Designed for leaders and managers of real estate sales teams, this course provides the systems, forms, scripts, benchmarking tools, and training exercises needed to effectively develop and manage Inside Sales Agents.
Designed for all learning types
Video Training
In-depth professional video training on every module, presented by the author, Brian Icenhower.
Written Modules
Detailed and downloadable written modules with detailed graphics, scripts, spreadsheets, forms, and so much more.
Course curriculum
Enrollment includes access to the following course materials for 2 years
Here is what you can expect to gain from taking this online course.
SCRIPTS to help you train your Inside Sales Agent team.
WORKBOOK to guide you as you recruit, hire, and train your Inside Sales Agent team.
BENCHMARKS to use as you structure your training and track your KPIs.
ONLINE LEAD FOLLOW UP PLANS and processes to help you systematize your business.
TRAINING EXERCISES for your Inside Sales Agent team to help them learn, practice, and grow.
OPTIONS for how you learn best. Each module provides a downloadable PDF chapter as well as a featured video of Brian Icenhower, teaching the topic at hand.
Certification & Designation Upon Completion
In this ICC online course, you will receive an official designation of “Certified Inside Sales Agent Trainer” or CISAT upon completion, as well as a downloadable (and printable) Certificate of Completion. Add your designation seal, as well as your designation letters, to your email signature to bolster your reputation and show off your expertise to clients and colleagues alike.
"I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations."
Jake Rockwell
Over 500 Units Sold Annually
"I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income."
Dennis Adelpour
Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles
"When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends."
Tammi Humphrey
#1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume
I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations.
Jake Rockwell
Over 500 Units Sold Annually
I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income.
Dennis Adelpour
Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles
When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends.
Tammi Humphrey
#1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume
Brian Icenhower.
Designed for leaders and managers of real estate sales teams
This course provides the systems, forms, scripts, benchmarking tools, and training exercises needed to effectively develop and manage Inside Sales Agents.
These very same ISA hiring, onboarding and training systems have been implemented and tested by many of the top real estate teams in North America.
We know this course will be valuable for your real estate business.
Harness your strengths.
Understand the people you interact with, and use that information to your advantage with this DISC: Understanding Behavior in Real Estate course.
Here is what you can expect to gain from taking this online course.
CHARTS that demonstrate the differences between the DISC profiles. Learn what makes a D behavior, I behavior, S behavior, and C behavior, and what makes them different from each other.
GRAPHICS to illustrate key concepts as they relate to learning about DISC behavioral profiles. You will be able to visualize the differences between the profiles, which will help you identify them as you learn through the course.
CHEAT SHEET on mirroring and matching DISC behaviors to help you learn how to better communicate with all behavioral styles.
OPTIONS for how you learn best. Each module provides a downloadable PDF chapter as well as a featured video of Brian Icenhower, teaching the topic at hand. At the beginning of the course, you are also provided with a full audiobook to listen to. So however you learn best -- we have an option for you!
Certification & Designation Upon Completion
In this ICC online course, you will receive an official designation of "Certified Behavioral Specialist" or CBS upon completion, as well as a downloadable (and printable) Certificate of Completion. Add your designation seal, as well as your designation letters, to your email signature to bolster your reputation and show off your expertise to clients and colleagues alike.
"I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations."
Jake Rockwell
Over 500 Units Sold Annually
"I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income."
Dennis Adelpour
Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles
"When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends."
Tammi Humphrey
#1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume
I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations.
Jake Rockwell
Over 500 Units Sold Annually
I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income.
Dennis Adelpour
Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles
When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends.
Tammi Humphrey
#1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume
Brian Icenhower.
Discover the crucial relationship between human behavior and every facet of the real estate business.
This course, DISC: Understanding Behavior in Real Estate, gives invaluable insights into the nature of behavior and how to apply it to everything you do in real estate. You’ll learn to identify different behavioral types and modify your communication style to effectively build relationships with all types of clients, as well as vendors, stakeholders, and all the other people you'll meet in the course of doing business.
Not only will the client leads that you generate significantly increase, but your level of customer service and lead conversion rates will dramatically improve as well. You’ll gain insight on which types of business marketing and lead generation methods are the best fit for your behavioral style, and even how behavior impacts hiring and training within real estate teams.
This course will show you how to harness your strengths while overcoming the behaviors that are holding you back from success.
Harness your strengths.
Understand the people you interact with, and use that information to your advantage with this DISC: Understanding Behavior in Real Estate course.
