Learn the best listing presentation script for real estate agents to use with home sellers to overcome objections about listing homes for sale at current market value.
Today we are talking about a listing presentation script that will help you overcome your sellers’ price objections. We have all worked with clients that feel their house is worth more than the price you suggest to list at. More than ever, our coaching clients here at ICC are coming to us asking how to deal with their clients that want to overprice their homes.
VIDEO: The Best Listing Presentation Script About Price
“Agents do nothing to sell houses.”
This is a controversial thing to say, but I’m going to say it. Real estate agents do nothing to sell houses. I get this question all the time from coaching clients. “What can I do to sell my client’s home?” Nothing. You can do nothing because agents do nothing to sell houses. All you really do as a real estate agent to sell houses is put the houses on the MLS.
Do you realize that 99% of home buyers use a real estate agent to buy a home? It’s been that way for about 25 years, according to the National Association of Realtors. The only reasons it’s not 100% is because of some builders and developers that sell directly to the consumer. FSBOs are too tiny of a fraction of a percent to even mention. So, if almost all home buyers use a Realtor, who are we really marketing these homes to? We are marketing to other Realtors! This is a revelation to many people reading this, I’m sure. You must convey this to your clients and develop a listing presentation script for this scenario. Explain the importance of marketing to Realtors.
If you are working overtime to see what you can do personally to sell a home, you are wasting your energy. There are many reasons to put out effort to market your listings, but they aren’t to sell the home. Benefits to marketing include getting more listings, attracting new buyer clients, growing your team, etc. Don’t get me wrong, you should put out a lot of effort to market your listings! Just don’t get it twisted — you aren’t marketing the home to help it sell faster.
Price & patience: your listing presentation script
“Why is my home not selling?” Our sellers come to us wondering why their friend’s house already sold and why they aren’t getting any offers on their home. This is why having a listing presentation script to practice can be helpful. It always boils down to two reasons: price and patience. Condition of the home is always cured by price. If it’s a luxury home, you may need patience, for example. But otherwise, most of the time, the reason a home isn’t selling is due to price.
If you cannot get your seller down to market price to get the listing sold, that’s not their fault, that’s your fault. You don’t have the tools in your toolkit to get them to understand and show them that they need to get past their denial to get what they want. Beyond your listing presentation script, which is very important, you will need tools to help you explain and demonstrate your reasoning.
Listing Inventory Calculator
This tool allows you to show your seller how many listings are on the market in each price range, how many have gone pending in the last month, and how long (on average) the listings are on the market before they sell. This is a powerful tool that will help you in your listing presentation script. When your client wants a higher price, you can show them how long they can possibly expect to wait to sell in that price range. Sometimes, seeing this can help motivate a seller to lower their price to market value.
In the video within this post, I show you how our ICC Listing Inventory Calculator works. It’s a great tool and easy to customize, and all of our coaching clients have access to it. You can make your own version easily, and below you will see an image of what it looks like.

Market updates for active listings
This is just as key as having a solid listing presentation script: you must send your active listings weekly market updates! You must keep your clients up to date on what’s going on in the market. It provides the added benefit of helping your conversation of “price reduction” when the time comes and your client is wondering why they are getting no offers. In this price reduction conversation, you can use a listing inventory calculator, like the one above, to provide a visual explanation of why their home is not selling. It could be the price, or that you need more patience, depending on the situation.
The best listing presentation scripts about price are going to be conversations built around the current market data. You won’t win over your client with the best salesman pitch, or by somehow convincing them that they need more marketing. It isn’t the marketing. It isn’t the number of open houses. And, it isn’t anything you as the agent are doing or aren’t doing. Show your clients what they need to see: the data. Show them you did your homework and use the data to support your script.