Use these real estate client appreciation event ideas for Realtors to add value to the people they know by marketing to their sphere of influence databases to promote their next event.
In search of some fresh real estate client appreciation event ideas? Well, you’re in the right spot. Here at Icenhower Coaching & Consulting (ICC), we teach our coaching clients the value of hosting client appreciation events. It’s a wonderful way to come from contribution while also keeping first of mind with your sphere of influence (SOI). By adding value to your SOI, you create a positive connection. Let’s dive in and talk about some great ways to host client appreciation events, as well as how to use our contact plan to make the most of your outreach.
VIDEO: Real Estate Client Appreciation Event Ideas
Getting back into client events
Due to Covid-19, Realtors backed off from in-person client appreciation events. Of course, there are some really great real estate client appreciation event ideas that can be done virtually. That said, nothing can really replace that in-person experience that you can provide your clients with by adding value in unique, meaningful ways.
Today, I am going to talk about the right way to do client appreciation events. Understand that I use the term “client” loosely. The people you invite to your events by no means need to be existing clients. Generally, we want to include your entire sphere of influence (SOI) on your invitation list. At Icenhower Coaching & Consulting, we coach our clients to use a 40-Contact Plan with their SOI. This contact plan keeps you in front of your SOI with 40 touches throughout the year. These contacts can be diversified, from email to mailers, social media messages, text messages, and phone calls. There are a lot of ways to make these contacts.
There is a delicate line to walk here with our 40-Contact Plan. You don’t want to annoy your SOI or come across as pushy, or harassing them with 40 sales pitches each year. That’s not fun for you, and it certainly isn’t fun for your SOI. This is where you can use these real estate client appreciation event ideas to your benefit. These client events are the perfect way to add value to your SOI while staying first of mind and knocking out some of the contacts in your annual contact plan at the same time.
Why 40 contacts per year?
If you contact your sphere of influence (SOI) 40 times throughout the year, you can expect a 7:1 return. That means if you have 300 people in your SOI database, you can expect 43 closed transactions per year. This is powerful! The numbers may surprise you, and you may feel skeptical. However, we have found this to work year after year across all of our clients that stick to this contact plan.
So if it’s that easy, why don’t all Realtors adhere to this contact plan? Well, because it isn’t that easy. And it isn’t easy because most Realtors can’t manage to do 40 contacts per year. Most Realtors get stuck along the way and get hung up on not making enough contacts or being consistent. I can tell you, however, with all of our clients that stick to the 40-Contact Plan, they succeed year after year. Those who succeed do the work. These are top-producing agents, and this is honestly what separates the top-producers from the low-producers.
A lot of Realtors fail to make 40 contacts a year because they hate to “bother” all the people they know. This feeling is understandable, but you can, in fact, find ways to come from contribution and add value to your SOI to make your contacts. It makes these contacts more meaningful for everyone involved. And by using these real estate client appreciation event ideas, you will find that you can knock out a good chunk of your annual contacts by promoting your event alone! You should be able to make 10-15 contacts to each SOI member for your client event alone. If you have a few client events per year, you easily already have 40 contacts in the bag for that year.

Use these real estate client appreciation event ideas
Many of our clients use a quarterly client appreciation event to make all of the contacts required for their 40-Contact Plan for the year. With a quarterly event, that’s easily 40-60 contacts for the year. This could work for you, too, especially if you like to focus on your referral-based business and don’t enjoy other forms of lead generation. It’s comfortable because you are adding value constantly and never have to feel that you are harassing your sphere of influence (SOI). You are always giving back to your people.
Here are some great real estate client appreciation event ideas:
- Photos with Easter Bunny/Santa Clause
- Coffee Truck
- Taco Truck
- Poolside Party
- Ice Cream Social
- Fourth of July Parade Watch Party
- Summer Soiree
- Luau Party
- Party in the Park
- Concerts in the Park
- Backyard Party
- Chili Cookoff
- Barbeque Party
- Harvest Party
- Pumpkin Patch
- Halloween Party
- Thanksgiving Pie Give-Away
Create a marketing image for your client event
Who, what, when, where, why, and how. These are the questions your marketing image needs to answer! You can use for free to create a great image to share with your sphere of influence (SOI) and post on social media. Everything your client needs to know needs to be on this image. Save it on your phone so that when you make your phone calls to invite your SOI to the event, you can follow up that call with a quick text of that marketing image. You can use this image over and over again. Not only will you text it to your clients and upload to your social media channels, but you can also use it on a mailer.
FREE Download of our Client Appreciation Event Packet
For more great real estate client appreciation event ideas, as well as our Client Event Contact Plan, download our FREE packet below! In exchange for subscribing to our newsletter, you can have access to some great ideas to always keep your client events fresh. And remember — it isn’t about the event itself — it’s all about the contacts!
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