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DISC: Understanding Behavior in Real Estate
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If you've been considering hiring a coach, now's the time. Book a FREE coaching consultation session with your purchase of this course!
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Here is what you can expect to gain from taking this online course.
SCRIPTS that help you know how to talk to your farm. Just Sold Script, Just Listing Script, Follow-Up for Neighbors Script, Door-Knocking Script, FSBO Phone Call Script, Benefits of Listing with an Agent Script, The Watch Analogy Script, Expired Listing Scripts, Promoting Your Open House Script, Scheduling Your Open House Script, Open House Security Script, Open House Buyer Conversion Script, When a Neighbor Walks In Script, Email Campaigns Script, Facebook Farming Script, and more.
TOPICS that will help you learn how to farm successfully. Flyers, Mailers, Seasonals, and Updates, How to Door Knock, How to Work with FSBOs and Expireds, How to Host Open Houses and Neighborhood Events, How to Structure a Successful Email Campaign, How to Use Social Media to Farm, and more.
OPTIONS for how you learn best. Each module provides a downloadable PDF chapter as well as a featured video of Brian Icenhower, teaching the topic at hand. At the beginning of the course, you are also provided with a full audiobook to listen to. So however you learn best -- we have an option for you!
Certification & Designation Upon Completion
In this ICC online course, you will receive an official designation of "Certified Geographic Farming Expert" or CGFE upon completion, as well as a downloadable (and printable) Certificate of Completion. Add your designation seal, as well as your designation letters, to your email signature to bolster your reputation and show off your expertise to clients and colleagues alike.
"I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations."
Jake Rockwell
Over 500 Units Sold Annually
"I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income."
Dennis Adelpour
Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles
"When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends."
Tammi Humphrey
#1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume
I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations.
Jake Rockwell
Over 500 Units Sold Annually
I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income.
Dennis Adelpour
Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles
When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends.
Tammi Humphrey
#1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume
Brian Icenhower.
This course will help you learn the strategies and methods top producing real estate agents use to successfully farm neighborhoods to become the community real estate expert of choice.
Learn the systems that real estate coach Brian Icenhower implements with many of the top producing agents in the world to create steady and predictable sources of commission income from targeted geographic communities.
Get the business generation strategies, techniques, scripts and tools to build your real estate geographic farming business from the ground up.
We know not everyone learns the same way. For that reason, FARM: Ultimate Guide to Geographic Farming has videos, text modules, and a full audiobook. In addition, the text and audiobook are downloadable so you can keep this information for life, and take it with you wherever you go.
We know this course will be valuable for your real estate business.
Become the neighborhood real estate expert of choice.
Learn the systems that real estate coach Brian Icenhower implements with many of the top producing agents in the world to create steady and predictable sources of commission income from targeted geographic communities. Get the business generation strategies, techniques, scripts and tools to build your real estate geographic farming business from the ground up.
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Agent Financials
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You're not an event planner (and, we don't want you to be.) You'll learn through this course that hosting the most perfect event is not the goal. It's all about the CONTACTS and using your real estate event as an excuse to gain mindshare.
Designed for all learning types
Video Training
In-depth professional video training on every module, presented by the author, Brian Icenhower.
Written Modules
Detailed and downloadable written modules with detailed graphics, scripts, spreadsheets, forms, and so much more.
Audio Book
Since real estate agents are always on the move, your training must be too. This course provides a professional downloadable audiobook.
Course curriculum
Enrollment includes access to the following course materials for 2 years
Here is what you can expect to gain from taking this online course.
Download, customize, and use our comprehensive Realtor event marketing plan to maximize the contacts to an agent database leading up to a successful real estate agent client appreciation event.
Use our proven Realtor event contact plan designed to maximize contacts and generate a large real estate agent event turnout.
Learn high-level real estate event plan strategies for conducting Realtor events that eliminate or minimize event costs for real estate agents.
Use our creative ideas for community events for real estate agents looking to give back to their local communities by coming from contribution.
Gain access to our Real Estate Event Guide PDF with the most complete list of real estate agent event ideas ever assembled!
"I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations."
Jake Rockwell
Over 500 Units Sold Annually
"I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income."
Dennis Adelpour
Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles
"When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends."
Tammi Humphrey
#1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume
I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations.
Jake Rockwell
Over 500 Units Sold Annually
I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income.
Dennis Adelpour
Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles
When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends.
