
Introducing the best negotiation skills training course for Realtors, which will provide you with strategies, scripts, and resources to improve your negotiations with other agents and clients alike.

If you’re looking for a negotiation skills training course, you’re in the right place. In fact, this is the only course like it out there right now for real estate professionals. We are excited to present this high-level training course, and hope you’ll enjoy learning the skills and tactics needed to up your game. Start negotiating like a Top Producer!

VIDEO: Negotiation Skills Training Course for Realtors

Takeaways from this negotiation skills training course

  • Learn the top 10 negotiation tactics, when to use them, and how to apply them immediately to win more negotiations.
  • Understand why it is important to use an established model for negotiations vs. “winging it.”
  • Learn how to use the DISC behavioral profile model to aid in better negotiations through the understanding of various behavioral tendencies.
  • Get insight into how to modify your personal DISC behavioral profile. This will help you better communicate with your clients, vendors, and other Realtors.
  • Once you learn how to use established negotiation strategies, models, and tactics, learn how to SHOW YOUR WORK. This ensures that your clients will see the value you are bringing through your expertise.
  • Learn the “Meet in the Middle” and “The Icenhower Model” negotiation strategies, step by step. Download the helpful graphics so you can practice these negotiation methods every day.
  • Use this huge value add to earn more referral business from clients who are blown away by your hard work to win negotiations.
  • Become empowered and confident in your negotiations, and ultimately win more of them!

There is simply no other training out their like this specifically for real estate agents.

Brian Icenhower

Why a course on negotiation?

I created Negotiation Skills Training Course for Realtors because there is simply no other training out their like this specifically for real estate agents.

Most agents have no rhyme or reason when it comes to their negotiations. You are not an “average agent,” though. And, you are here to propel yourself (and your business) forward by learning the proven scripts, strategies, and negotiation tactics that Top Producers use.

Now is the time to step up your game. This is a high-level course, and you won’t find this kind of training anywhere else. I’ll explain everything from start to finish, and by the end, you’ll feel confident and walk away with tactics that you can use in your business every day. Time to win more negotiations!

Negotiation Skills Training Course for Realtors
Learn the proven tactics, strategies, and scripts for negotiating on behalf of your clients, with your clients, and with all the vendors with whom you interact on a daily basis.
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Negotiation Skills Training Course Features

Features to enhance your learning experience! Every ICC online learning center training course contains the following features and tools:

  • Video Training: In-depth professional video training on every module, presented by the author, Brian Icenhower.
  • Written Modules: Detailed and downloadable written modules. Detailed graphics, scripts, spreadsheets, forms, and so much more.
  • Support: We provide support for you throughout your training. Reach out to our client care team at
  • Listen On-The-Go: Each of the training videos are also available as audio files that you can listen to on-the go.
  • Action Steps: At the end of each module, Action Steps are provided. This gives you a springboard to start applying what you learned right away.

FREE DOWNLOAD: Mirror & Matching Strategies

This Mirror & Matching Strategies PDF is free today for subscribers. You may have heard of this tactic before, but we dive deep into how to effectively use mirror and matching strategies in this negotiation skills training course.

If you need more help developing your negotiation tactics, be sure to enroll in our online course, Negotiation Skills Training for Realtors.

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