
Showing 1–27 of 42 results

  • ADMIN: The Training Process for Real Estate Administrative Assistants


    Quickly educate and empower yourself to own the administrative and transactional duties of your real estate business

    Designed for all learning types

    Video Training

    In-depth professional video training on every module, presented by the author, Brian Icenhower.

    Written Modules

    Detailed and downloadable written modules with detailed graphics, scripts, spreadsheets, forms, and so much more.


    Since real estate agents are always on the move, your training must be too. This course provides a professional downloadable audiobook.

    Course curriculum

    Enrollment includes access to the following course materials for 2 years

    Module 1: Introduction
    • Module 1 Workbook: Introduction
    • Video: Communication Foundations
    • Get to know the DISC Profiles
    Module 2: Understanding Job Roles
    • Module 2 Workbook: Understanding Job Roles
    • Video: Job Roles for Admin Staff
    • The Solution Triangle
    Module 3: The Administrative Manager
    • Module 3 Workbook: The Administrative Manager
    • Video: The Administrative Manager: Creating Structure
    • Sample Weekly Calendar
    • Active Listing – blank (fillable)
    • Sample Buyer Inventory
    • Daily Contact Form (fillable)
    • Sample Year-to-Date Check-Up Form 1
    • Sample Year-to-Date Check-Up Form 2
    • Lead Tracking Sheet (fillable)
    • Sample Pending Inventory Pipeline
    • Sample Dashboard 1
    • Sample Dashboard 2
    • Year-to-Date Check-Up Form (fillable)
    • Active & Pending Inventory Lists (fillable)
    • ICC Team Dashboard (fillable)
    Module 4: The Listing Manager
    • Module 4 Workbook: The Listing Manager
    • Video: The Listing Manager: From Listing to Contract
    • Listing and Pre-Listing Checklists
    • Listing to Contract Checklist
    • Pre-Listing Checklist
    • Seller Lead Sheet
    • Assistant’s First Call Checklist
    • Assistant’s First Call Checklist (fillable)
    • Defining Moments in Real Estate Transactions
    Module 5: The Transaction Coordinator
    • Module 5 Workbook: The Transaction Coordinator
    • Video: The Transaction Coordinator: From Contract to Closing
    • Buyer-Seller Checklist
    • Active Listing – blank (fillable)
    • Buyer Closing Checklist
    • Buyer Inventory
    • Buyer Lead Sheet (fillable)
    • Listing Inventory
    • Pending Contracts – blank (fillable)
    • Pending Inventory Pipeline
    • Seller Closing Checklist
    • Buyer and Seller Checklists (fillable)
    Module 6: The Marketing Director
    • Module 6 Workbook: The Marketing Director
    • Video: The Marketing Director: Building your real estate business
    • Buyer Closing Checklist
    • Client Event Contact Plan
    • Listing to Contract Checklist
    • Script: Contacting past and existing clients
    • Pre-Listing Checklist
    • Seller Closing Checklist
    Module 7: Your Sphere of Influence
    • Module 7 Workbook: Your Sphere of Influence
    • Video: Your Sphere of Influence
    • Team Scoreboard
    • Graphic: The SOI Core
    Module 8: Creating the Ultimate User Experience
    • Module 8 Workbook: Creating the Ultimate User Experience
    • Video: Creating the Ultimate User Experience
    • Policies and Procedures Handbook
    • First Day Welcome Orientation Checklist
    • First Quarter Checklist – Admin – alternate
    • Editable First Day Welcome Orientation Checklist
    Module 9: Conclusion
    • Module 9 Workbook: Conclusion
    • Video: Above and Beyond
    • Leader vs Manager
    • Production Growth Budget Schedule
    • Staff Self-Performance Appraisal
    • Sample Team Annual Business Plan
    • Editable Blank Business Plan
    • Editable Blank Action Steps

    About this course

    • $199.00
    • 72 lessons
    • 4.5 hours of video content
    Add to Cart Checkout Course

    Immediate Takeaways

    Here is what you can expect to gain from taking this online course.

    • CHECKLISTS for listings, open houses, closings etc. Active Listing Checklist, Sample Buyer Inventory, Daily Contact Form, Lead Tracking Sheet, Listing and Pre-Listing Checklists, Listing to Contract Checklist, Assistant's First Call Checklist, First Day Welcome and Orientation Checklist, First Quarter Checklist, and more.
    • SCOREBOARDS to track success and editable forms to document everything. Sample Scoreboards and fillable ICC Team Scoreboard.
    • RESOURCES for new hires, including orientation templates and policy and procedure handbook templates. Sample Weekly Calendar, Sample Year-to-Date Check-Up Form, Sample Pending Inventory Pipeline, Active and Pending Inventory Lists, Seller Lead Sheet, Client Event Contact Plan, Policies and Procedures Handbook, Staff Self-Performance Appraisal, Blank Editable Business Plan, and more.
    • SCRIPTS for the administrative assistant. Contacting Past and Existing Clients Script, and more.
    • OPTIONS for how you learn best. Each module provides a downloadable PDF chapter as well as a featured video of Brian Icenhower, teaching the topic at hand. At the beginning of the course, you are also provided with a full audiobook to listen to. So however you learn best -- we have an option for you!


    "I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations." Jake Rockwell Over 500 Units Sold Annually "I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income." soi audio workbook Dennis Adelpour Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles "When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends." recruit audio workbook Tammi Humphrey #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations. COACH: Coaching for Business Performance

    Jake Rockwell

    Over 500 Units Sold Annually I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income. COACH: Coaching for Business Performance

    Dennis Adelpour

    Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends. COACH: Coaching for Business Performance

    Tammi Humphrey

    #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume Instructor Brian ​Icenhower.

