Learn the key components of a real estate broker scoreboard for brokerage leadership to effectively track Realtor retention and recruiting activity in a high-functioning office.
So far, we’ve talked a bit in general about using a real estate broker scoreboard. Today, I am going to show you what a scoreboard, or “dashboard,” looks like.
First, let’s look at the ABIs that belong on a broker-manager dashboard.
Broker-managers must focus on recruiting and retention. These are the activities that belong on the dashboard.
Recruiting belongs at the top of any leader’s dashboard. Why? Because it is the hardest thing to make yourself do and it’s the highest dollar activity you could possibly do.
VIDEO: The Real Estate Broker Scoreboard
Recruiting ABIs on a real estate broker scoreboard or dashboard
- Contacts made
- Appointments set
- First appointments had
- Follow-up appointments had
- Recruits joined
Real estate broker scoreboard must focus on recruiting
Realize that if you focus on pushing your agents to sell more, you will be banging your head against the wall. You need to adjust your focus to recruiting, because a good recruit could bring 20 transactions with them. You can only motivate and inspire so much.
Your agents have their own reasons, therefore, their own results. Of course, you can move the needle a little with support and motivation. But, the key is to stop focusing so much on putting out your agents’ fires and pushing them to raise their production level, and you need to focus on something you can control: recruiting. Get more bodies and raise your production level as an organization that way.
Your second focus: creating a production-centric environment. This is where retention comes in. This is another section that belongs on your broker-manager dashboard.
Retention ABIs on a real estate broker scoreboard or dashboard
- Engagement contacts made (2 per day) – reaching out to members of your organization that perhaps you haven’t seen in a while. Reach out and revive agents who have isolated themselves.
- Consulting appointments had – provide consultation and coaching one-on-one to your people. This does not mean you need to have a coach on staff! You can do this yourself or teach your administrative or leadership staff to help provide this to your agents.
- Training classes conducted – could be group masterminds, weekly sales meetings, small group coaching sessions, online courses, etc. These can be hosted by you, your leadership team, or an agent looking for leadership opportunities.
Remember, not many brokerages provide this to their agents. The fact that you are doing this sets you apart from the competition in a big way. You are providing value to help your agents succeed and this is huge. Any of your agents that may be considering leaving you will soon realize that other brokerages simply don’t do this.
Your agents have their own reasons, therefore, their own results. Of course, you can move the needle a little with support and motivation. But, the key is to stop focusing so much on putting out your agents’ fires and pushing them to raise their production level, and you need to focus on something you can control: recruiting.
Brian Icenhower
RBIs on a real estate broker scoreboard or dashboard
Recruiting and retention
- Total agents joined
- Total agents left
- Net agent gain/loss
- Total agent count
- Listings taken units
- Listings taken volume
- Contracts written units
- Contracts written volume
- Closed units
- Closed volume
- Company income/split
- Agent income/split
- Fran. free/royalty split
- Other
RBI goals belong on your real estate broker scoreboard or dashboard, too. In our ICC broker-manager dashboard example, you’ll see the goals in the far right column.
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Brokerage / Corporate Coaching Program
$2,000 / monthWith the Brokerage / Corporate Real Estate Coaching Program, ICC will help firms set up the most effective and efficient systems for recruiting, agent onboarding, commission & fee structures, agent engagement & retention systems, recruiting, administrative work-flows, transaction management, staff hiring, agent onboarding, productivity training & accountability, financials & budgeting, marketing and much more!
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Executive Team Coaching Program
$1,500 / monthThe Executive Team Real Estate Coaching Program is designed for a high functioning larger team. These team leaders will build their influence, structure their brokerage systems and growth, recruit, lead internal divisions to operate at a high level and leverage their time. Opportunities to add ancillary services to build wealth.
Broker-managers must focus on recruiting and retention. These are the activities that belong on the dashboard.
Brian Icenhower
Operating without a real estate broker scoreboard or dashboard
If you don’t have a dashboard, you are running your business by default.
