Learn this real estate leadership program foundational component to ensure that your leadership journey is a successful one.

Today I want to talk about something that is crucial for anyone involved in a real estate leadership program or aspiring to become a successful leader in the industry.

Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of working with many high-performing real estate team leaders, broker owners, and leaders of national brands across the country. Through my experience, I have observed a common pattern that differentiates successful leaders from those who struggle or even fail. 

The foundation of any real estate leadership program is not just about the technical skills of recruiting, training, and retaining agents. It’s about having a solid personal foundation that ensures balanced growth and sustainable success.

Be sure to listen to this episode of The Brian Icenhower Podcast and subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode!

VIDEO: Real Estate Leadership Program – The Foundation

Why a Solid Foundation Matters in Real Estate Leadership

A common mistake many leaders make is focusing solely on the tactical aspects of their real estate leadership program. They want to dive into recruiting strategies, onboarding systems, or agent training modules without first ensuring that their own life is balanced and stable. It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and forget that leadership is not just about professional skills but also about personal development and well-being.

Many leaders in the real estate industry fail because they do not have a solid foundation in their personal lives. They make rash, reactive decisions based on emotions rather than sound judgment. These decisions are often influenced by issues unrelated to their business—things like personal relationships, health, or spiritual well-being. When leaders neglect these areas, it negatively impacts their ability to make rational, well-thought-out decisions.

The Impact of Personal Issues on Professional Success

In my 35 years in the real estate industry, I’ve seen countless leaders struggle not because they lack professional knowledge or skills but because they are dealing with personal issues that interfere with their ability to lead effectively. Problems such as addiction, divorce, poor health, and lack of accountability can derail even the most promising careers.

For example, a leader struggling with health issues or addiction may make decisions based on immediate needs or desires rather than what is best for their team or business in the long run. Similarly, someone going through a personal crisis might react emotionally, making choices that harm their professional relationships or reputation.

A real estate leadership program that fails to address these foundational issues is like building a house on a shaky foundation. No matter how strong the walls are, the structure will eventually crumble if the foundation is not solid. Therefore, it’s essential for leaders to pay attention to all aspects of their lives, ensuring balance and stability in every area.

life balance wheel

The Life Balance Wheel: A Tool for Real Estate Leaders

At Icenhower Coaching and Consulting, we use a tool called the Life Balance Wheel to help our clients achieve this balance. This tool highlights different areas of life that need attention and development for a leader to be truly effective. These areas include:

  • Spirituality: Having a strong spiritual foundation can provide leaders with a sense of purpose and direction, helping them stay grounded during challenging times.
  • Health: Physical health is crucial for maintaining energy and focus. Leaders who neglect their health often find themselves burnt out and unable to perform at their best.
  • Career: While career success is important, it should not come at the expense of other areas of life. A balanced approach to career development ensures sustainable growth and long-term success.
  • Social Life: Building strong relationships with friends, family, and the community provides support and helps leaders stay connected and engaged.
  • Personal Growth: Continuous learning and self-improvement are essential for staying ahead in the competitive real estate industry. Leaders should always seek new opportunities for growth, whether through training courses, seminars, or personal development activities.
  • Recreation: Taking time to relax and engage in hobbies or activities that bring joy can help leaders recharge and maintain a positive outlook.
  • Family: Strong family relationships provide a support system that can help leaders navigate the challenges of their careers.
  • Life Planning: Setting goals and planning for the future ensures that leaders are proactive rather than reactive, making decisions based on a clear vision for their lives.
  • Increasing Profitability with Entrepreneurship

    Online Course

    Go beyond real estate and enter the world of ancillary services. Learn how to partner with vendors and take your business to the next level by leveraging synergistic relationships and growing your profitability at the same time.

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    Increasing Profitability with Entrepreneurship

    Click to watch more about this real estate training course

    Designed for all learning types

    Video Training

    In-depth video with Brian Icenhower walking you through each Industry Update slide and explaining the meaning, and providing talking points for you to use with your clients.

    Written Workbook

    Detailed and downloadable written workbook that provides you with each industry graph and chart, along with a written explanation of what it means and talking points to use with your clients.