    Having someone back in the office helps agents amplify their sales potential. They can focus on generating business, following up on leads, conducting appointments, and writing offers/negotiating contracts -- all things that create more income.

    This 9-module course not only identifies the four key roles of a real estate assistant, but it also breaks down the precise workflows when serving as a listing manager, transaction coordinator, marketing director, and administrative manager.

    Whether you’re an agent learning how to train your assistant, an assistant looking for your own training process, or you’re both reading through these materials together, this course provides the explanations and concrete examples of best practices in real estate offices so you don’t have to.

    Make administrative tasks easy.

    Whether you’re an assistant or a solo agent, systematizing adminstrative processes will increase your efficiency. This course gives you the strategies, tools, and techniques to master administrative processes so your agents are free to focus on generating, nurturing, and converting leads. Add to Cart Checkout Course

    Talk to a coach

    If you've been considering hiring a coach, now's the time. Book a FREE coaching consultation session with your purchase of this course! Book Your Call Team Onboarding Real Estate Coaching See all courses
    Quick ViewCompare
  • Agent AI Advantage

    Online Course

    A Realtor's guide to AI: this course covers marketing, blogging, facebook ads, video and image creation, networking events, negotiations, listing descriptions, ebooks and more using ChatGPT, Gemini AI, Perplexity AI, and various specialized GPTs.

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    Agent AI Advantage

    Click to watch more about this real estate training course

    Designed for all learning types

    Video Training

    In-depth video with Brian Icenhower walking you through each Industry Update slide and explaining the meaning, and providing talking points for you to use with your clients.

    Written Workbook

    Detailed and downloadable written workbook that provides you with each industry graph and chart, along with a written explanation of what it means and talking points to use with your clients.

    Course curriculum

    Enrollment includes access to the following course materials for 6 months

    Welcome to Agent AI Advantage
    • Welcome to Agent AI Advantage! A message from your Instructor, Rick Fuller
    • Schedule a Coaching Call
    • Stay Connected via our REAL ESTATE AGENT ROUND TABLE Facebook Group
    Module 1: Mastering AI Basics: Introduction, Prompts, & Customizations
    • VIDEO: Mastering AI Basics Introduction, Prompts, and Customizations

    • WORKBOOK: Module 1: Mastering AI Basics Introduction, Prompts, & Customizations

    • 5 ChatGPT Prompts Every Agent Must Use

    • Plain text: 5 ChatGPT Prompts Every Agent Must Use

    Module 2: Expanding Your Network: Growing Your SOI & Marketing with ChatGPT
    • VIDEO: Expanding Your Network Growing Your SOI and Marketing with Chat GPT
    • WORKBOOK: Module 2: Expanding Your Network: Growing Your SOI & Marketing with ChatGPT
    • SOI by Brian Icenhower
    • Behavior by Brian Icenhower
    Module 3: Engaging Content Creation: Making Videos & Social Posts with ChatGPT
    • VIDEO: Engaging Content Creation Making Videos and Social Posts with Chat GPT
    • WORKBOOK: Module 3: Engaging Content Creation: Making Videos & Social Posts with ChatGPT
    • NAR Survey Of Home Buyer & Sellers
    • NAR 179 Ways Agent Earn Every Penny
    • Best ChatGPT Prompts for Blogging, Facebook Ads and Video Creation
    • Plain text: Best ChatGPT Prompts for Blogging, Facebook Ads and Video Creation
    • SEO Blogging with AI and ChatGPT
    • Create Videos with AI for Realtors

    Adding Value with ChatGPT for Realtors

    Module 4: Strategic Networking: Leveraging ChatGPT for Building Connections
    • VIDEO: Strategic Networking Leveraging Chat GPT for Building Connections
    • WORKBOOK: Module 4: Strategic Networking: Leveraging Chat GPT for Building Connections
    Module 5: Crafting Perfect Listings: Descriptions & Translations with Google Gemini
    • VIDEO: Crafting Perfect Listings Descriptions and Translations with Google Gemini
    • WORKBOOK: Module 5: Crafting Perfect Listings: Descriptions & Translations with Google Gemini
    Module 6: Real-Time Insights: Delivering Market Updates with Perplexity AI
    • VIDEO: Real-Time Insights Delivering Market Updates with Perplexity AI

    • WORKBOOK: Module 6: Real-Time Insights: Delivering Market Updates with Perplexity AI

    Module 7: Closing Deals: Mastering Negotiations with GPT Negotiator
    • VIDEO: Closing Deals Mastering Negotiations with GPT Negotiator
    • WORKBOOK: Module 7: Closing Deals: Mastering Negotiations with GPT Negotiator
    Module 8: Authoring Success: Creating Ebooks with Ebook CreatorGPT & Designrr
    • VIDEO: Authoring Success Creating Ebooks with Ebook Creator GPT & Designrr

    • WORKBOOK: Module 8: Authoring Success: Creating Ebooks with Ebook CreatorGPT & Designrr

    • NAR Survey Of Home Buyer & Sellers

    • NAR 179 Ways Agent Earn Every Penny

    • Rick’s Market Update

    Agent AI Advantage

    About this course

    • $750.00
    • 33 lessons
    • 3 hours of video content
    • 6 months of access to course materials
    Add to Cart


    "I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations." Jake Rockwell Over 500 Units Sold Annually "I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income." soi audio workbook Dennis Adelpour Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles "When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends." recruit audio workbook Tammi Humphrey #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume

    I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations.

