
Use these negotiation strategies for Realtors by utilizing DISC behavioral profiles to both identify and match the behavior of a negotiation opponent.

This training on negotiation strategies for Realtors will up your game tremendously. Today, we are going to talk about a tool that we use all the time here at ICC: the DISC assessment. We’ll talk about why it is important to understand someone’s behavioral profile, and how to use the DISC without administering the assessment.

VIDEO: Negotiation Strategies for Realtors Using DISC

Negotiation strategies for Realtors using behavior analysis

Let’s talk about negotiating with behavior in mind. Let’s review a few other important topics that precede this behavioral analysis.

  • First we conduct a needs analysis to determine motivations
  • During the needs analysis, we listen to and learn about the other person’s emotions and communication style
  • We can then mirror their behavior back to them, to increase trust

As they talk, and as you listen, you can also learn about their behavioral profile. You can then use your understanding of that behavioral profile to gain a ton of insight into how they want to be communicated with.

If you can communicate with them in the way that they want — if you can “click” with them in that way — then you will bond with them all of a sudden. You’ll increase rapport and build trust.

Communicate with someone in the way that they wish to be communicated with, and soon you’ll be on their “team,” uniting and working toward the same goal.

The DISC Behavioral Assessment in your negotiation strategies for Realtors

There are many behavioral assessments out there, but here at ICC, we use the DISC. (Click here to take our DISC assessment.)

Here’s the reason why I like DISC above all other assessments: first and foremost, for my own purposes, I can use DISC to determine someone’s behavioral profile without forcing them to sit down and take the assessment.

DISC is the most widely used behavioral assessment in the world. I can usually talk to someone and determine their behavior profile after a very short period of time. After this training and with regular practice you, too, will be able to do this.

After you determine someone’s DISC profile, you can modify your presentation accordingly. You can communicate with them in the way that they like to be communicated with.

DISC is simple enough that you can utilize it without needing to take the assessment. 

In order to do this, you must:

  • Know and understand each of the four DISC behavioral profiles
  • Realize how each profile behaves and communicates
  • Use the best way to behave and communicate with each profile
Negotiation Strategies for Realtors Using DISC

Using DISC can help you mirror and match better

This is a huge time-saver. If you’re able to assess someone’s behavioral profile before you meet with them in person, right away you can prepare to mirror and match them. This can lead to quicker negotiations and a faster process in general.

Modifying your communication style to fit someone else’s communication style is the highest level of customer service that you can provide.

Flex out of your behavior

This training on DISC behavioral profiles is all about learning how to flex out of your natural behavior and mirror the other person’s DISC profile. 

When situations grow stressful or frustrating, that’s when it is easy to lose it and revert back to your natural behavior. 

Your natural behavior shows whenever you are feeling stressed or frustrated. We are training you to become able to flex out of your behavior and remain flexed out of your behavior — no matter the stress. It requires patience and practice. 

Negotiating tendencies of the different DISC profiles

D behavior negotiation strategies for Realtors

D behavior types are your direct, dominant, blunt people. They are motivated by a challenge and want to know the bottom line. Usually the head decision maker and a risk-taker. They have a growth mindset and they are always looking for positive change. They are very future-oriented. D behavior types are often driven by monetary reward.

D behavior negotiation style:

  • Hardliner
  • Tough
  • Big ego
  • Impatient
  • Quick decision making

Move quickly to the main point with a D behavior type. They are always in a rush and don’t want their time wasted. D behaviors seek the solution and don’t look to others for guidance or help; they make their own executive decisions. A D behavior type wants to win and is suspicious of anyone they feel may take advantage of them.

D behaviors: Get to the point and help them “win.”

When negotiating with a D behavior, let them make the most important decisions first. Offer a few easy wins up front to get on their good side, and provide them with positive feedback. Don’t bore them with the details but provide them with quick summaries and to-the-point direction. They always need to feel like they are winning, or things could turn south. D behavior types will become adversarial if you ever attack their authority. 

I behavior negotiation strategies for Realtors

This is your prototype real estate agent. They are networkers who love people. Like the D type, they are quick but bubblier and more positive. They are the “cheerleaders” – true people persons. I behavior types are social butterflies. They don’t go super deep with people individually, but they can work a room.

I behavior negotiation style:

  • Not in a huge rush
  • Enjoys the back-and-forth
  • Stays positive

When negotiating with an I behavior, keep things light and positive. Let them talk. Smile, chuckle, add humor. Tell them how much you love working with them. Be humble and build as much rapport as possible with them beforehand.

