Real Estate Scripts for Divorce – Use these strategies for marketing to divorced couples to generate and convert more sales from divorcing clients.
Do you have real estate scripts to use with clients going through a divorce? Today we are going to talk about strategies for marketing to divorcing couples. And, we’ll also talk about how to convert those leads into sales. We’ll also give you a FREE download of our Divorce Selling Guide.
VIDEO: Real Estate Scripts for Divorce – Converting & Marketing to Divorced Couples
The divorce rate is going up
Some sources say that as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, more couples are getting divorced than ever before. Regardless of the reason behind the divorce rate spike, you need to be equipped with real estate scripts for divorce, and strategies for working with these clients.
Typically with big (oftentimes negative) life changes, the sale of a house is involved. How do you market your services to clients going through a divorce? And, how do you handle divorced couples, in general? Emotions are high, and oftentimes the two parties can’t even sit in the same room together. There are a lot of considerations when you think about the real estate scripts for divorce.
Our Divorce Selling Guide covers several great real estate scripts for divorce that will help you navigate your first conversations. You can download that resource for FREE (scroll down.) But for now, let’s talk a bit about some general strategies to use.
Strategies and real estate scripts for divorce
- Separate the couple and talk to each party individually. This is called caucusing. It’s a mediation/arbitration technique. This helps you keep things civil and ensure that each person gets your attention and can say what they need to say without it escalating into an argument with their ex.
- Stay neutral. You don’t want to come off as you are favoring one “side” over the other. Be as diplomatic and straightforward as possible.
- Communicate clearly from the get-go. Often in divorces, selling the house is almost used as a weapon. It can be very intense, so you must lay the groundwork to keep things simple. You can help to cut out the drama before it happens. The main goal is to get both parties to see you as neutral and serving in both of their best interests. Otherwise, they will find a neutral third party recommended by someone else, and you’ll lose your clients.
- Remind them of the end game. Your goal is to get their home sold as quickly and smoothly as possible to make their experience fast and simple. They don’t want more stress right now.
- Assure them that you will work directly with their attorneys. Reach out to their attorneys right away. Once you delve into their business and assert yourself like this, it would just become more work for them to find someone new to represent them.
Quick Tip: Get more attorneys as trusted vendors
Develop a trusted vendor relationship with several local attorneys. You scratch their back, and they will scratch yours. You send them business from your client base, and they will send you divorcing clients that need a solid, experienced, neutral party to help them sell their home. This is a great way to generate business, and you can use these real estate scripts for divorce to convert these leads.
Marketing for divorce & more real estate scripts
In order to create the perception that you are a trusted expert and can help divorcing clients sell their home fast, you can run ads on Facebook. These ads can simply provide “tips for selling your home fast during divorce.” This positions you as the divorce expert. It shows that you know how to make it quick and painless. These Facebook ads are actually targeting listings, which is pretty rare. Usually Facebook ads target buyers.
How do you actually target divorcees on Facebook? Well, you can learn more about retargeting Facebook ads here. Specifically, when you are choosing the demographic for your ad, you choose “homeowners” who are “divorced” or “separated.” You’ll exclude people who are “renters” and people who are “married.” It’s that easy.
Bonus: now, create a landing page. This is the page that you can direct everyone to that clicks on your Facebook ad. It can be really simple — and it becomes a lead form for potential clients to fill out with their information. That way, you aren’t just giving away your content for free. You let them download your “tips for selling your home fast during divorce” (or our Divorce Selling Guide below) in exchange for their contact info so you can reach out.
For more great examples, scripts, and strategies, be sure to watch the video in this blog. I go into greater detail about specific situations that come up and how to work with your clients through this stressful time.
FREE Download: Divorce Selling Guide
This Divorce Selling Guide can potentially be your free giveaway on your landing page that we mentioned above! To download a FREE download of our Divorce Selling Guide, simply subscribe to our email list. Not only is this great content for you to give away, but it also contains helpful real estate scripts for divorce.
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