    FARM: The Real Estate Agent’s Ultimate Guide to Farming Neighborhoods

    Jake Rockwell

    Over 500 Units Sold Annually

    I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income.

    FARM: The Real Estate Agent’s Ultimate Guide to Farming Neighborhoods

    Dennis Adelpour

    Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles

    When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends.

    FARM: The Real Estate Agent’s Ultimate Guide to Farming Neighborhoods

    Tammi Humphrey

    #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume


    Rick ​Fuller.

    Learn how to use AI to your advantage as a real estate professional.

    I am so excited about this course, Agent AI Advantage

    This course will take your AI skills to the next level as you learn more about how to use AI as a real estate professional. 

    I've said it before and I'll say it again: AI is not going to replace the real estate agent. We must learn how to use the AI tools at our disposal to create more value for our clients. We can use AI to our advantage.

    I have produced this course to include 8 dynamic short video modules, module summaries, module resources, workbook materials, prewritten AI prompts, and more.  The course feeds from the expansive ICC library of resources, books, podcasts, etc.

    The Agent AI Advantage course covers marketing, blogging, facebook ads, video and image creation, networking events, negotiations, listing descriptions, ebooks and more using ChatGPT, Gemini AI, Perplexity AI, and various specialized GPTs.   

    Learn how to use AI to your advantage as a real estate professional.

    This course covers marketing, blogging, facebook ads, video and image creation, networking events, negotiations, listing descriptions, ebooks and more using ChatGPT, Gemini AI, Perplexity AI, and various specialized GPTs.

    Add to Cart

    Talk to a coach

    If you've been considering hiring a coach, now's the time. Book a FREE coaching consultation session with your purchase of this course! Book Your Call Team Onboarding Real Estate Coaching See all courses
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  • Agent Financials

    Online Course

    Learn the best practices that all Realtors should implement to effectively manage their financial systems.

    Designed for all learning types

    Video Training

    In-depth professional video training on every module, presented by the author, Brian Icenhower.

    Written Modules

    Detailed and downloadable written modules with detailed graphics, scripts, spreadsheets, forms, and so much more.


    Since real estate agents are always on the move, your training must be too. This course provides a professional downloadable audiobook.

    Course curriculum

    Enrollment includes access to the following course materials for 2 years

    Module 1: Managing Agent Financials
    • VIDEO: Managing Agent Financials
    • AUDIO: Managing Agent Financials
    • Workbook: Managing Agent Financials
    • Agent Financials Banking Accounts
    Module 2: Mastering the Realtor Budget
    • VIDEO: Mastering the Realtor Budget
    • AUDIO: Mastering the Realtor Budget
    • Workbook: Mastering the Realtor Budget
    • Real Estate Budget Schedule (example)
    • Real Estate Budget Schedule (fillable)
    Module 3: Grasping the Profit & Loss Statement
    • VIDEO: Grasping the Profit & Loss Statement
    • AUDIO: Grasping the Profit & Loss Statement
    • Workbook: Grasping the Profit & Loss Statement
    • Sample Profit & Loss Statement
    Module 4: Analyzing Business Financials
    • VIDEO: Analyzing Business Financials
    • AUDIO: Analyzing Business Financials
    • Workbook: Analyzing Business Financials

    About this course

    • $99.00
    • 15 lessons
    • 1.5 hours of video content
    Add to Cart

    Immediate Takeaways

    Here is what you can expect to gain from taking this online course.

    • Learn best accounting practices for your real estate business, and what to look for in an accountant.
    • Understand the purpose of the Real Estate Budget Schedule and how you can use it to determine the levels of spending necessary to keep your business growing.
    • Learn why you need to look at your Profit & Loss Statement quarterly, and how to use it to see exactly where you're at.
    • Once you are able to access your P&L Statement, you will learn what each line item means and how to use it to determine where you fall on the Real Estate Budget Schedule
    • Get insight into how you can use your P&L Statement and your Real Estate Budget Schedule to now make the changes needed by diagnosing your own issues and prescribing your own next steps.
    • Become empowered and take charge of your financials so that you never feel in the dark again when it comes to your income, your spending, and the growth of your real estate business.


    "I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations." Jake Rockwell Over 500 Units Sold Annually "I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income." soi audio workbook Dennis Adelpour Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles "When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends." recruit audio workbook Tammi Humphrey #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations. Prospect: The Real Estate Lead Generation Manual

    Jake Rockwell

    Over 500 Units Sold Annually I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income. Prospect: The Real Estate Lead Generation Manual

    Dennis Adelpour

    Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends. Prospect: The Real Estate Lead Generation Manual

    Tammi Humphrey

    #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume Instructor Brian ​Icenhower.

    I created Agent Financials because there is simply no other training out their like this specifically for real estate agents.

    Most agents have no idea where they are at financially. You are not an "average agent", though, and you are tired of living your life (and running your business) by looking through the rear view mirror. It's time to learn how your P&L Statement and budget can be used to start looking through the windshield as you navigate your way through the process of growing your business. Now is the time to step up your game. This is a high-level course that has been boiled down to the essentials. I'll explain everything from start to finish, and by the end, you'll feel much more comfortable with your financials, and you can immediately begin to put what you learn into action. You will learn the necessary changes that you need to make to get on track to grow the real estate business of your dreams.

    "My business is growing, but for some reason, I'm broke."