You are letting the seasonality of the market and the ups and downs that come with it determine your level of success. You won’t be able to plan for growth.
Without ABIs you won’t be able to take action to make forward movement. And, you won’t have the RBIs to see where you’re at and where your goals can take you. It’s important to be able to see trends and project where you want to be.
All of our broker-manager clients at ICC use a dashboard and see tremendous growth. It’s powerful to be able to tell where you are at a glance. You can start to run your organization by design instead of by default.
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Recruit: Recruiting Real Estate Agents
$199ONLINE COURSESLearn to grow your real estate business by targeting, connecting with and ultimately closing on the best recruits around. We'll teach you how to find great candidates, qualify them, and say the right thing at the right time to bring them on board.
Designed for all learning types
Video Training
In-depth professional video training on every module, presented by the author, Brian Icenhower.Written Modules
Detailed and downloadable written modules with detailed graphics, scripts, spreadsheets, forms, and so much more.Audiobook
Since real estate agents are always on the move, your training must be too. This course provides a professional downloadable audiobook.Course curriculum
Enrollment includes access to the following course materials for 2 years
Module 1: Your Unique Value Proposition & Recruiting Targets- Workbook: Your Unique Value Proposition & Recruiting Targets
- Video: Your Unique Value Proposition
- Graphic: DISC Behavioral Assessment
- Graphic: DISC Profiles
- Commission Comparison Chart Template
- Workbook: The Recruiting Scoreboard
- Video: The Recruiting Scoreboard
- Graphic: The Big 3
- Resource: Sample Weekly Calendar
- Resource: Sample Recruiter Dashboard
- Resource: Recruiting Tools
- Workbook: Recruiting with Technology
- Video: Recruiting with Technology
- Graphic: 10-10-5 Daily Plan
- Workbook: Recruiting Sources
- Video: Recruiting Sources
- Script: Congratulations & Production Report
- Script: Congratulations on Production
- Script: Expanding into Your Area
- Script: New Listing
- Script: Thank You for Cooperating on Buyer Side
- Script: Thank You for Cooperating on Listing Side
- Script: Real Estate School and New Licensees
- Workbook: Setting Recruiting Appointments
- Video: Setting Appointments
- Script: Let’s Talk About Your Production
- Script: Provide a Production Report
- Script: After Closed Transactions #1
- Script: After Closed Transactions #2
- Script: When Recruit is Referred by One of Your Own Agents
- Script: When Recruit is Referred to the Recruiter
- Script: For a New Brokerage or New Recruiter
- Script: Looking to Build Relationships
- Script: Referred by Agent After Transaction
- Script: Students from Real Estate Licensing School
- Script: For Rookie Agents in Their First Year
- Script: For Up-and-Coming Agents
- Script: Increased Market Presence
- Script: Invitation to Class or Training Event
- Script: Invitation to Participate on Agent Panel
- Script: Confirming Recruiting Appointments
- Script: Objection Handler – Not interested in moving companies
- Script: Objection Handlers – I’m too busy #1
- Script: Objection Handlers – I’m too busy #2
- Script: Objection Handlers – Happy with current company
- Script: Objection Handlers – I need to wait until my transactions close
- Script: Objection Handlers – Let me think about it
- Recruiting: Scripts E-book
- Workbook: Conducting Recruiting Appointments
- Podcast Episode 196: Real Estate Recruiting Scripts – Conducting the Appointment
- Video: Conducting Appointments
- Script: The Recruiting Process
- Workbook: Setting Follow-Up Appointments
- Video: Setting Follow-Up Appointments
- Natural DISC Profile Business Generation Tendencies
- Script: Attend a Class or Training Event
- Script: Behavioral Assessment
- Script: Set a Coaching Appointment
- Script: Create a Business Plan
- Workbook: Closing recruits
- Video: Closing Recruits
- Agent Intake Pipeline
- Scripts: Closing and Objection-Handling
- Script: When, Not If
- Script: They Can’t Say No to Their Own Goals
- Script: Delay Causes Resentment
- Script: Commission Split
- Script: You Need Our Systems
- Script: Start Transitioning Ahead of Time
- Script: Can Your Broker Help?
