Use these Realtor video ideas to increase market share and stay in front of your clients regularly.
Let’s talk about Realtor video ideas that you can use to grow your business and stay in front of your sphere of influence (SOI). Videos are dynamic — they capture the attention of your audience at a higher level than text alone. They are also more personal. In a time where physical human contact is not encouraged, most people long to see the faces of people they know. Another big selling point of video? More than ever, people are connecting on social media. And social media happens to be a great way to use video. By reaching out to your SOI through video, you are making a meaningful, lasting connection. It will keep you first in mind when your people decide they want to buy or sell.
VIDEO: Realtor Video Ideas to Increase Market Share
Do you have a plan?
One of the biggest issues we see here at ICC as we work with our clients is the absence of an annual database contact plan. If you do not have a plan, you must get one together. And if you already do have a contact plan, today I’ll give you some Realtor video ideas to use as part of that plan. But first, let’s dive into what kind of video is most effective.
Quick videos
We’re talking quick, on-the-go, iPhone selfie videos. These are not fancy, and not done by a videographer. There is no (or very little) editing done. The reason why these quick videos are the most powerful is that they are easy, not time-consuming, not expensive, and can be done spur of the moment. When it comes to Realtor video ideas, these are casual snippets that can contain a wide variety of content.
The more casual your quick video is, the more effective it is. And why is that? Because these quick, casual, downright sloppy videos come across as genuine. They are simple and they feel “real” in a time when we are all craving the real feeling of human connection. Think about the last time you scrolled through your Facebook feed. How many high-production value commercials did you willingly watch? Probably none. How many “quick videos” from your friends and family did you watch? Probably several. They are more interesting and feel less like an advertisement and more like a friend saying “hi!”
Realtor video ideas
- Talk about upcoming client events
- Visit and promote local businesses
- Interview local vendors that you refer your clients to
- Share your favorite spots around town
- Discuss market statistics and home buying/selling tips and tricks
- Do a virtual open house / walkthrough
- Share DIY/craft ideas or favorite recipes
- Host and promote virtual client events, contests, and giveaways
Notice that many of the ideas above are not real estate related. That’s ok! These Realtor video ideas show that you are a real, well-rounded person. I promise your followers do not want to only see videos from you about your latest listings. They also want to see what you’re up to. Your followers find it interesting where you like to get coffee or grab a quick lunch. Engaging in this way will expand your market share because these videos are reaching more than just your sphere of influence (SOI). They are being commented on, shared, and spread across your friends of friends on social media! This is how you gain market share and referrals through quick, simple videos.
Need more video tips?
First, make sure you watch the video in this blog for more ideas and tips. Next, reach out to us here at ICC and get a free consultation. Our coaches are ready to help you up your game, video content and otherwise!