    We hear this all the time. When real estate agents don't truly understand their financials, they always feel in the dark about their numbers. It's time to take control. Empower yourself to understand your financials so you can start making decisions today that will impact your business's future success. Add to Cart

    Agent Financials

    More about this real estate training course

    Talk to a coach

    If you've been considering hiring a coach, now's the time. Book a FREE coaching consultation session with your purchase of this course! Book Your Call Team Onboarding Real Estate Coaching See all courses
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  • Broker Leadership


    Learn how to lead your brokerage or team in a way that propels your entire organization on a path to continuous growth and success.

    Designed for all learning types

    Video Training

    In-depth professional video training on every module, presented by the author, Brian Icenhower.

    Written Modules

    Detailed and downloadable written modules with detailed graphics, scripts, spreadsheets, forms, and so much more.


    Since real estate agents are always on the move, your training must be too. This course provides a professional downloadable audiobook.

    Course curriculum

    Enrollment includes access to the following course materials for 2 years

    Get Started Here : Introduction
    • Join the Real Estate Agent Round Table Facebook Group
    • Welcome to Broker Leadership!
    Module 1: The 5 Components of a High-Producing Team
    • Module 2 Workbook: Understanding Job Roles
    • Video: Job Roles for Admin Staff
    • The Solution Triangle
    Module 2: Viral Goals are SMART
    • Video: Viral Goals are SMART
    • Workbook: Module 2 – Viral Goals are SMART
    • SMART Goals Graphic
    • Module 2 Action Steps
    Module 3: Viral Goals Spread to the Team
    • Video: Viral Goals Spread to the Team
    • Workbook: Module 3 – Viral Goals Spread to the Team
    • Small Team Organizational Structure (fillable)
    • Midsize Team Organizational Structure – Traditional (fillable)
    • Midsize Team Organizational Structure – Hybrid (fillable)
    • Large Team Organizational Structure – Traditional (fillable)
    • Large Team Organizational Structure – Hybrid (fillable)
    • Module 3 Action Steps
    Module 4: Agent Onboarding Calendar
    • Video: Agent Onboarding Calendar
    • Workbook: Module 4 – Agent Onboarding Calendar
    • Team Onboarding Calendar Weeks 1-8
    • Module 4 Action Steps
    Module 5: Recruiting Needs Analysis Appointment
    • Workbook: Module 5 – Recruiting Needs Analysis Appointment
    • Video: Recruiting Needs Analysis Appointment
    • Needs Analysis Steps Graphic
    • Module 5 Action Steps
    Module 6: First Quarter Checklist
    • Video: First Quarter Checklist
    • Workbook: Module 6 – First Quarter Checklist
    • First Quarter Checklist for Teams
    • Module 6 Action Steps
    Module 7: Office Training Calendar
    • Video: Office Training Calendar
    • Workbook: Module 7 – Office Training Calendar
    • Real Estate Office Brokerage Training Calendar
    • Module 7 Action Steps
    Module 8: Focus on Activities to Grow
    • Video: Focus on Activities to Grow
    • Workbook: Module 8 – Focus on Activities to Grow
    • Module 8 Action Steps
    Module 9: Cultivate Personal Responsibility
    • Video: Cultivate Personal Responsibility
    • Workbook: Module 9 – Cultivate Personal Responsibility
    Module 10: Public Accountability
    • Workbook: Module 10 – Public Accountability
    • Video: Public Accountability
    • Module 10 Action Steps
    Module 11: The Essential Tool for Coaching Productivity
    • Video: The Essential Tool for Coaching Productivity
    • Workbook: Module 11 – The Essential Tool for Coaching Agent Productivity
    • ICC Business Tracker
    • Module 11 Action Steps
    Module 12: How to Motivate Agents
    • Video: How to Motivate Agents
    • Workbook: Module 12 – How to Motivate Agents
    • Module 12 Action Steps
    Module 13: Create a Production-Centric Environment
    • Video: Create a ‘Production-Centric’ Environment
    • Workbook: Module 13 – Create a Production-Centric Environment
    • Realtor Group Call Session – The Complete Guide
    • Module 13 Action Steps
    Module 14: Tracking Activities
    • Video: Tracking Activities
    • Workbook: Module 14 – Tracking Activities
    • Leadership Dashboard
    • Module 14 Action Steps
    Module 16: The Recruiting & Retention Mindset
    • Video: The Recruiting & Retention Mindset
    • Workbook: Module 16 – The Recruiting & Retention Mindset
    • Module 16 Action Steps
    Module 17: Create a Growth-Oriented Business
    • Workbook: Module 17 – Create a Growth-Oriented Business
    • Video: Create a Growth-Oriented Business
    • Team Onboarding Calendar Weeks 1-8
    • Module 17 Action Steps
    Module 18: The Broker-Manager Business Plan
    • Video: The Broker-Manager Business Plan
    • Workbook: Module 18 – The Broker-Manager Business Plan
    • 1-3-5 Single Page Business Plan Broker Owner – sample
    • 1-3-5 Single Page Business Plan Broker Owner – fillable
    • Module 18 Action Steps
    Module 19: The Future of Teams & Brokerages
    • Video: The Future of Teams & Brokerages
    • Workbook: Module 19 – The Future of Teams & Brokerages
    • Module 19 Action Steps

    About this course

    • $249.00
    • 77 lessons
    • 6.5 hours of video content
    Add to Cart

    Immediate Takeaways

    Here is what you can expect to gain from taking this online course.

