YouTube for Real Estate Agents – Learn how top-producing Realtors set up their YouTube channels and create effective videos to generate real estate leads.
YouTube for real estate agents has the ability to increase your organic search engine optimization (SEO) when tied to your Google My Business profile and your website.
In 2021, Google introduced its Local Services Ads (LSA) program, and suddenly, real estate agents had good reason to pay closer attention to Google. And because Google owns YouTube, that relationship has become extremely significant for SEO purposes. Today we’ll dive into how you should manage your YouTube presence in order to maximize your SEO and generate organic leads.
VIDEO: YouTube for Real Estate Agents – Creating Your Channel & Videos
Why YouTube for real estate agents?
Here are seven reasons why you must have your own YouTube channel as a real estate agent. We’ll go deeper into each reason throughout the rest of this blog.
- Increase your SEO
- Diversify your content / make it easy for everyone
- Look tech-savvy
- Present your marketing
- Share your content with ease
- Make connections and strengthen relationships
- Great organic reach
1. Increase your SEO
Video is an especially powerful SEO tool for a number of reasons. You can optimize it so that Google or other search engines are most likely to show it when certain keywords are searched for in the search engine. SEO is greatly enhanced when you use a YouTube video in your post. Google wants you to use YouTube because Google owns YouTube. Google favors posts and websites with YouTube videos for this reason.
2. Diversify your content / make it easy for everyone
People love it when you make content that is easy for them to consume. They can listen or watch a YouTube video with more ease than reading a long article or blog post. It’s nice to give your audience options like this.
We know that people consume information in different ways. Top-producing real estate agents understand the importance of creating content on YouTube for this reason. So many people go to YouTube every day to search for a variety of content. People go to YouTube to listen to free podcasts, free movies, free music, free seminars, etc. It goes to show that a Realtor should be on YouTube!
3. Look tech-savvy
Before someone lists with you, they will want to see your online presence. They’ll type your name into YouTube to see if you have a channel and what your videos look like. Maybe they’ll peruse your videos to see other listings you’ve sold.
YouTube is much like an additional website for you to use. Potential buyers and sellers will check you out and subscribe to your channel. Remember, there are people out there who prefer YouTube to other social media channels like Facebook.
4. Present your marketing skills
Your YouTube channel is a great way to provide examples of your marketing skills to your potential clients. Most real estate agents do not use video, so if you have a thriving YouTube channel, you will be sure to stand out. No one will doubt your marketing skills, and no one will question your commission, because you are showing the value that you provide as their agent.
5. Share your content with ease
Once your videos are uploaded to YouTube, they are so easy to share. You simply copy/paste the URL of the video, and you can post it to social media, send in an email, add to a blog, or upload to your website.
You should never send a giant MP4 video file to a client. If you use YouTube to house your videos, a simple link will make it so easy for someone to click and watch your video with ease.
6. Make connections and strengthen relationships
Video is powerful. Video has the ability to create a relationship between you and your potential client before you even meet in person! So, when you do conduct your Listing Consultation, they will feel more comfortable with you, and they may feel like this isn’t your first meeting, either. They’ve heard your voice and seen your face already, so those first-meeting jitters are out of the way. YouTube gives real estate agents an easy (and free) tool for building relationships online.
7. Great organic reach
You can get a lot more organic traffic and traction with your online presence with LSA ads, Google My Business, and your website if your YouTube Channel is optimized. YouTube is free and easy!
Most real estate agents make excuses about why their YouTube channel isn’t great. Think about your YouTube channel the way we think about your Instagram homepage these days. If you aren’t sure that your YouTube Channel is optimized, pay attention to the rest of this blog, as we provide you with helpful optimization tips.

Key Components of a YouTube Channel
- Thumbnail of you (If you create a Google My Business account with the same email address used to create your YouTube Channel, this image will auto populate for you because Google is linked with YouTube)
- Channel cover with your logo
- Choose one video as your introduction video (This will show up at the top of your channel and it automatically plays with volume up. This is a great place to put your Pre-Listing video as a real estate agent.)
- You can choose to show or not show your subscriber count
- Use keywords in titles and descriptions of your YouTube to optimize your SEO
- Utilize “Cards” to link other videos within each of your videos
- Utilize the “Endscreen” to link to other videos or a link to your channel to subscribe
YouTube for real estate agents: Get hyper-local
Hyper local videos that target neighborhoods and communities will boost your SEO. Be sure to use the names of these neighborhoods and communities in the titles of your videos. Now, when someone Googles that neighborhood or community, your video is more likely to come up in a search for that neighborhood or community.
Types of videos to post to YouTube for real estate agents
Each of these can have their own playlist on your YouTube channel.
- Listing or Pre-Listing Video (can be the video at the top)
- Team information / videos about your business
- Communities or neighborhoods that you are targeting
- Client testimonials
- Properties for sale
- Educational videos
- Career opportunities for your team
If you need more help, use Google! There are endless resources for you online that will help you create a YouTube channel. Simply Google your question. Ironically, you’ll probably find a YouTube video that will walk you through the process step-by-step.
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