Learn how to create valuable content with these social media marketing tips for real estate agents.
When it comes to social media marketing, content is king. Today we are going to talk about how real estate agents can generate good content for their social media channels. It’s easier than you might think!
VIDEO: Social Media Marketing: Where Does Content Come From?
Success leaves clues, so follow them
It’s important that while you work on building up your own social media marketing, you find some role models. Follow real estate agents, teams, or brokerages who are successful with social media marketing. Take notes on the types of posts they are making and what kind of response it generates from their followers.
Remember the 3 Cs that we talked about before: cadence, consistency, and conforming. While you analyze successful social media marketing, analyze the 3 Cs. How often are they posting? How often are they posting photos of listings, and how often are they sprinkling in photos of their agents around town? What color scheme have they chosen, and what fonts are they consistently using? Usually, the answers to these questions will be apparent because success will leave these clues for you. Pick them up and use them for your own social media marketing.
Writing content is challenging
It’s true — especially for busy real estate agents and teams. You’re in and out of showings, listing appointments, open houses, and also trying to fit in your daily lead generation tasks. On top of that, you’re supposed to come up with interesting and attractive content to post! Good content is crucial for social media marketing. Fluff might get followers to like your posts, but you don’t just want likes — you want business.
Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. We’ve all heard that saying, and it applies here. While you are following successful agents, teams, and brokerages on social media, check out their content. We’re not saying to copy it word for word, but you can take their ideas and make them your own. It cuts down a ton of time when it comes to brainstorming for fresh content. Don’t spend hours reinventing the wheel when you can harvest great ideas from those who are successfully marketing their real estate business.

Hot tip: Canva for social media marketing
“But, I’m not a graphic designer!” That used to be a good excuse for bad social media marketing. There was a great divide — those who hired a freelancer or had a graphic designer on staff, and those who did not. Not so anymore! Enter, Canva.
Canva is a user friendly, free online platform that allows even the least tech-savvy of us to create high quality designs for print or social media. Sure, there will be a time and place for hiring a freelancer. Big important projects or complicated brochures would warrant a little more expertise. That said, anyone can use Canva to create beautiful images for their social media marketing.
ICC Marketing Suite
For those of you who are Icenhower Coaching and Consulting clients, you have access to our full marketing library. This includes template for everything from business cards to “Just Listed” postcards to listing presentations and brochures. Our team of graphic designers create clean designs that are easy to edit — you can just slap your logo on it and edit the text, and bam! You’ve got a nice marketing piece to use for your real estate business. It’s just part of the added value we like to provide to our coaching clients.
More examples of great social media marketing
Here’s another video where I show you some more great examples of Realtors who are doing it right. Follow these people! Learn from what they are doing right and apply it to your own business.