Troubles with Realtor motivation? Use these techniques to tap into real estate agent motivation by keeping them focused on the activities they need to perform to succeed.
On today’s podcast, I am going to help you with Realtor motivation. Specifically, tips, techniques, and scripts to help you motivate your agents and focus them on the activities they must perform in order to succeed.
Ultimately, this is your role as someone in a leadership position in the real estate industry. This is usually the challenge that faces team leaders or brokerage owners. Your job is to keep real estate agents focused on the activities! Motivation isn’t always easy, but it is the key to getting agents on the right track.
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VIDEO: Realtor Motivation – How to Help Agents Focus
Realtor motivation when lateral moves are easier
These concepts that we will cover today also apply to real estate agents themselves. Solo agents who aren’t on a team or at a brokerage need to find a way to motivate themselves to do the necessary activities for growth and success.
Whether you’re the real estate agent, the team leader, or the brokerage owner, at some point in time you will be on the struggle bus. This is when you are looking around for something to motivate you to keep going. You are looking for external things, rather than internal things, because that’s easier to solve the problem.
This is when you see lateral moves happen. It’s happened a lot lately. With the interest rates going up and the market slowing down, many agents are trying to find the magic pill.
Rather than focus on what you must do (internally) to grow, it is easier to look externally at how you can change your environment. These are lateral moves. Not all lateral moves are bad … that’s not what I’m saying. But, it’s important to do an internal check first, to see if you are doing all the activities you should be doing before making an external switch.
When the grass is always greener
I refer to the Winter of 2022-2023 as “The Great Migration.” Agents moved out of the business. Agents left their teams or brokerages to go solo. Many agents also joined new teams or brokerages, or switched offices. Lots of career moves, all over the place. Realtor motivation to do the essential activities has been at an all time low.Â
This is reactive. Agents reacting to changes in the market by switching things up for themselves, thinking that may solve all of their problems. You aren’t actually pivoting by doing this. You’re making these lateral moves and then you need to publicly justify your moves.Â
You must be wary of constantly jumping around looking for things that will make you happy. The grass is green where you water it. Internally, what are you doing?Â
Lateral moves provide you with busy work to keep you moving when business is slow. It is distracting and an illusion of change. Typically, you weren’t doing the activities you needed to do in the first place to get more business. The same struggles you were facing before you made your lateral move will still exist after your move.
You must be wary of constantly jumping around looking for things that will make you happy. The grass is green where you water it. Internally, what are you doing?Â
Brian Icenhower
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Growth Operations Systems
$199ONLINE COURSESIf your organization isn't growing, then it is dying. Discover Brian Icenhower's powerful and proven strategies and practices for implementing organizational growth.
Designed for all learning types
Video Training
In-depth professional video training on every module, presented by the author, Brian Icenhower.Written Modules
Detailed and downloadable written modules with detailed graphics, scripts, spreadsheets, forms, and so much more.Audiobook
Since real estate agents are always on the move, your training must be too. This course provides a professional downloadable audiobook.Course curriculum
Enrollment includes access to the following course materials for 2 years
Component 1: Devise A Viral Goal- Workbook: Component 1: Devise A Viral Goal
- Video: Component 1: Devise a Viral Goal
- SMART Goals Fillable Form
- FIVE (Chapter Summaries)
- FIVE (Spark & Stoke Conversation)
- Component 1 Quiz
- Workbook: Component 2: Focus On Activities First
- Video: Component 2: Focus On Activities First
- Component 2 Quiz
- Workbook: Component 3: Cultivate Personal Responsibility With Public Accountability
- Video: Component 3: Cultivate Personal Responsibility With Public Accountability
- Prospecting Accountability Chart Fillable Form
- Component 3 Quiz
- Workbook: Component 4: Drive Growth With A Dashboard
- Video: Component 4: Drive Growth With A Dashboard
- Sample Scoreboard Dashboard
- FIVE (Organizational Dashboard)
- ICC Dashboard Template
- Understanding DISC Profiles
- DISC Behavioral Assessment
- DISC Style Identification
- Team Scoreboard Graphic – Template
- ICC Broker Scoreboard
- Component 4 Quiz
- Workbook: Component 5: Huddle Up
- Video: Component 5: Huddle Up
- Solo Agent Annual Business Plan Sample
- Team Annual Business Plan Sample
- Blank Annual Business Plan Fillable Form
- Component 5 Quiz
About this course
- $199.00
- 35 lessons
- 3 hours of video content
Immediate Takeaways
Here is what you can expect to gain from taking this online course.