Tammi Humphrey
#1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume
Brian Icenhower.
I created this Realtor Events course because there is simply no other training out their like this specifically for real estate agents.
This course is a no-nonsence guide to hosting high quality client appreciation events. You'll learn why cost shouldn't be an obstacle. And, you'll also learn the most valuable piece of hosting a client event. (Hint: it's not the event itself!)
Stop trying to become an event planner. Focus on coming from contribution and giving back.
At ICC, we have developed the resources you need to systematize your client event planning process. We've taken the guesswork out of it, and by following our systems, you'll ensure that you're getting the most out of your event (and spend the least amount of time doing the activities that don't matter.)
Are you "winging it"?
Do you have a client event strategy?If your answer is "no," or you aren't sure, then you're in the right place. Up your game and learn how to host 4-6 high quality client events each year by learning the scripts, strategies, and systems that have been proven to work.
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Realtor Events
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If you've been considering hiring a coach, now's the time. Book a FREE coaching consultation session with your purchase of this course!
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Here is what you can expect to gain from taking this online course.
Learn best accounting practices for your real estate business, and what to look for in an accountant.
Understand the purpose of the Real Estate Budget Schedule and how you can use it to determine the levels of spending necessary to keep your business growing.
Learn why you need to look at your Profit & Loss Statement quarterly, and how to use it to see exactly where you're at.
Once you are able to access your P&L Statement, you will learn what each line item means and how to use it to determine where you fall on the Real Estate Budget Schedule
Get insight into how you can use your P&L Statement and your Real Estate Budget Schedule to now make the changes needed by diagnosing your own issues and prescribing your own next steps.
Become empowered and take charge of your financials so that you never feel in the dark again when it comes to your income, your spending, and the growth of your real estate business.
"I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations."
Jake Rockwell
Over 500 Units Sold Annually
"I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income."
Dennis Adelpour
Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles
"When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends."
Tammi Humphrey
#1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume
I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations.
Jake Rockwell
Over 500 Units Sold Annually
I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income.
Dennis Adelpour
Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles
When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends.
Tammi Humphrey
#1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume
Brian Icenhower.
I created Agent Financials because there is simply no other training out their like this specifically for real estate agents.
Most agents have no idea where they are at financially.
You are not an "average agent", though, and you are tired of living your life (and running your business) by looking through the rear view mirror. It's time to learn how your P&L Statement and budget can be used to start looking through the windshield as you navigate your way through the process of growing your business.
Now is the time to step up your game.
This is a high-level course that has been boiled down to the essentials. I'll explain everything from start to finish, and by the end, you'll feel much more comfortable with your financials, and you can immediately begin to put what you learn into action.
You will learn the necessary changes that you need to make to get on track to grow the real estate business of your dreams.
"My business is growing, but for some reason, I'm broke."
We hear this all the time. When real estate agents don't truly understand their financials, they always feel in the dark about their numbers.
It's time to take control. Empower yourself to understand your financials so you can start making decisions today that will impact your business's future success.
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Agent Financials
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Learn how to shift your mindset, go forward sloppy, and fail forward. Brian Icenhower teaches motivation techniques and trains agents of all backgrounds and skill levels to shift their mindset from "scarcity" to "abundance" and live a more positive (and successful) life.
Designed for all learning types
Video Training
In-depth professional video training on every module, presented by the author, Brian Icenhower.
Written Modules
Detailed and downloadable written modules with detailed graphics, scripts, spreadsheets, forms, and so much more.
Since real estate agents are always on the move, your training must be too. This course provides a professional downloadable audiobook.
Course curriculum
Enrollment includes access to the following course materials for 2 years
Here is what you can expect to gain from taking this online course.
Use these real estate training ideas for motivation to help train and inspire real estate agents to stay positive, increase production, and succeed!
Train agents how and why to control their thoughts and actions to increase their level of professionalism and customer service.
Train and motivate real estate agents to focus their time and energy on income-producing activities.
Learn the concept of "Rights vs. Responsibilities" and increase the professionalism of both Realtors and administrative staff members in your real estate organization.
Learn how to use The Solution Triangle to be self-managed and solution-oriented and ultimately solve your own problems by leveraging your network.
Become empowered and understand the importance of purposely adopting an abundant mindset to prevent scarcity-based thinking.
Learn how to embrace the uncomfortable activities required to generate desired results.
Get Top Producer time blocking tips for real estate agents to effectively manage and protect their time allocated for lead generation activities.
