Learn how to develop a system for social media marketing with your Instagram and Facebook business pages.
Do you have a system for your social media marketing? The three Cs will help you unlock a system by which you can create a social media marketing plan to attract new clients. Specifically, we will be talking about marketing on your Instagram and Facebook business pages.
VIDEO: The 3 Cs of Social Media Marketing
Personal pages vs. business page
Of course, we have talked at length about how to interact via your personal social media pages. The focus is on interaction and engagement with your followers and friends. We need to listen to the people that we are connected to on these social media platforms and engage with them and their posts. That’s the emphasis with personal pages. Yes, we do want to post and share bits of our own personal life. That said, most of the business generation, rapport building, and relationship growing comes from other people’s social media posts.
We are switching gears here to talk about our business pages on Facebook and Instagram. These are the pages we will focus on with our social media marketing system. Our business pages are our modern day website. Ten years ago, having a website was essential. If you wanted to check out a Realtor online, you would Google them to get to their website. These days, most people go to Facebook or Instagram to get the 4-1-1 on a person instead of just Googling them.
Top producing real estate agents and teams use social media marketing through Instagram and Facebook. Here at Icenhower Coaching and Consulting, we coach these high-producing agents and teams and teach them a system to use. This system helps them stay first in mind with their sphere of influence.

Use the 3 Cs of Social Media Marketing to create your system
Now, let’s dive into the three Cs of social media marketing. These three items will help you develop a successful presence on your Instagram and Facebook business pages.
1. Cadence
We have a system for the posts that work and how often to post them. When it comes to a social media marketing system, developing a cadence is absolutely essential. “Just Listed Mondays” or “Open House Fridays” are good examples. This provides a rhythm to your posts. This is a good opportunity to market your success! Show your current work to future clients.
You must mix it up, too. It is important to not post photos of houses all the time. Your followers will get bored and possibly unfollow you. You must mix property photos and people photos. Photos of your team, a client testimonial, clients in front of their new home, inspirational quotes … these are good ways to mix it up.
2. Consistency
On our personal pages, we may have periods of time where we are posting to social media every single day. And then, we might take a break and not post again for a few days or a week, or longer. This is all good and fine on your personal page, but not so much with your business page.
You must be consistent with your posts to your Instagram and Facebook business pages. Posting three times a week to every single day are both good options. Make a plan and stick with it. It’s important to create a system to constantly drip on your followers via social media marketing. A slow, consistent drip will earn mindshare over time — don’t flood them with posts!
3. Conforming
Use a professional-looking theme. This is Social Media Marketing 101! When a client hires you as their Realtor, they are hiring you to market their home. They want you to give them the most exposure, the most offers, and ultimately, the most money for their home. Your social media pages must look the part.
You must have an Instagram and Facebook business page that reflects the quality of marketing that you provide to your clients. If your pages look cluttered and all over the place when it comes to design, they will likely assume your marketing is low quality, too. Use a group of specific fonts on your posts. Your logo must look high-quality and you must use your logo to brand your posts. And, be sure to use a group of colors that look nice together.
Think everything out and don’t just throw your posts together on the fly. Pick a style and stick with it.

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