    • CHECKLISTS for listings, open houses, closings etc. Active Listing Checklist, Sample Buyer Inventory, Daily Contact Form, Lead Tracking Sheet, Listing and Pre-Listing Checklists, Listing to Contract Checklist, Assistant's First Call Checklist, First Day Welcome and Orientation Checklist, First Quarter Checklist, and more.
    • SCOREBOARDS to track success and editable forms to document everything. Sample Scoreboards and fillable ICC Team Scoreboard.
    • RESOURCES for new hires, including orientation templates and policy and procedure handbook templates. Sample Weekly Calendar, Sample Year-to-Date Check-Up Form, Sample Pending Inventory Pipeline, Active and Pending Inventory Lists, Seller Lead Sheet, Client Event Contact Plan, Policies and Procedures Handbook, Staff Self-Performance Appraisal, Blank Editable Business Plan, and more.
    • SCRIPTS for the administrative assistant. Contacting Past and Existing Clients Script, and more.
    • OPTIONS for how you learn best. Each module provides a downloadable PDF chapter as well as a featured video of Brian Icenhower, teaching the topic at hand. At the beginning of the course, you are also provided with a full audiobook to listen to. So however you learn best -- we have an option for you!

    Certification & Designation Upon Completion

    In this ICC online course, you will receive an official designation of "Certified Administrative Associate" or CAA upon completion, as well as a downloadable (and printable) Certificate of Completion. Add your designation seal, as well as your designation letters, to your email signature to bolster your reputation and show off your expertise to clients and colleagues alike.


    "I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations." Jake Rockwell Over 500 Units Sold Annually "I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income." soi audio workbook Dennis Adelpour Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles "When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends." recruit audio workbook Tammi Humphrey #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations. The Seller Lead Conversion Process

    Jake Rockwell

    Over 500 Units Sold Annually I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income. The Seller Lead Conversion Process

    Dennis Adelpour

    Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends. The Seller Lead Conversion Process

    Tammi Humphrey

    #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume Instructor Brian ​Icenhower.

    Having someone back in the office helps agents amplify their sales potential. They can focus on generating business, following up on leads, conducting appointments, and writing offers/negotiating contracts -- all things that create more income.

    This 9-module course not only identifies the four key roles of a real estate assistant, but it also breaks down the precise workflows when serving as a listing manager, transaction coordinator, marketing director, and administrative manager.

    Whether you’re an agent learning how to train your assistant, an assistant looking for your own training process, or you’re both reading through these materials together, this course provides the explanations and concrete examples of best practices in real estate offices so you don’t have to.

    Make administrative tasks easy.

    Whether you’re an assistant or a solo agent, systematizing adminstrative processes will increase your efficiency. This course gives you the strategies, tools, and techniques to master administrative processes so your agents are free to focus on generating, nurturing, and converting leads. Add to Cart

    Talk to a coach

    If you've been considering hiring a coach, now's the time. Book a FREE coaching consultation session with your purchase of this course! Book Your Call Team Onboarding Real Estate Coaching See all courses
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  • Business Planning


    This course takes the mystery out of the real estate business plan and guides you through the entire process. It includes information and helpful templates for both solo agents and teams of varying sizes and structures.

    Designed for all learning types

    Video Training

    In-depth professional video training on every module, presented by the author, Brian Icenhower.

    Written Modules

    Detailed and downloadable written modules with detailed graphics, scripts, spreadsheets, forms, and so much more.

    Course curriculum

    Enrollment includes access to the following course materials for 2 years

    Business Planning 2023 Webinar Replay Intro to Business Planning
    • Introduction and Course overview
    • ICC-Business-Planning-Guide
    Module 1: The Dashboard
    • The Dashboard
    • ICC Team Dashboard Template
    • ICC Production Tracker
    • ICC Business Tracker
    Module 2: The Organizational Structure
    • Video: The Organizational Structure Chart
    • Expansion Team Organizational Structure
    • Large Team Organizational Structure – Hybrid
    • Large Team Organizational Structure – Traditional
    • Midsize Team Organizational Structure – Hybrid
    • Midsize Team Organizational Structure – Traditional
    • Small Team Organizational Structure
    Module 3: The Budget
    • Video: Production Growth Budget Schedule
    • Real Estate Budget Schedule (example)
    • Real Estate Budget Schedule (fillable)
    • Sample Profit & Loss Statement
    Module 4: The Single Page 1-3-5 Business Plan
    • Video: 1-3-5 Single Page Business Plan
    • ICC-Business-Planning-Guide
    • 1-3-5 Word Doc Editable
    • Solo Agent Single Page 1-3-5 Business Plan – Sample
    • Solo Agent Single Page 1-3-5 Business Plan – Fillable
    • Team Single Page 1-3-5 Business Plan – Sample
    • Team Single Page 1-3-5 Business Plan – Fillable
    • Broker/Owner Single Page 1-3-5 Business Plan – Sample
    • Broker/Owner Single Page 1-3-5 Business Plan – Fillable
    Module 5: Going Virtual
    • Virtual Listing Presentation Templates
    • Virtual Real Estate Listings – How REALTORS Conduct Virtual Consultations
    • Promoting Virtual Broker Open Houses Using Social Media
    • Example of Successful Real Estate Marketing Video: The Future of Real Estate is Now
    • Example of a Real Estate Buyer Presentation: The Virtual Consultation Process
    • Virtual Showing Request Form
    Module 6: The Schedule & Conclusion
    • Video: The Schedule and Conclusion
    • Daily Schedule for Realtors
    • Personalized Schedule Fillable
    • Quarterly & Mid-Year Review Form
    BONUS Module: The 10-10-5 System and more help
    • Bonus Module Workbook: The 10-10-5 System
    • BONUS HELP: Stock Photo Download
    • BONUS HELP: How to Use Canva Tutorial
    • BONUS HELP: How to Find Royalty Free Images
    business planning for real estate online course

    About this course

    • $199.99
    • 41 lessons
    • 2.5 hours of video content
    Add to Cart

    What Makes Our Business Plan Different?