Use our simple Realtor time management system to overcome limiting beliefs about not having enough time to conduct lead generation activities to get more business.
Learn how to fail forward in order to get into action quickly to grow your business.
"I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations."
Jake Rockwell
Over 500 Units Sold Annually
"I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income."
Dennis Adelpour
Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles
"When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends."
Tammi Humphrey
#1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume
I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations.
Jake Rockwell
Over 500 Units Sold Annually
I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income.
Dennis Adelpour
Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles
When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends.
Tammi Humphrey
#1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume
Brian Icenhower.
I created Success Mindset because there is simply no other training out their like this specifically for real estate agents.
You are in the right place at the right time. This course, to me, contains some of the most crucial training that people in the real estate industry can take part it.
With the ups and downs in the real estate market, and the uncertainty, at times, with regards to commissions checks -- there is a lot of volitility in real estate as a career choice. This isn't he usual 9-5 job where you get the same paycheck every two weeks.
Of course, one positive aspect of choosing real estate as your career is that there is no ceiling on the potential to be successful. The income opportunities are incredible. However, to get to those places, where you reap the benefits of being in the real estate industry, it takes a lot of mental strength.
If that's what you're after, this Success Mindset course is exactly what you need.
The average agent has a negative mindset, and stays "stuck" in their comfort zone. They decide they would rather keep a "flexible" schedule and avoid doing uncomfortable activities. They come from "scarcity" instead of "abundance".
This course I've created will walk you through, step by step, as I teach you how the Top Producers shift their mindset in order to grow their business.
Now is the time to step up your game. You will learn the necessary mindset changes that you need to make, tips and techniques on how to embrace being uncomfortable, and resources to support your journey.
"Why am I in such a negative headspace?"
We hear this all the time. It's easy to get negative — and stay there. Get out of the negative spiral! Learn how to shift your mindset from "scarcity" to "abundance" and change your real estate business (and your life). It's time to take control. Empower yourself and adopt the mindset of a Top Producer.
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Success Mindset
More about this real estate training course
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Here is what you can expect to gain from taking this online course.
WORKBOOK to take you step by step through each concept of the PIVOT process. Thought questions, activities, action items, and applications throughout!
COVID-19 TEMPLATES - Coronavirus COVID-19 Email Letter Template for Sphere of Influence, Virtual Realtor Media Kit, Newsletter Templates by Month, and more
SCRIPTS that help you incorporate friends, acquaintances, vendors and others into your SOI. SOI Referral Script Booklet
FORMS AND LISTS to streamline processes and document your SOI. Daily Contact Form, Virtual Showing Request Form, Listing and Closing Checklists, ICC Scoreboard Template and Instructions, Business Plan Templates, Agent-Team Tasklist, Team Org Charts, Listing Inventory Calculator, Open House System Checklist, and more
CONTACT PLANS - Sample contact plans and instructions on how to create your own to maximize your interactions with your SOI.
OPTIONS for how you learn best. Each module provides a downloadable PDF chapter as well as a featured video of Brian Icenhower, teaching the topic at hand. At the beginning of the course, you are also provided with a full audiobook to listen to. So however you learn best -- we have an option for you!
"I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations."
Jake Rockwell
Over 500 Units Sold Annually
"I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income."
Dennis Adelpour
Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles
"When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends."
Tammi Humphrey
#1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume
I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations.
Jake Rockwell
Over 500 Units Sold Annually
I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income.
Dennis Adelpour
Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles
When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends.
Tammi Humphrey
#1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume
Brian Icenhower.
A note from your instructor.
I've been in this industry for almost thirty years, so I've been through quite a few of these “turns” and I'll tell you it's the same process regardless of the catastrophe. Regardless of the reason that we have a turn in the market, we need a solid strategy and a system. We see the results and dividends. You can see a lot of our agents advancing their positions in the turns as a result.
Pivot your real estate business.
During "turns" in the market, you will set yourself apart from you competition. This course will help you pivot the way you do things as a Realtor, and adapt to survive and thrive, even when times are tough.
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If you've been considering hiring a coach, now's the time. Book a FREE coaching consultation session with your purchase of this course!
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New Agent Blueprint is more than a simple online course. It is a training program designed to rapidly grow your real estate business. New Agent Blueprint is right for you if:
You're new to real estate and aren't sure where to start
You're overwhelmed and don't know what activities to prioritize
You're a dual career agent and need help balancing
You're looking for actionable advice based on proven success strategies
You're looking for mastermind sessions
You want support from the leading experts in the real estate industry with decades of experience
"I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations."