- THE FIVE-WEEK BOOK CLUB will guide you chapter by chapter with engaging questions and discussion starters.
- TEMPLATES AND MODELS - DISC Behavioral Assessment, The DISC Behavior Model, DISC Style Identification, Sample Scoreboard Dashboard, Dashboard Template
- TEAM BUILDING - Team Annual Business Plan Template, How to Hold a Huddle
- FORMS AND LISTS - SMART Goals Fillable Form, The Transaction Timeline, Prospecting Accountability Chart Fillable Form, The 4 Key Accountability Questions
- QUIZ at the end of each module to promote retention of information and test your knowledge.
- OPTIONS for how you learn best. Each module provides a downloadable PDF chapter as well as a featured video of Brian Icenhower, teaching the topic at hand. At the beginning of the course, you are also provided with a full audiobook to listen to. So however you learn best -- we have an option for you!
Certification & Designation Upon Completion
In this ICC online course, you will receive an official designation of "Certified Growth Systems Expert" or CGSE upon completion, as well as a downloadable (and printable) Certificate of Completion. Add your designation seal, as well as your designation letters, to your email signature to bolster your reputation and show off your expertise to clients and colleagues alike.Reviews
"I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations." Jake Rockwell Over 500 Units Sold Annually "I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income." Dennis Adelpour Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles "When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends." Tammi Humphrey #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations.Jake Rockwell
Over 500 Units Sold Annually I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income.Dennis Adelpour
Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends.Tammi Humphrey
#1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume Instructor Brian ​Icenhower.I built this course for those real estate agents wanting to move from a mere real estate practice to a systematized real estate business with the control and mastery of your results.
In today’s world, stagnation is equivalent to death. Opportunity is all around but with that comes the opportunity to fail. It may seem discouraging to some, but this idea has driven some of the most successful businesses in the world. If your organization isn't growing, then it is dying. Discover my powerful and proven strategies and practices for implementing organizational growth.Learn the Growth Operations Systems that work.
If your organization isn't growing, then it is dying. Discover Brian Icenhower's powerful and proven strategies and practices for implementing organizational growth. Add to CartGrowth Operations Systems
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Success Mindset
$249Online CoursesLearn how to shift your mindset, go forward sloppy, and fail forward. Brian Icenhower teaches motivation techniques and trains agents of all backgrounds and skill levels to shift their mindset from "scarcity" to "abundance" and live a more positive (and successful) life.
Designed for all learning types
Video Training
In-depth professional video training on every module, presented by the author, Brian Icenhower.
Written Modules
Detailed and downloadable written modules with detailed graphics, scripts, spreadsheets, forms, and so much more.
Since real estate agents are always on the move, your training must be too. This course provides a professional downloadable audiobook.