    We get specific and walk you through the entire process. You'll learn:

    • How to build a single page business plan
    • How to define your “Number One Goal”
    • What 3 Strategies you need to Focus on to get to the One Goal
    • How to prioritize and implement
    • Steps for success for Solo Agents as well as Teams and Brokerages

    Certification & Designation Upon Completion

    In this ICC online course, you will receive an official designation of "Certified Business Management Associate" or CBMA upon completion, as well as a downloadable (and printable) Certificate of Completion. Add your designation seal, as well as your designation letters, to your email signature to bolster your reputation and show off your expertise to clients and colleagues alike.


    "I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations." Jake Rockwell Over 500 Units Sold Annually "I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income." soi audio workbook Dennis Adelpour Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles "When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends." recruit audio workbook Tammi Humphrey #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations. Online Lead Conversion: Converting Real Estate Internet Leads

    Jake Rockwell

    Over 500 Units Sold Annually I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income. Online Lead Conversion: Converting Real Estate Internet Leads

    Dennis Adelpour

    Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends. Online Lead Conversion: Converting Real Estate Internet Leads

    Tammi Humphrey

    #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume Instructor Brian ​Icenhower.
    Brian Icenhower is the CEO and Founder of Icenhower Coaching & Consulting (ICC), which provides customized coaching and training programs to many of the highest producing real estate agents, teams, and brokerage owners in North America. This progressive company also produces online courses, podcasts, training materials, white label training portals, speaking events, video modules, and real estate training books. ICC is one of the largest real estate coaching companies in the world with thousands of clients and a large team of the most accomplished coaches in the industry. Brian Icenhower is also the creator of, the world’s leading production training website for real estate agents with well over 100,000 subscribers. As a best-selling author, Brian Icenhower has written a large number of books on real estate topics like recruiting, prospecting, geographic farming, hiring talent, house flipping, real estate administrative systems, sales communication and behavior, building a sphere of influence, and coaching for business performance. His most recent book, The High-Performing Real Estate Team, continues to top the Amazon bestseller list. Brian Icenhower began his career in real estate as a top-producing real estate broker in the early 1990s until launching and operating a number of production-focused real estate offices in California and the Midwest United States. His implementation of extensive real estate productivity coaching, training, and recruiting programs has propelled these companies to be repeatedly recognized as some of the highest producing and fastest growing offices in North America by a number of major industry media sources. Throughout his 30-year career in real estate, Brian Icenhower has also opened and operated various escrow and title companies, real estate licensing schools, property management companies, commercial real estate divisions, and mortgage companies. He also regularly serves as a keynote speaker and presenter for many of the largest real estate companies and organizations in the United States. As a result, Brian Icenhower has become one of the most recognized names and authorities in the real estate industry today.

    Real estate business planning made easy.

    This course takes the mystery out of real estate business plan and guides you through the entire process. It includes information and helpful templates for both solo agents and teams of varying sizes and structures. Add to Cart

    Talk to a coach

    If you've been considering hiring a coach, now's the time. Book a FREE coaching consultation session with your purchase of this course! Book Your Call Team Onboarding Real Estate Coaching See all courses
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  • Circle Prospecting Around Listings


    Circle prospecting helps you turn one listing into many more. Take this course to master the principles and practice of circle prospecting.

    Designed for all learning types

    Video Training

    In-depth professional video training on every module, presented by the author, Brian Icenhower.

    Written Modules

    Detailed and downloadable written modules with detailed graphics, scripts, spreadsheets, forms, and so much more.

    Course curriculum

    Enrollment includes access to the following course materials for 2 years

    Course materials

    • Workbook: Circle Prospecting Around Listings
    • Video: Circle Prospecting Around Listings
    • Resource: Daily SOI Contact Form (Fillable)
    • Script: Circle Prospecting - Just Listed
    • Script: Circle Prospecting - Just Sold
    • Script: Circle Prospecting - Hot Real Estate Market
    • Script: Circle Prospecting - Open House

    About this course

    • $39.99
    • 11 lessons
    • .5 hours of video content
    Add to Cart


    "I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations." Jake Rockwell Over 500 Units Sold Annually "I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income." soi audio workbook Dennis Adelpour Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles "When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends." recruit audio workbook Tammi Humphrey #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations. Time Management for Real Estate Agents

    Jake Rockwell

    Over 500 Units Sold Annually I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income. Time Management for Real Estate Agents

    Dennis Adelpour

    Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends. Time Management for Real Estate Agents

    Tammi Humphrey

    #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume Instructor Brian ​Icenhower.
    Founder & CEO of Icenhower Coaching & Consulting Founder/CEO of one of the world's largest real estate coaching, training, and education companies. ICC is also a leader in online training courses, systems, and company-branded websites for agent and brokerage training and onboarding.

    Make circle prospecting work for you.

    Circle prospecting is one way to generate new leads, and in this course you’ll learn how to become a circle prospecting master.
    Add to Cart

    Talk to a coach

    If you've been considering hiring a coach, now's the time. Book a FREE coaching consultation session with your purchase of this course! Book Your Call Team Onboarding Real Estate Coaching See all courses
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  • COACH: Coaching for Business Performance


    Learn a breakthrough approach to get your clients to follow-through -- so they see results and view your coaching as worthwhile

    Designed for all learning types

    Video Training

    In-depth professional video training on every module, presented by the author, Brian Icenhower.

    Written Modules

    Detailed and downloadable written modules with detailed graphics, scripts, spreadsheets, forms, and so much more.