    Course curriculum

    Enrollment includes access to the following course materials for 6 months

    Welcome to Increasing Profitability with Entrepreneurship
    • Welcome to Increasing Profitability with Entrepreneurship with Rick Fuller

    • Sign up for the Executive Leadership Round Table Group Coaching Program

    • Join us at the ICC Regional Summit

    • Schedule a Coaching Call

    • Stay Connected via our REAL ESTATE AGENT ROUND TABLE Facebook Group

    Module 1: Leading Beyond Real Estate Commission
    • VIDEO: Leading Beyond Real Estate Commission
    • WORKBOOK: Leading Beyond Real Estate Commission
    Module 2: From Team Leader to Entrepreneur
    • VIDEO: From Team Leader to Entrepreneur
    • WORKBOOK: From Team Leader to Entrepreneur
    Module 3: Growing Your Profitability Through Ancillary
    • VIDEO: Growing Your Profitability Through Ancillary
    • WORKBOOK: Growing Your Profitability Through Ancillary
      Module 4: Leading Through Change
      • VIDEO: Leading Through Change
      • WORKBOOK: Leading Through Change
      Increasing Profitability with Entrepreneurship

      About this course

      • $249.00
      • 13 lessons
      • 3.5 hours of content
      Add to Cart


      "I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations." Jake Rockwell Over 500 Units Sold Annually "I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income." soi audio workbook Dennis Adelpour Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles "When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends." recruit audio workbook Tammi Humphrey #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume

      I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations.

      Increasing Profitability with Entrepreneurship

      Jake Rockwell

      Over 500 Units Sold Annually

      I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income.

      Increasing Profitability with Entrepreneurship

      Dennis Adelpour

      Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles

      When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends.

      Increasing Profitability with Entrepreneurship

      Tammi Humphrey

      #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume


      Rick ​Fuller.

      I'm very excited about this course, Increasing Profitability with Entrepreneurship.

      Here's my prediction: one day, you and I will sell real estate for the benefit of being able to provide ancillary services, like mortgage, insurance, title, construction related services, and others.

      This is about you and I not thinking about the real estate transaction. It's about you and I thinking about the transition from one home to the next, and all the services that go along with that. This is about you and I providing greater service to our clients. This is about you and I providing greater opportunities for the people that are around us. And, this is about you increasing your profitability as you grow.

      You're going to learn a lot of information in this course. This is not content you're going to find in quick clips on YouTube, or listening to sound bites on social media. This is an in-depth discussion about how you can have the kind of partnerships with other vendors that is synergistic, so that you can achieve growth together.

      Go beyond real estate.

      Achieve growth faster by partnering with ancillary services and provide your clients with better service at the same time. Add to Cart

      Talk to a coach

      If you've been considering hiring a coach, now's the time. Book a FREE coaching consultation session with your purchase of this course! Book Your Call Team Onboarding Real Estate Coaching See all courses
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    1. Leadership Strategies

      Online Course
      Raise your leadership skills and develop your leadership strategies to grow your business.
      Add to Cart Leadership Strategies (1)

      Leadership Strategies

      Click to watch more about this real estate training course

      Designed for all learning types

      Video Training

      In-depth video with Brian Icenhower walking you through each Industry Update slide and explaining the meaning, and providing talking points for you to use with your clients.

      Written Workbook

      Detailed and downloadable written workbook that provides you with each industry graph and chart, along with a written explanation of what it means and talking points to use with your clients.

      Course curriculum

      Enrollment includes access to the following course materials for 6 months

      Welcome to Leadership Strategies
      • Welcome to Leadership Strategies with Rick Fuller
      • Sign up for the Executive Leadership Round Table Group Coaching Program
      • Join us at the ICC Regional Summit
      • Schedule a Coaching Call
      • Stay Connected via our REAL ESTATE AGENT ROUND TABLE Facebook Group
      Module 1: How to Scale Your Team
      • VIDEO: How to Scale Your Team
      • WORKBOOK: How to Scale Your Team
      Module 2: Leadership Training for Real Estate Team Wanting to Grow
      • VIDEO: Leadership Training for Real Estate Team Wanting to Grow
      • WORKBOOK: Leadership Training for Real Estate Teams Wanting to Grow
      Module 3: Leading With Opportunities, Not Obstacles
      • VIDEO: Leading With Opportunities, Not Obstacles
      • WORKBOOK: Leading With Opportunities, Not Obstacles
      Module 4: Real Estate Agent Attraction Recruiting Strategies
      • VIDEO: Real Estate Agent Attraction Recruiting Strategies
      • WORKBOOK: Real Estate Agent Attraction Recruiting Strategies
      Module 5: Real Estate Leadership Coaching Strategies
      • VIDEO: Real Estate Leadership Coaching Strategies
      • WORKBOOK: Real Estate Leadership Coaching Strategies
      Module 6: Viral Team Goals and Activity Based Indicators
      • VIDEO: Viral Team Goals and Activity Based Indicators
      • WORKBOOK: Viral Team Goals and Activity Based Indicators
      Module 7: Public Accountability and Personal Responsibility
      • VIDEO: Public Accountability and Personal Responsibility
      • WORKBOOK: Public Accountability and Personal Responsibility
      Module 8: The Power of Dashboards
      • VIDEO: The Power of Dashboards
      • WORKBOOK: The Power Of Dashboards
      Module 9: Replacing Yourself as a Real Estate Leader
      • VIDEO: Replacing Yourself as a Real Estate Leader
      • WORKBOOK: Replacing Yourself as a Real Estate Leader
      Leadership Strategies

      About this course

      • $249.00
      • 23 lessons
      • 5.5 hours of video content
      Add to Cart


      "I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations." Jake Rockwell Over 500 Units Sold Annually "I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income." soi audio workbook Dennis Adelpour Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles "When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends." recruit audio workbook Tammi Humphrey #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations. Leadership Strategies

      Jake Rockwell

      Over 500 Units Sold Annually I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income. Leadership Strategies

      Dennis Adelpour

      Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends. Leadership Strategies

      Tammi Humphrey

      #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume Instructor Rick ​Fuller.

