Real estate press release ideas for real estate agents and brokerages to promote events and activities to their local communities.
I had the opportunity to Zoom with Icenhower Coaching and Consulting client, Jake Rockwell. Jake’s team in Southern Oregon sells, on average, 300 homes a year. I wanted to talk to Jake about how his real estate team has been working with local press by sending press releases.
Much like the rest of us, Jake has been looking out for opportunities to come from contribution. As Easter approached, he was scrolling through our Facebook group, the Real Estate Agent Round Table, and he saw an idea he loved. He brought the idea to create a coloring contest to his marketing team and they got the ball rolling immediately. As a part of that process, his real estate team utilized a press release template they had created for sending their story to local news outlets.
Real Estate Press Release Ideas & Templates
News organizations want your positive stories right now
With so many negative stories circulating, news organizations are hungry for some feel-good stories to cover. If you, as a real estate agent, are doing something positive in the community, share it via a press release! It’s the best way to get your story out there. News organizations want your submissions and many prefer it in a press release format.
How to create a press release template for your real estate business
Now is a great time to make a template for yourself so that going forward, you can easily send press releases about your real estate business. Here is a quick guide.
The 5 Must-Have Elements of a Press Release:
1. Date, location, embargo information โ State the date you would like the release to be issued. If you would like your release to be immediately made public, put โFor Immediate Release”.
2. Contact information โ Include the name, phone number, and email address of the person your audience should direct their questions to.
3. Headline โ Make it short, attention-grabbing, and be newsworthy.
4. Letterhead โ Use the letterhead of your company or client you are representing. This lends credibility and makes your request more formal.
5. Ending โ Use โ###โ at the bottom of your real estate press release to indicate the press release is over.
Use the Inverted Pyramid Technique
When writing a press release, use the inverted pyramid formula to concisely make your announcement. Start by putting the most important information at the beginning, followed by the somewhat important details, and concluding with the least important information. Keep it simple and straightforward.
Here are a few helpful free downloads that you can use to help craft your own real estate press release template:
“A Real Estate Agent’s Guide to a Press Release” – download here
Rockwell Group Easter Coloring Contest Press Release – download here

If your story gets picked up by the news organization, it’s a win-win. Not only are you providing a positive story to help your community, but you are also getting your name out there. What a great impression to make on your local community! Always come from contribution.
What’s the next press release that the Rockwell Group real estate team will be sending?
Jake’s team already has their next project cooking. They are going to create a series of motivational yard signs and post around their community. This is another great idea, which Jake discovered posted to our Facebook group, Real Estate Agent Round Table. As they work with a local sign company who is sponsoring the project and giving them a deal on the signs, Jake’s real estate team is working on the press release.

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