    Since real estate agents are always on the move, your training must be too. This course provides a professional downloadable audiobook.

    Course curriculum

    Enrollment includes access to the following course materials for 2 years

    Module 1: Introduction
    • Workbook: Introduction
    • Part One: Introducing self-discovery and content-based coaching
    • Part Two: Blending self-discovery and content-based coaching
    • Graphic: The Coaching Scope
    Module 2: Developing Your Coaching Abilities
    • Workbook: Developing Your Coaching Abilities
    • Part One: Developing your coaching abilities
    • Part Two: 8 keys to mastering the self-discovery method
    • Part Three: Two different perspectives
    Module 3: The Catalyst Question
    • Workbook: The Catalyst Question
    • Catalyst: Going under the hood
    • The 6 Core Self-Discovery Questions
    Module 4: The Probe Question
    • Workbook: The Probe Question
    • Probe: No denying
    • The 6 Core Self-Discovery Questions
    Module 5: The Pinpoint Question
    • Workbook: The Pinpoint Question Pinpoint: Painful, until you realize… The 6 Core Self-Discovery Questions
    Module 6: The Finish Line Question
    • Workbook: The Finish Line Question
    • Finish Line: Back to the gym
    • The 6 Core Self-Discovery Questions
    Module 7: The Support Question
    • Workbook: The Support Question
    • Support: It’s not about you…until it is
    • The 6 Core Self-Discovery Questions
    Module 8: The Execution Question
    • Workbook: The Execution Question
    • Execution: Getting laser-focused
    • The 6 Core Self-Discovery Questions
    Module 9: Goal-Setting
    • Module 9: Goal-Setting
    • Goals: Get S.M.A.R.T.
    Module 10: Troubleshooting
    • Workbook: Troubleshooting
    • Resolving client issues
    Module 11: Conclusion
    • Workbook: Conclusion
    • Coachable and uncoachable clients

    About this course

    • $199.00
    • 36 lessons
    • 3 hours of video content
    Add to Cart

    Immediate Takeaways

    Here is what you can expect to gain from taking this online course.

    • DEVELOP YOUR COACHING SKILLS with techniques for probing, leading self-discovery, the pinpoint question, the finish line question, the support question, and the execution question.
    • GRAPHICS to illustrate concepts, guide discussions, and drive home key learning takeaways. The Coaching Scope, The 6 Core Self-Discovery Questions, and more.
    • GOAL SETTING using S.M.A.R.T. (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-specific) goals.
    • TROUBLESHOOTING to resolve client issues.
    • OPTIONS for how you learn best. Each module provides a downloadable PDF chapter as well as a featured video of Brian Icenhower, teaching the topic at hand. At the beginning of the course, you are also provided with a full audiobook to listen to. So however you learn best -- we have an option for you!

    Certification & Designation Upon Completion

    In this ICC online course, you will receive an official designation of "Certified Real Estate Coach" or CREC upon completion, as well as a downloadable (and printable) Certificate of Completion. Add your designation seal, as well as your designation letters, to your email signature to bolster your reputation and show off your expertise to clients and colleagues alike.


    "I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations." Jake Rockwell Over 500 Units Sold Annually "I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income." soi audio workbook Dennis Adelpour Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles "When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends." recruit audio workbook Tammi Humphrey #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations. Online Lead Conversion: Converting Real Estate Internet Leads

    Jake Rockwell

    Over 500 Units Sold Annually I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income. Online Lead Conversion: Converting Real Estate Internet Leads

    Dennis Adelpour

    Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends. Online Lead Conversion: Converting Real Estate Internet Leads

    Tammi Humphrey

    #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume Instructor Brian ​Icenhower.

    What’s the “killer”? It’s coaching clients who don’t follow-through.

    They don’t take action, even after you’ve explained exactly what to do and they’ve agreed to do it. Have any clients like that? Then, COACH, the course, was made for you. Learn why your clients don’t take action. There’s a reason for that and it’s unlike anything you’ve ever heard. COACH doesn’t stop with reasons. You’ll also learn a breakthrough approach to get your clients to follow-through - so they see results and view your coaching as worthwhile. That approach, perfected over two decades of real-world coaching, is surprisingly simple. And in the online course, "COACH: Coaching for Business Performance", renowned coach Brian Icenhower will show you how to do it.

    Learn a breakthrough approach.

    Get your clients to follow-through so they see results and view your real estate coaching as worthwhile. Add to Cart

    ISA Manager Training

    More about this real estate training course

    Talk to a coach

    If you've been considering hiring a coach, now's the time. Book a FREE coaching consultation session with your purchase of this course! Book Your Call Team Onboarding Real Estate Coaching See all courses
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  • Digital Domination Specialized Role Coaching Program: Mastering Facebook, Instagram & YouTube to Grow Your Online Presence

    Specialized Role Coaching

    Digital Domination: Mastering Facebook, Instagram, & YouTube to Grow Your Online Presence

    Digital Specialized Role Coaching Program Landing Page Image - Digital Domination
    Transform your real estate business with our comprehensive social media marketing Specialized Role Coaching Program designed specifically for agents. From mastering the algorithms to creating converting content, this course teaches you exactly how to leverage Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube's user base to generate qualified leads and showcase properties effectively.
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    Mergers & Acquisitions

    Click to watch more about this real estate training course

    Designed for all learning types

    Video Training

    In-depth video training walking you through each module of the course, explaining the strategies, tips, and best practices for social media.

    Written Workbook

    Detailed and downloadable written workbook that provides you with a bullet point outline, summarized text, action steps, key takeaways, as well as space for taking notes.

