Use these Realtor open house ideas to generate more listing and buyer side business from your active listings.
Realtors’ big challenge in 2020 is coming up with creative ideas for holding open houses safely and following local regulations. Depending on where you live, you may still be holding traditional open houses — and that’s great! But there are areas where open houses, in the traditional sense, are still now allowed. If open houses have always been a big part of your marketing and lead generation strategy, listen up. The idea of holding open houses by appointment only could be a great solution for you.
VIDEO: Realtor Open House Ideas – Open Houses By Appointment Only
Why hold an open house by appointment only?
- If it’s the law. If you live in a place where you can’t hold a traditional open house, you are stuck with figuring out new ways to show off your listings. Through appointment-only open houses, you aren’t doing anything that is against your local guidelines, and you are keeping your sellers and potential buyers safe.
- Show your hustle. By coming up with the idea to hold an open house by appointment only, you are demonstrating that as a Realtor, you are innovative. You know how to hustle! You are a hard worker, and you’ll find a way. This is a great quality in a Realtor, and it will certainly set you apart from the masses right now.
- Marketing. You can market your by-appointment-only open house the same way that you would a traditional open house. Put your signage out, and market using the same methods you’ve used in the past. You get eyes on your listing and generate more future business for yourself. This is even more important, right now, as we head into a low inventory winter. Getting your face and name “out there” is essential as inventory continues to drop.
How does it work?
Hosting an open house by appointment is not difficult, though it is more time-consuming. You’ll have to commit a full day or weekend to open up a bunch of time slots for buyers to book 15- to 30-minute timeslots. Of course, logistically, this can be more complicated. But, it sure beats the alternative — not having an open house at all!
When you think about it, hosting a open house by appointment only could actually be better than the traditional open house. You are creating a sense of exclusivity, and you are more in tune with the interested parties. You are “vetting” them as a more serious buyer, too, because they have to go through the process of booking an appointment with you. It will also create a more manageable atmosphere, as you will be able to provide a better open house experience to each potential buyer. It’s certainly food for thought!