Use these real estate recruiting scripts that top brokers, team leaders and managers use to conduct effective recruiting appointments.
In today’s virtual mastermind, we are talking about real estate recruiting scripts. Specifically, we will talk about how to use a Needs Analysis at a recruiting appointment. This is the conversation that the top team leaders and brokers are really good at. The most successful team leaders and brokers know how to ask the right questions to motivate the person in front of them.
VIDEO: Real Estate Recruiting Scripts – Conducting the Appointment
Needs Analysis: the conversation that works for many situations
Not only does this Needs Analysis work for real estate recruiting scripts, it also works in many other situations. ICC coaches use it with their clients. Agents use it at their listing presentations. The root of a Needs Analysis is to get someone to dig down deep into their core wants and needs to drive them forward.
Today we will show you a great process and script for recruiting real estate agents. Remember that it can be used for the other situations we mentioned above! It works for coaching relationships, as well as for real estate agents to use during their listing presentations with their clients.
The Recruiting Appointment Process
Here’s a quick overview of what we are about to dive into: the real estate recruiting script. It’s a seven-step process, outlined below.
Needs Analysis
1. Past
2 Present
3. Future Pleasure
4. Future Pain
Coaching Relationship
5. Prescription
6. Action
7. Handle Objections
STEP 1: Past
This is where we “stay lazy.” We are simply asking a series of questions about their life story and let them do the talking. We just act like a tour guide through the chronological history of their professional career by keeping them moving forward with their answers. When they talk about each job or time at a particular real estate brokerage, be sure to ask them each of the following three questions:
- What did you like best about working there?
- Is there anything you didn’t like about working there?
- Why did you leave?
Listen to their answers to these questions like a doctor checking vital signs. You are listening to the symptoms being described by a patient. You’ll find out what they like, dislike and where the problems are in their business.
STEP 2: Present
In your real estate recruiting script, if you ask an agent how their business is, they will almost always instinctively answer with “Great!” or “Busy!” However, we know there are always problems with their businesses, and they almost always want more of it. So its crucial to get them to admit that they do have problems for you to provide solutions for, and we do this by having them: “Rank your current business on a scale of 1 to 10.” Be sure to explain this to them. “A ‘10’ is unique to them, it’s their business running at its top potential. It could mean that you have more business, hire priced sales, more listings, a better work environment, and etc.”
When they give you a number, let’s say a “6”, ask them: “What is missing that would make it a ‘10’?” Then ask their permission to take notes because they will then start giving you all of their current problems or “needs”. Their symptoms will spill out one after another, so keep asking “Anything else?” to make sure you get them all. You will be using these in later steps to make a proper diagnosis and prescription for them to move to your company!

STEP 3: Future Pleasure
The next step in conducting a needs analysis requires recruiters to learn what benefits agents will get out of making changes to their real estate practice. Typically, agents want more business and income. They also might want better technology tools, an office closer to their home, a more favorable commission/fee structure, or more time with family. Recruiters must come from curiosity by asking a series of questions to completely unlock the “why” behind the needed changes.
Understand that walking them down the path to future pleasure within your real estate recruiting script is not about what the agent has to offer in a value proposition. Instead, a true needs analysis begins with a thorough line of questioning to uncover all of the recruit’s motivators. In order to fully unlock agent motivation, it is imperative to tap into the emotions they will experience after they have made the required changes to their business.
How will having an organized sphere of influence (SOI) database set up on marketing campaigns change their income? How will that change their quality of life? People can’t say no to their own goals. It is essential to ask the extra questions to bring the emotion behind their goals to the forefront prior to making important decisions regarding the sale or purchase of a home.
Don’t ever be reluctant to tap into their emotions either. Ask them how the resulting increased income after making the necessary changes would actually make them feel? Get them to experience the emotions by asking them to “describe those feelings for me”. Or, asking them to “paint a picture of what that would be like” for them. The more they visualize the desired results, the more likely they are to take uncomfortable actions now.
STEP 4: Future Pain
What happens if an agent is unable to make the necessary changes to their business because they are unwilling to take uncomfortable steps necessary to make their business rank as a 10? Many recruiters will learn why an agent wants to improve their business. But few will walk recruits down the painful road to help them self-discover the pain and dissatisfaction that will result from a failure to take specific actions. A successful recruiter must cause them to feel pain. They will not achieve their goals by staying where they are. It is essential that through your real estate recruiting script, you help them self-discover this fact.
Understand that people move away from pain much more quickly than they move towards their motivators. Bringing up the displeasure that will result from their inaction to the surface is often what gets them moving forward. The pain is want puts them into movement.

Real estate recruiting script: initiate the coaching relationship
Always obtain permission to coach by explaining that you typically coach agents in your company to help them with their business goals. In your real estate recruiting script, ask them this question. “Would it be ok if I made some suggestions that might help you with some of those issues preventing your business from being a ‘10’?”
STEP 5: Prescription
Help them with their path by providing the pain relief. Within your real estate recruiting script, be sure to weave in the fact that meeting their goals will be much more likely to happen by making the move to your company. Prescribe your company’s deliverables as the remedy for their pain. To do this, you will need to have a good inventory of the deliverables that are in your pharmacy.
STEP 6: Action
Weigh the action versus inaction. Ask them to make the decision here. What is more important to them? The benefits they will encounter from changing companies? Or, the discontent they will experience from inaction? It is also again crucial to tie in the needed changes to their business with moving companies. Remember, if they author it they will own it, so it is imperative that they self-discover their decision through questions.
A way to ask this question might look like this. “Remember that you are in charge of your own real estate practice, so all I can do is provide you with information and let you make the important decisions. So what is more important to you, continuing to try to do this on your own or taking the uncomfortable steps necessary to ultimately get the systems, tools and accountability you need to make your business a 10?”
This helps them frame the issue and makes their decision very clear. They are able to self-discover their own denial and quickly make the choice that is in alignment with their goals. Remember that if they author it they will own it, so don’t tell them to make the move. Never tell and sell. You need to try to get them to say that “I need to make the move” . . . to your company.

STEP 7: Handle Objections
Experienced recruiters know that objections are typically just excuses. Agents tend to avoid the uncomfortable actions that stand in the way of reaching their goals. So, the key is to isolate the objections. Weigh them one-by-one against the pleasure they will receive from moving to your company. So if agents express that they “are very loyal to their broker”, simply ask them: “What is more important to you, increasing your income to send your children to college or keeping your broker happy with you?”
Repeat this with each objection to show how each basis for inaction is not in alignment with their reasons for moving at all. Sooner or later, there will be nothing left to do but agree to make the move. This is the end goal of your real estate recruiting script.