- Script: Prepping the Broker Conversation
- Script: Transferring Current Business
- Workbook: Creating a Growth Environment for Recruiting
- Video: Creating a Growth Environment for Recruiting
- Graphic: Characteristics of a Growth Environment
- Graphic: DISC style identification
- Graphic: SWOT
- Real Estate Office Brokerage Training Monthly Calendar
About this course
- $199.00
- 82 lessons
- 5 hours of video content
Immediate Takeaways
Here is what you can expect to gain from taking this online course.
- SCRIPTS for recruiting. Congratulations & Production Report Script, Expanding into Your Area Script, New Listing Script, Thank You for Cooperating on Buyer Side Script, Thank You for Cooperating on Listing Side Script, Real Estate School and New Licensees Script, Objection Handlers, and many more
- RESOURCES to help you recruit effectively. Sample Weekly Calendar, Sample Recruiter Dashboard, Recruiting Tools, Recruiting Scoreboard, Agent Intake Pipeline
- HELPFUL GRAPHICS to illustrate takeaway points and reinforce learning. DISC Behavioral Assessment, DISC Profiles, The Big 5, 10-10-5 Daily Plan, DISC Style Identification, Characteristics of a Growth Environment, SWOT
- OPTIONS for how you learn best. Each module provides a downloadable PDF chapter as well as a featured video of Brian Icenhower, teaching the topic at hand. At the beginning of the course, you are also provided with a full audiobook to listen to. So however you learn best -- we have an option for you!
Certification & Designation Upon Completion
In this ICC online course, you will receive an official designation of "Certified Real Estate Recruiter" or CRER upon completion, as well as a downloadable (and printable) Certificate of Completion. Add your designation seal, as well as your designation letters, to your email signature to bolster your reputation and show off your expertise to clients and colleagues alike.Reviews
"I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations." Jake Rockwell Over 500 Units Sold Annually "I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income." Dennis Adelpour Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles "When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends." Tammi Humphrey #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations.Jake Rockwell
Over 500 Units Sold Annually I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income.Dennis Adelpour
Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends.Tammi Humphrey
#1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume Instructor Brian Icenhower.If your business isn't growing then it's dying.
To attract agents to your real estate team or brokerage, you must evidence your ability to increase their productivity and help them sell more real estate. In his most important work to date, veteran coach and real estate consultant, Brian Icenhower, shares the systems and strategies he used to build some of the fastest growing real estate companies in the United States. Recruiting is the single most valuable skillset in real estate and the linchpin of all successful real estate businesses. To exponentially and sustainably increase the net profit of your real estate business, it is essential that you operate a committed and systematic recruitment practice. From sourcing recruits and recruiting with technology to setting, conducting, and closing recruiting appointments, this exhaustive course provides invaluable insights and practical instruction for creating a production-centric growth environment that attracts agents to your real estate team or brokerage. With our consultative approach, recruits guide agents to a place where they self-discover that the best way to sell more real estate, become more successful, and increase their net income is by joining your team or company. We know not everyone learns the same way. For that reason, this course has videos, text modules, and a full audiobook. In addition, the text and audiobook are downloadable so you can keep this information for life, and take it with you wherever you go.Recruiting for real estate agents
Recruiting is the single most valuable skillset in real estate and the linchpin of all successful real estate businesses. To exponentially and sustainably increase the net profit of your real estate business, this course will help you build and operate a committed and systematic recruitment practice. Add to CartRecruiting for Real Estate Agents
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If you've been considering hiring a coach, now's the time. Book a FREE coaching consultation session with your purchase of this course! Book Your Call See all courses -
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Growth Operations Systems
$199ONLINE COURSESIf your organization isn't growing, then it is dying. Discover Brian Icenhower's powerful and proven strategies and practices for implementing organizational growth.