Jake Rockwell
Over 500 Units Sold Annually
"I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income."
Dennis Adelpour
Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles
"When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends."
Tammi Humphrey
#1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume
I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations.
Jake Rockwell
Over 500 Units Sold Annually
I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income.
Dennis Adelpour
Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles
When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends.
Tammi Humphrey
#1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume
Brian Icenhower.
Like all Icenhower training courses, I created New Agent Blueprint for new real estate agents wanting to accelerate their career and make the choices that will ultimately propel them toward steady growth and success.
If you are here, thinking about signing up for this course, likely you are in the process of building the foundation of your business. Maybe you don't know where to start. Or, maybe you thought you'd have more support at your team or brokerage but feel alone, and you're looking for guidance.
Regardless of where you're at in figuring out your next steps, we're happy you're here. This course starts with the basics and builds on proven systems that will help you find success.
We’ll show you step-by-step how to build your business, and then continue to grow your results year after year.
Growth starts here.
Like all ICC coaching programs, New Agent Blueprint incorporates the strategies and tactics used by successful real estate agents and top performers from across North America.
This online training program offers a proven path to success and includes step-by-step instructions.
If you've been considering hiring a coach, now's the time. Book a FREE coaching consultation session with your purchase of this course!
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Here is what you can expect to gain from taking this online course.
TRACKERS to monitor KPIs and tips on optimal lead follow-up. The FIVE Components of Organizational Growth, SMART Goals, The 4 Key Accountability Questions, The ICC Team Dashboard, and more
SCRIPTS, scripts, and more scripts! After Setting Up Automated Listing Alert Email Notification Script, MLS Listing Alert Follow-Up/Nurture Email Scripts, Nurturing Text Scripts & Response Rates, LPMAMA Qualifying Questions, Internet Lead Phone and Email Scripts, and more
ONLINE LEAD FOLLOW UP PLANS and processes to help you systematize your business. Ascertaining Degree Of Urgency, The Four Follow-Up Campaign Categories, ABCD Follow Up Plans, Nurture and Cultivation Steps, and more
ONLINE BUYER AND SELLER LEAD CONVERSION - Conducting the Buyer Consultation process, converting to Listing Appointments, and more
YOUR PROSPECTING ARENA - Map Your Prospecting Mindset, Office Setup Tips, Positive and Negative Reinforcement Tactics, Eliminate and Prevent Distractions, and more
OPTIONS for how you learn best. Each module provides a downloadable PDF chapter as well as a featured video of Brian Icenhower, teaching the topic at hand. At the beginning of the course, you are also provided with a full audiobook to listen to. So however you learn best -- we have an option for you!
"I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations."
Jake Rockwell
Over 500 Units Sold Annually
"I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income."
Dennis Adelpour
Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles
"When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends."
Tammi Humphrey
#1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume
I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations.
Jake Rockwell
Over 500 Units Sold Annually
I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income.
Dennis Adelpour
Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles
When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends.
Tammi Humphrey
#1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume
Brian Icenhower.
As a real estate professional, you understand that one of the first places your potential clients go when looking for a home is online. The Internet has radically altered the way that we communicate and get information. It has also altered the way that we search for homes and the way that real estate leads are generated.
In an age of instant access to information, most homebuyers prefer to research and look at houses by themselves before they talk to an agent. It’s crucial that you’re ready to engage today’s online home searchers in a way that translates to real-life business.
Whether you’re a solo agent, a team leader, or an inside sales agent on a real estate team, this course will strengthen your knowledge of online prospecting and help you convert more inbound leads. Regardless of your specialty, location or experience level, we’ll show you how to systematize your approach to online prospecting.
Learn the strategies and methods top producing real estate agents use to source, nurture, and convert inbound digital leads. Implement the scripts, templates, and techniques guaranteed to generate a predictable and steady flow of business from people who begin their home search online. Whether you’re a seasoned agent or you’re just starting out in the business, Online Prospecting is the one book you must have as your guide.
Go where the leads are.
The statistics don’t lie: half of all homes sold were found online, which makes Online Prospecting an absolute necessity to succeed in today’s market.
The internet has opened up incredible opportunities for realtors and their teams to generate more leads, and convert those leads into clients.
If you've been considering hiring a coach, now's the time. Book a FREE coaching consultation session with your purchase of this course!
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