Use these phone screening interview questions for real estate agents looking to hire administrative staff members to help support their growing businesses. After all, no hiring process is complete without a telephone screening interview.
In order to find top talent in an administrative support role, it is imperative to “cast a wide net” to generate as many applicants as possible. Therefore, it is equally as important to use telephone screening calls to efficiently filter these candidates down to a manageable number to interview in person. Consequently, good phone screening interview questions can make all the difference in the recruitment of good talent.
Video: Phone Screening Interview Questions for Real Estate Agents
Sample Phone Screening Interview Questions
Use any combination of the collection of 34 phone screening interview questions below to help filter potential applicants over the phone prior to conducting in-person appointments.
Why are you considering giving up your current job or position?
What exactly did you do at your last job? Tell me what your average workday was like and what you were responsible for handling.
What accomplishments are you most proud of professionally? Personally?
Have you ever thought about being a real estate agent?
If you had more spare time, what would you do with it?
How would you handle a customer who called and was angry?
How would you handle a customer that was upset about something the agent hadn’t delivered? Could you turn that situation around and make the person a happy client?
Do you tend to dig into the tough problems in the morning, afternoon, or late in the day?
Why do you do the tough stuff at that time?
How many tasks can you handle at once?
How do you organize your work?
What kinds of people annoy you?
Tell me about the worst supervisor you ever worked for.
Tell me how you handled working in that situation.
What decisions did you make at your last job and how did you go about making those decisions?
Have you had problems working with others?
What experience have you had in real estate? Have you ever purchased or sold a home or handled rentals?
What aspects of working in a real estate office interest you?
What do you hope to be doing two years from now? How much do you want to be earning?
Tell me about your biggest frustrations in your business/working career.
What has been your most rewarding work-related experience?
What are your career goals? (Are they serious, well thought-out goals, coinciding with this position?)
If anything would take you away from working, what would it be? (Kids, smoke break, etc.)
Do you have reliable transportation?
Have you attended any seminars?
How fast can you type? May I test you?
What computer/technology skills do you have specifically?
Have you driven around [CITY]? Can you find specific neighborhoods?
Have you ever been a real estate agent?
Have you worked in escrow?
Have you taken any time management courses?
Do you use a daily planner of any type? A Calendar?
Have you had extensive experience with over-the phone client service? What was it?
What does a client for life mean to you?
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