Designed for all learning types
Video Training
In-depth professional video training on every module, presented by the author, Brian Icenhower.Written Modules
Detailed and downloadable written modules with detailed graphics, scripts, spreadsheets, forms, and so much more.Audiobook
Since real estate agents are always on the move, your training must be too. This course provides a professional downloadable audiobook.Course curriculum
Enrollment includes access to the following course materials for 2 years
Component 1: Devise A Viral Goal- Workbook: Component 1: Devise A Viral Goal
- Video: Component 1: Devise a Viral Goal
- SMART Goals Fillable Form
- FIVE (Chapter Summaries)
- FIVE (Spark & Stoke Conversation)
- Component 1 Quiz
- Workbook: Component 2: Focus On Activities First
- Video: Component 2: Focus On Activities First
- Component 2 Quiz
- Workbook: Component 3: Cultivate Personal Responsibility With Public Accountability
- Video: Component 3: Cultivate Personal Responsibility With Public Accountability
- Prospecting Accountability Chart Fillable Form
- Component 3 Quiz
- Workbook: Component 4: Drive Growth With A Dashboard
- Video: Component 4: Drive Growth With A Dashboard
- Sample Scoreboard Dashboard
- FIVE (Organizational Dashboard)
- ICC Dashboard Template
- Understanding DISC Profiles
- DISC Behavioral Assessment
- DISC Style Identification
- Team Scoreboard Graphic – Template
- ICC Broker Scoreboard
- Component 4 Quiz
- Workbook: Component 5: Huddle Up
- Video: Component 5: Huddle Up
- Solo Agent Annual Business Plan Sample
- Team Annual Business Plan Sample
- Blank Annual Business Plan Fillable Form
- Component 5 Quiz
About this course
- $199.00
- 35 lessons
- 3 hours of video content
Immediate Takeaways
Here is what you can expect to gain from taking this online course.
- THE FIVE-WEEK BOOK CLUB will guide you chapter by chapter with engaging questions and discussion starters.
- TEMPLATES AND MODELS - DISC Behavioral Assessment, The DISC Behavior Model, DISC Style Identification, Sample Scoreboard Dashboard, Dashboard Template
- TEAM BUILDING - Team Annual Business Plan Template, How to Hold a Huddle
- FORMS AND LISTS - SMART Goals Fillable Form, The Transaction Timeline, Prospecting Accountability Chart Fillable Form, The 4 Key Accountability Questions
- QUIZ at the end of each module to promote retention of information and test your knowledge.
- OPTIONS for how you learn best. Each module provides a downloadable PDF chapter as well as a featured video of Brian Icenhower, teaching the topic at hand. At the beginning of the course, you are also provided with a full audiobook to listen to. So however you learn best -- we have an option for you!
Certification & Designation Upon Completion
In this ICC online course, you will receive an official designation of "Certified Growth Systems Expert" or CGSE upon completion, as well as a downloadable (and printable) Certificate of Completion. Add your designation seal, as well as your designation letters, to your email signature to bolster your reputation and show off your expertise to clients and colleagues alike.Reviews
"I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations." Jake Rockwell Over 500 Units Sold Annually "I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income." Dennis Adelpour Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles "When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends." Tammi Humphrey #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations.Jake Rockwell
Over 500 Units Sold Annually I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income.Dennis Adelpour
Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends.Tammi Humphrey
#1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume Instructor Brian Icenhower.I built this course for those real estate agents wanting to move from a mere real estate practice to a systematized real estate business with the control and mastery of your results.
In today’s world, stagnation is equivalent to death. Opportunity is all around but with that comes the opportunity to fail. It may seem discouraging to some, but this idea has driven some of the most successful businesses in the world. If your organization isn't growing, then it is dying. Discover my powerful and proven strategies and practices for implementing organizational growth.Learn the Growth Operations Systems that work.
If your organization isn't growing, then it is dying. Discover Brian Icenhower's powerful and proven strategies and practices for implementing organizational growth. Add to CartGrowth Operations Systems
More about this real estate training course
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If you've been considering hiring a coach, now's the time. Book a FREE coaching consultation session with your purchase of this course! Book Your Call See all courses