Course curriculum
Enrollment includes access to the following course materials for 2 years
Module 1: Thoughts Control Actions- VIDEO: Thoughts Control Actions
- AUDIO: Thoughts Control Actions
- Workbook: Thoughts Control Actions
- The Gandhi Circle PDF
- 6 Rules for Controlling Your Words PDF
- Action Steps for Module 1
- VIDEO: Keep Emotions Between the Lines
- AUDIO: Keep Emotions Between the Lines
- Keep Emotions Between the Lines PDF
- Workbook: Keep Emotions Between the Lines
- DISC Behavioral Assessment Image
- Action Steps for Module 2
- VIDEO: Get Uncomfortable
- AUDIO: Get Uncomfortable
- Workbook: Get Uncomfortable
- The Comfort Zone PDF
- Action Steps for Module 3
- VIDEO: Rights vs. Responsibilities
- AUDIO: Rights vs. Responsibilities
- Workbook: Rights vs. Responsibilities
- Rights vs. Responsibilities PDF
- Action Steps for Module 4
- VIDEO: Be Solution Oriented
- Workbook: Be Solution Oriented
- The Solution Triangle PDF
- DISC Profiles Image
- Action Steps for Module 5
- AUDIO: Be Solution Oriented
- VIDEO: Scarcity vs. Abundance
- AUDIO: Scarcity vs. Abundance
- Workbook: Scarcity vs. Abundance
- 5 Steps to Mastery PDF – full page version
- 5 Steps to Mastery PDF
- 5 Steps to Mastery – Social Media Post
- Scarcity Vs. Abundance Chart
- Action Steps for Module 6
- VIDEO: Activities Over Results
- AUDIO: Activities Over Results
- Workbook: Activities Over Results
- Action Steps for Module 7
- VIDEO: Embrace Routines & Rituals
- AUDIO: Embrace Routines & Rituals
- Workbook: Embrace Routines & Rituals
- Action Steps for Module 8
- Listing & Closing Checklists
- VIDEO: Not Calendared, Not Happening!
- AUDIO: Not Calendared, Not Happening!
- Workbook: Not Calendared, Not Happening!
- Action Steps for Module 9
- Daily Schedule for Realtors
- Sample Weekly Calendar for Realtors
- VIDEO: Fail Forward
- AUDIO: Fail Forward
- Workbook: Fail Forward
- Action Steps for Module 10
About this course
- $249.00
- 58 lessons
- 3 hours of video content
Immediate Takeaways
Here is what you can expect to gain from taking this online course.
- Use these real estate training ideas for motivation to help train and inspire real estate agents to stay positive, increase production, and succeed!
- Train agents how and why to control their thoughts and actions to increase their level of professionalism and customer service.
- Train and motivate real estate agents to focus their time and energy on income-producing activities.
- Learn the concept of "Rights vs. Responsibilities" and increase the professionalism of both Realtors and administrative staff members in your real estate organization.
- Learn how to use The Solution Triangle to be self-managed and solution-oriented and ultimately solve your own problems by leveraging your network.
- Become empowered and understand the importance of purposely adopting an abundant mindset to prevent scarcity-based thinking.
- Learn how to embrace the uncomfortable activities required to generate desired results.
- Get Top Producer time blocking tips for real estate agents to effectively manage and protect their time allocated for lead generation activities.
- Use our simple Realtor time management system to overcome limiting beliefs about not having enough time to conduct lead generation activities to get more business.
- Learn how to fail forward in order to get into action quickly to grow your business.
"I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations." Jake Rockwell Over 500 Units Sold Annually "I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income." Dennis Adelpour Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles "When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends." Tammi Humphrey #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales VolumeI use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations.
Jake Rockwell
Over 500 Units Sold Annually
I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income.
Dennis Adelpour
Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles
When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends.
Tammi Humphrey
#1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume
InstructorBrian ​Icenhower.
I created Success Mindset because there is simply no other training out their like this specifically for real estate agents.
You are in the right place at the right time. This course, to me, contains some of the most crucial training that people in the real estate industry can take part it.
With the ups and downs in the real estate market, and the uncertainty, at times, with regards to commissions checks -- there is a lot of volitility in real estate as a career choice. This isn't he usual 9-5 job where you get the same paycheck every two weeks.
Of course, one positive aspect of choosing real estate as your career is that there is no ceiling on the potential to be successful. The income opportunities are incredible. However, to get to those places, where you reap the benefits of being in the real estate industry, it takes a lot of mental strength.Â
If that's what you're after, this Success Mindset course is exactly what you need.
The average agent has a negative mindset, and stays "stuck" in their comfort zone. They decide they would rather keep a "flexible" schedule and avoid doing uncomfortable activities. They come from "scarcity" instead of "abundance".