I behaviors: Establish trust and build a relationship.

Don’t rush to the negotiation bottom line. One great thing you can do with an I behavior type is find people in common. See who you both know. Establishing this kind of connection means a lot to an I behavior. They will feel very comfortable with you if you feel closer to them.

S behavior negotiation strategies for Realtors

These are steady, secure people. Like I behavior types, S behavior types are true people-persons. But where an I behavior type is the social butterfly who works an entire room, an S behavior type will gravitate to the corner of the room and talk with individuals or small groups. S behaviors go deeper. They build deep relationships quickly. They are not motivated by flattery, they are motivated by logic.

S behavior negotiation style:

  • Needs time to decide
  • Talks slowly
  • Seeks approval and positivity
  • Needs to be reminded of “why”

When negotiating with an S, you must be patient. They want to know “why” and seek a deeper understanding before making decisions. There will be a lot of back-and-forth and indecision. Don’t let it frustrate you. They need time to process and analyze.

S behaviors: Take your time – they appreciate it.

Try to relate to the S behavior type by finding people who you know in common. Much like the I behavior, this will increase their level of trust. S behaviors avoid conflict at all costs. This is part of why it takes them so long to reach decisions. It is the S behavior’s greatest weakness. You must continue to remind an S behavior of their “why”, so a Needs Analysis comes in extra-handy. It is sometimes helpful, when negotiating with an S behavior, to give them multiple choice questions instead of open-ended questions.

Note: When you are trying to identify someone’s DISC behavioral profile and you can’t put your finger on it, they are likely an S.

C behavior negotiation strategies for Realtors

These people are detail-oriented, compliant, and rule-followers. C behaviors types are all about accuracy. They move very slow, speak very slow, and often speak in a monotone voice. They never want to make a mistake because they are afraid of criticism. If they can’t get it right, they will quit. They would rather quit than be wrong. They get hung up on the details that seem insignificant when you look at the big picture.

C behavior negotiation style:

  • Data-driven
  • Slow talking, no rush
  • Everything based in facts
  • No social niceties required

When you are negotiating with a C behavior type, make sure you give them some data, charts, or spreadsheets to review. Anything that you can put into writing for them is exactly what they need. They often over-analyze trivial facts, so you need to bear with them and help them through the process.

C behaviors: Give them the data to build their trust.

Don’t use small talk. They don’t care about personal relationships or who you know. They only care about the data and the facts. Once they decide, they are locked in. Prevent them from making the wrong decision because once they make it, they won’t change their mind.

Negotiation Strategies for Realtors Using DISC

How to identify various DISC behavioral profiles

So, how can you pin down a person’s specific DISC profile without administering the DISC assessment? You can do it a lot of ways.

Rate of speech will help you get started. It will split whether the person is a D/I or an S/C.

  • Fast talker – either a D or an I
  • Slow talker – either an S or a C

If they are a fast talker, you will need to determine whether they are a D or an I. Here are some clues.

  • Talks and talks and talks and never seems to stop – they are an I
  • Speaks bluntly and to the point – they are a D
  • Uses many vocal inflections – I
  • Uses words that express feelings – I
  • Avoids speaking in emotional language – D
  • Talks fast and seems annoyed – D
  • Emotional facial expressions – I
  • Straight-faced – D

If they are a slow talker, you will need to determine whether they are an S or a C. Here are some clues.

  • Speaks in a more robotic, monotone voice – C
  • Talks about people, feelings, and relationships – S
  • Avoids all talk of people, feelings, and relationships – C
  • Takes abrupt control of the conversation – C
  • Lets you drive the conversation – S
  • Does not enjoy a Needs Analysis and may interrupt with their own questions – C
  • Emotional facial expressions – S
  • Straight faced – C

Using the DISC as a part of your negotiation strategies for Realtors

The DISC helps you become more tolerant of people with different behavioral profiles. All of a sudden, that person isn’t lazy, they are just meticulous. That person isn’t trying to be rude, they are just time-sensitive. Instead of being frustrated with different people with different behavioral profiles, you can learn how to better understand why they are the way they are, and better mirror them. This is key when it comes to negotiation strategies for Realtors.

FREE DOWNLOAD: DISC Behavioral Assessment chart

Today, we are giving you a free download of our DISC Behavioral Assessment chart. Download and print it out and start using it to recognize the difference between the four core behavioral profiles.

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