Estate Annual Review Sample & Scripts
What is an Annual Property Analysis?
You’ll hear it called an APA, an Annual Review, etc. Real estate agents have been doing APAs for decades. It has never been easier to do an Annual Property Analysis than today. Technology makes it quick and easy! And, there has never been a better real estate market in which to conduct an Annual Property Analysis. With low inventory, an Annual Property Analysis is very compelling.
If you work with an ICC coach, you are already doing an Annual Property Analysis on the key members of your SOI database. We’ll talk about who these “key members” are in a moment. All of our coaches are pushing APAs because it is so valuable and so highly effective right now.
Make it part of your Annual Database Contact Plan
Your Annual Database Contact Plan is comprised of 100 “touches” or points of contact per SOI member per year. We diversify the contact methods and focus on providing value through these contacts.
Types of contact:
- social media posts and stories
- text messages
- phone calls
- emails
- listing e-alerts
- mailers
- client event invites and reminders
- social media direct messages
- etc.
Of the 100 contacts you will make, the touches you make around your APA are the most valuable. Your Annual Property Analysis is the one more relevant, real estate-related piece of valuable content that you will provide to your SOI.
Two types of content:
- real estate-related content: Annual Property Analysis
- non real estate-related content: calendar magnet, notepad, photo with Santa, local food bank drive, etc.
Not all touches have the same weight. Yes, there is value to giving out free swag, or sending your SOI members a heartwarming Christmas card. An APA has the most weight. Not only does it give them knowledge, it is real estate-relevant knowledge and shows you are an expert.
FREE DOWNLOAD: Real estate annual review sample
Subscribe to our mailing list and get a free download of the APA template featured in today’s video. You can use this real estate annual review sample to craft your Annual Property Analysis template. It’s a great jumping off point!

Why conduct an Annual Property Analysis?
It’s like an annual checkup for your SOI members’ real estate assets. Much like you go to your doctor once a year for your annual physical, it’s not like there is an issue to be addressed. When you go to your physical, you likely feel healthy. It’s all about preventative work, so the doctor can catch an issue before it gets dangerous to your well-being.
In the same way, giving your SOI members an Annual Property Analysis is good for their financial health. If you are only talking to your SOI members when it’s time for them to buy or sell, they are going to miss out on opportunities to build their wealth and make good buying/selling decisions. Likely, their home is their largest asset. This is a huge, free service you are providing.
Real estate annual review sample
Watch the video in this blog for a great real estate annual review sample. You can download the template here for FREE. This will provide you with inspiration in creating your own version of this template. The key is to create a template you can use again and again to make the process as easy and quick as possible.
Remember, it isn’t just about the APA itself. It’s also about all the contacts you can make surrounding the APA. You’ll reach out to all of your key SOI members and offer your services. This can be a part of your Annual Contact Plan. And it feels good because you are offering something of value. (It’s definitely easier than just reaching out and asking if your SOI members are looking to buy or sell this year.)
Real estate annual review sample script
Your home value has likely risen significantly in the past few years. I am seeing clients sell their home, buy a new one, put more money down, and reduce their monthly mortgage payment. They get more home for less money. Do you have 15 minutes for me to show you how much your home is worth?
All you are doing is informing people on the current market. You are helping them learn about the value of their home. Now, they know how much their largest asset is worth and they can make better financial decisions as a result.
You are spreading good news. In this market, most everyone has made a ton of money in equity in the past few years alone. It’s powerful stuff. It’s fun to be the one to deliver good news. Use our real estate annual review sample to get your APA template set up.

Contacts surrounding the APA
- outreach to set an appointment
- reminders about the appointment
- the appointment itself
- outreach as a “thank you” to follow up the appointment
- follow ups with powerful takeaways from the appointment
How to choose your key SOI members
It is hard, possibly impossible, to do an Annual Property Analysis for every member of your SOI. It does depend on how large your SOI database is, and it also depends on whether you intend to do the APA in person or virtually. If your SOI database is 300 or larger, it’s gonna be tight if you want to do an APA for everyone. And, in-person APAs are more time consuming because travel is involved. Virtual can be done more quickly.
So, you must be selective. You can create a list of your “key” SOI members. This list could include:
- past clients that purchased a new home in the past few years
- past clients in general
- strongest advocates (helps if they are home owners, but they don’t necessarily need to be your past clients)
- close friends and neighbors
- family members
- people who have referred you business in the past
Work from macro to micro
In your APA, you want to go from big picture to small picture. The point is to tell them what their home is worth and why. You are assessing their real estate assets. See how this works in our real estate annual review sample. You start by talking about the national market and work all the way down to their home’s value.
If you want more advice on how to build your Annual Property Analysis, be sure to watch the full video in this blog. And be sure to download our APA template for FREE.
Hot Tip: Use RPR
This is a free tool that you can use during your Annual Property Analysis. You can get an RPR report. RPR stands for “Realtor Property Resource” and you can use it to generate impressive reports for you to share with your SOI members. You have access to data, tools, and reporting through RPR.
Go to It’s free to you with your membership to National Association of Realtors (NAR). It’s a super valuable tool and you can download the app to your phone.
More help: Take our SOI online course
We have an entire module dedicated to the Annual Property Analysis in our Sphere of Influence online course. More resources, scripts, and downloads to help you master the APA. Check it out!

Want to learn more?
- Read The High-Performing Real Estate Team. You can buy one of the best real estate team books on Amazon.
- Subscribe to The Real Estate Trainer Podcast. You can find it on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Podbean, and anywhere you listen to your favorite podcasts.
- Join the Real Estate Agent Round Table. We are always posting fresh content, including market updates, free templates, and host dynamic discussions with the industry’s top producers.
- Subscribe to our newsletter. In the sidebar of this blog, you’ll see a form to fill out to subscribe. You’ll be the first to find out about our new resources, free downloads, premium online courses, as well as promotions.
- Reach out and talk to an ICC coach. Not sure which of our coaching programs is right for you? Let us help you.