Learn the sources of the best real estate video content for Realtors and great video screenplay outlines to help get the content out to the public.
What is the best real estate video content? Today we are going to dive into the topic of video content for Realtors. Specifically, we are talking about “quick videos”, as opposed to “formal videos”. These will be quick, informal videos. You can make them on the fly! Without a whole lot of effort, they can make a huge impact on what you are putting out to your sphere of influence (SOI). These videos help you stay in front of your people.
VIDEO: The Best Real Estate Video Content for Realtors
Grow and cultivate your SOI
Creating quick videos, with real estate video content, will help you grow and cultivate your sphere of influence (SOI). If you are familiar with our contact plan, you’ll know that these videos will provide a welcomed break from your daily phone calls to your SOI. Videos provide variety and help your SOI get a more well-rounded sense of who you are and your expertise.
Show you are confident
No one wants a shy Realtor. Everyone wants an aggressive, fully-charged, self-confident Realtor. The real estate video content that you pump out can evidence you aren’t shy. These quick videos can demonstrate your knowledge and show your SOI that you are ready to hit the ground running working for them. By putting yourself out there through video, you are saying, “Look at me! I know my stuff and I’m not afraid to show you exactly what I can do.” Be assertive.
So, what about real estate video content?
You might be worried about how to come up with good content. If you are shooting a video every other week, this can seem challenging. We are here to help. With video marketing, there is a very simple outline that we want you to follow for your real estate video content. It’s a six-part outline:
- Who
- What
- Why
- When
- Where
- How
This should sound familiar. You learned this in school! If you are writing an essay, you should be answering these six questions. The same pertains to creating valuable real estate video content. These six questions must be answered within your video.
Example using the six-part outline
Address the who, what, why, when, where, and who about whatever your video’s topic is. For example, if we are having a Photos with Santa client event, it would look something like this:
- Who – Hi, I’m Brian Icenhower with Icenhower Real Estate Team.
- What – We are having a Photos with Santa Event.
- Why – All of you can bring your kids and come meet Santa and get a great photo to take home with you.
- When – This Saturday at 10am to 1pm.
- Where – At the Broad Street Park in San Luis Obispo, California.
- How – RSVP to 805-555-4321 or brian@icenhowerteam.com, or just show up!
This video can be about anything. Client events that you are putting on, events that your local community is putting on, etc. There is an unlimited amount of content out there that you can talk about — your video doesn’t even need to be real estate related!
The benefit to promoting someone else’s event is that it is free! You don’t need to put on the event, and yet you are the face promoting it. You are getting in front of your sphere of influence (SOI) at no cost. And, you’re helping out your community or whoever is putting on the event. Don’t get hung up in creating video content that is purely real estate related. You will bore your audience and you will stress yourself out.
Need more ideas?
Watch the video in this blog for some more ideas, or simply browse social media! Check out your local community center’s social media page. See what your local chamber of commerce is planning. Think outside the box! It doesn’t need to be an event. It can just be a local business that needs a shout out. Mix in the occasional video with real estate content, of course, but focus on variety. Keep in front of your people!