This course I've created will walk you through, step by step, as I teach you how the Top Producers shift their mindset in order to grow their business.
Now is the time to step up your game. You will learn the necessary mindset changes that you need to make, tips and techniques on how to embrace being uncomfortable, and resources to support your journey.
"Why am I in such a negative headspace?"
We hear this all the time. It's easy to get negative — and stay there. Get out of the negative spiral! Learn how to shift your mindset from "scarcity" to "abundance" and change your real estate business (and your life).
It's time to take control. Empower yourself and adopt the mindset of a Top Producer. Add to CartSuccess Mindset
More about this real estate training course
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If you've been considering hiring a coach, now's the time. Book a FREE coaching consultation session with your purchase of this course! Book Your Call See all courses
Realtor motivation: build bridges first
What I would like to see you do instead of making lateral moves is to turn internally and focus on your activities first.Â
Once you strengthen the core of your business, you can then move, or add on to your business. Make your big changes once you have built a structurally sound business. Then, you can pivot and build a bridge to add a new pillar of income. This is a healthy way to evolve and grow.
Don’t blow up the bridge behind you. Build it up before you move on to the next idea.
A concept I like to talk about is “responding vs reacting.”
Responding is more of a thoughtful process where you contemplate pros and cons. When you respond, you do an internal check-in. Am I doing everything I can to succeed in the situation I’m already in?
Reacting is all about fleeing from pain. I’m struggling, and I just need to get away from it. It’s more reactive and emotional, done out of haste, anger, and a scarcity mindset.
Good business people are responsive. They look at all the data and they make sure they are doing their part before making any changes. Good business people know that they will take the problem with them if all they do is move on before looking internally.
There are no magic pills floating around out there. Typically, all the tough activities in the real estate industry are the ones that you must do in order to grow. Growth is hard. Everyone wants to grow, but not everyone wants to do the hard activities that are necessary.Â
Good business people know that they will take the problem with them if all they do is move on before looking internally.
Brian Icenhower
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Brokerage / Corporate Coaching Program
$2,000 / monthWith the Brokerage / Corporate Real Estate Coaching Program, ICC will help firms set up the most effective and efficient systems for recruiting, agent onboarding, commission & fee structures, agent engagement & retention systems, recruiting, administrative work-flows, transaction management, staff hiring, agent onboarding, productivity training & accountability, financials & budgeting, marketing and much more!
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1×1 Solo Agent Weekly Coaching Program
$750 / monthThis 1×1 Solo Agent Weekly Real Estate Coaching Program designed to help you increase your production and your commission income with strategies and systems for sustainable business growth.
Realtor motivation: your job as a leader
When you are doing the activities you should be doing, and you are seeing the positive results, the last thing you are going to want to do is make a lateral move. You are going to want to stay in that positive place where you can see your growth and your progress.
How do you know when to change vs. when you should just buckle down and focus on your growth activities? First, ask yourself if you’re doing what you should be doing. Are you the problem? Are you placing the blame on others, making yourself the victim? This is key.
As leaders, it is your job to hold your agents accountable. They need to know what they should be doing. And, you need to remind them. Don’t think that just because you told them, they are going to do it. You must constantly remind them and stay with them.
Stay with your people. This will preemptively strike lateral moves. You need to be with them and stay with them as they grow. You motivate them and you keep them focused by being there and providing them with the systems, structure, and support they need to succeed.Â
Stay positive for effective real estate agent motivation
Don’t be negative with them. Stay positive and keep them moving in a good direction. Struggle is common in real estate!
Always do an internal check first before making a big change. Am I doing my growth activities? Or, am I just in problem-solving mode all the time? Where is it that I wanted to be? What is my finish line? Why do I want to get there? What do I need to do to get there? What are the activities that I can control that will help me get there?Â
Yes, typically those activities will be painful and not fun. This is true for just about anything in life. You don’t need to like the activities, you just need to like the results, and that will motivate you. Be focused on the results and be committed to the activities that get you those results. That’s the key.Â