      Raise your leadership skills and develop your leadership strategies to grow your business.

      I am so excited about this course, Leadership Strategies.

      This is about you raising the lid on your leadership so you can raise the lid on all of your organizations, raise the lid on your ancillaries, raise the lid on your people. You cannot outgrow your personal development. Your outward growth starts with your inward development in terms of leadership. This is what this course is all about: raise your leadership skills so that you can grow your business.

      Raise the lid on your leadership.

      Raise your leadership skills and develop your leadership strategies to grow your business. Add to Cart

      Talk to a coach

      If you've been considering hiring a coach, now's the time. Book a FREE coaching consultation session with your purchase of this course! Book Your Call Team Onboarding Real Estate Coaching See all courses
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    The Importance of Balance in Real Estate Leadership Programs

    A balanced life is the foundation of effective leadership. Without balance, leaders are more likely to make decisions based on short-term emotions rather than long-term goals. They might jump from one opportunity to another, constantly seeking change without ever addressing the root causes of their dissatisfaction or challenges.

    For example, a leader who is not balanced might decide to move to a different brokerage or team, thinking that a change of environment will solve their problems. However, without addressing the underlying issues—whether they are personal or professional—these leaders will likely find themselves facing the same challenges in a new setting.

    Real estate leadership programs should focus on helping leaders achieve this balance by providing tools and resources that address all aspects of their lives. This holistic approach ensures that leaders are not only equipped with the technical skills needed to succeed but also have the personal foundation to support their growth and development.

    Learn more about the Agent Management Portal

    Looking for the best way to add value for your agents? The Agent Management Portal is a powerful learning management system. You get access to all of our state-of-the-industry training materials, as well as tools to help you create your own training content for your agents.

    How to Build a Strong Foundation in Your Real Estate Leadership Program

    To build a strong foundation in your real estate leadership program, it’s important to take a holistic approach that considers all aspects of your life. Here are some steps you can take to ensure balance and stability:

    1. Assess Your Current Situation: Take a step back and evaluate where you are in each area of the Life Balance Wheel. Are there any areas that need more attention or development? Are there any issues that are negatively impacting your ability to lead effectively?

    2. Set Clear Goals: Once you’ve identified areas that need improvement, set clear goals for each area. These goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). For example, if you’re struggling with health issues, set a goal to exercise three times a week or improve your diet.

    3. Develop a Plan: Create a plan for achieving your goals. This plan should include specific actions you will take, resources you will use, and a timeline for achieving your goals. For example, if you want to improve your health, your plan might include hiring a personal trainer, joining a gym, or working with a nutritionist.

    4. Seek Support: Building a strong foundation requires support from others. This could be a coach, mentor, or trusted friend who can provide guidance, feedback, and encouragement. At Icenhower Coaching and Consulting, we provide support to our clients through coaching, training, and consulting programs designed to help them achieve balance and success.

    5. Monitor Your Progress: Regularly assess your progress towards your goals and make adjustments as needed. This will help you stay on track and ensure that you’re making progress in all areas of your life.

    6. Stay Committed: Building a strong foundation takes time and effort. Stay committed to your goals and remember that achieving balance is a continuous process. It’s important to remain flexible and adaptable, as life circumstances may change, requiring adjustments to your plans.

    Many leaders in the real estate industry fail because they do not have a solid foundation in their personal lives. They make rash, reactive decisions based on emotions rather than sound judgment.

    Brian Icenhower


    In conclusion, the foundation of any successful real estate leadership program is a balanced and stable personal life. Leaders who neglect this foundation often find themselves making rash, emotional decisions that can harm their careers and businesses. By focusing on all aspects of life—spirituality, health, career, social life, personal growth, recreation, family, and life planning—leaders can build a strong foundation that supports their growth and success.

    At Icenhower Coaching and Consulting, we believe that a holistic approach to leadership development is key to achieving long-term success in the real estate industry. By providing tools and resources that address all aspects of life, we help our clients achieve balance and become more effective leaders. If you’re interested in learning more about our real estate leadership programs or would like to discuss how we can support your growth and development, we can help.