    Instructor Materials

    Teach this course at your organization with the help of our downloadable presentation notes, presentation files, and Instructor's Manual.

    Program curriculum

    Enrollment includes access to the following course materials for 6 months

    Week 1: Facebook for Real Estate
    • Master Facebook’s algorithm and create an optimized business page
    • Develop content beyond listings: market updates, agent life, testimonials
    • Build engagement through strategic posting and community management
    • Learn Facebook Groups creation and management
    • Set up targeted ads that generate real business
    Week 2: Instagram for Real Estate
    • Craft an effective profile with strategic bio, highlights, and stories
    • Create content across Stories, Reels, and posts with platform-specific best practices
    • Implement content pillars and efficient hashtag strategy
    • Develop relationships with local businesses and influencers
    • Manage content creation efficiently with batching and scheduling tools
    Week 3: YouTube for Real Estate
    • Set up and optimize a YouTube channel for real estate
    • Create engaging video content with basic production tips
    • Design effective thumbnails that drive clicks
    • Master YouTube SEO fundamentals
    • Implement YouTube Shorts for quick property showcases
    • Launch targeted YouTube ad campaigns
    Week 4: Expert Panel
    • Learn from successful agents actively using Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube
    • Get platform-specific strategies and tips from real estate professionals
    • Participate in Q&A sessions with experts
    • Understand how to integrate multiple platforms effectively
    Digital Domination Mastering Facebook, Instagram & YouTube to Grow Your Online Presence

    About this course

    • $199.00
    • 4 week-long, live course that starts on Wednesday, April 16, 2pm EST
    • 6 months of access to course materials after the live course wraps up
    Add to Cart


    "I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations." Jake Rockwell Over 500 Units Sold Annually "I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income." soi audio workbook Dennis Adelpour Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles "When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends." recruit audio workbook Tammi Humphrey #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume

    I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations.

    Digital Domination Specialized Role Coaching Program: Mastering Facebook, Instagram & YouTube to Grow Your Online Presence

    Jake Rockwell

    Over 500 Units Sold Annually

    I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income.

    Digital Domination Specialized Role Coaching Program: Mastering Facebook, Instagram & YouTube to Grow Your Online Presence

    Dennis Adelpour

    Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles

    When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends.

    Digital Domination Specialized Role Coaching Program: Mastering Facebook, Instagram & YouTube to Grow Your Online Presence

    Tammi Humphrey

    #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume


    Nick ​Baldwin.

    Welcome to the world of social media. 

    In today's digital age, having a strong social media presence isn't just an option for real estate agents—it's essential for survival in an increasingly competitive market.

    With 97% of home buyers starting their search online and spending countless hours scrolling through social media, agents who aren't actively building their digital presence are leaving significant opportunities on the table.

    Facebook, Instagram and YouTube's massive user base and sophisticated targeting tools make it the ideal platform for reaching potential clients exactly when they're ready to make real estate decisions.

    The most critical takeaway from this course is understanding how to work with the algorithms to ensure your content actually reaches your intended audience. Many agents waste hours creating content that never gets seen because they don't understand how content is prioritized and posts are distributed.

    Our course demystifies this process, showing you exactly how to create content that generates meaningful engagement and leads.

    Whether you're still struggling to create your first Facebook business page or you're already running ads but not seeing results, this course meets you where you are.

    For beginners, we break down complex concepts into actionable steps, starting with the basics of setting up a professional presence and creating engaging content.

    For experienced agents, we dive deep into advanced strategies like leveraging AI for content creation, maximizing ad spend through strategic targeting, and building engaged community groups that generate consistent referrals. You'll learn not just what to do, but why it works—empowering you to adapt these strategies as social media continues to evolve.

    Nick Baldwin headshot mergers and acquisitions

    Stop wasting time on social media strategies that don't work.

    In this four-week course, you will transform your real estate business with our comprehensive social media marketing course designed specifically for agents. 

    From mastering the algorithms to creating converting content, this course teaches you exactly how to leverage Facebook, Instagram & YouTube's user base to generate qualified leads and showcase properties effectively.

    Stop wasting time on social media strategies that don't work. Our course features real-world examples from successful agents, step-by-step tutorials and actionable insights you can implement immediately.

     Don't let your listings get lost in the news feed. Master digital marketing and transform your social media presence into a lead-generating machine. Add to Cart

    Talk to a coach

    If you've been considering hiring a coach, now's the time. Book a FREE coaching consultation session with your purchase of this course! Book Your Call Team Onboarding Real Estate Coaching See all courses
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  • DISC: Understanding Behavior in Real Estate


    A training series designed to help you benefit from understanding behavior in the workplace.

    Designed for all learning types

    Video Training

    In-depth professional video training on every module, presented by the author, Brian Icenhower.

    Written Modules

    Detailed and downloadable written modules with detailed graphics, scripts, spreadsheets, forms, and so much more.


    Since real estate agents are always on the move, your training must be too. This course provides a professional downloadable audiobook.

    Course curriculum

    Enrollment includes access to the following course materials for 2 years

    Module 1: What is DISC?
    • Video: What is DISC?
    • Workbook: What is the DISC?
    • DISC Profiles
    • DISC Behavioral Assessment
    Module 2: How to Identify DISC Profiles
    • Workbook: How to Identify DISC Profiles
    • Video: How to Identify DISC Profiles
    • DISC Style Identification
    • Graphic: DISC Quiz
    Module 3: Mirror & Matching
    • Workbook: Mirroring & Matching
    • Video: How to Mirror and Match
    • Mirroring and Matching Cheat Sheet
    Module 4: Using DISC with Clients
    • Workbook: Using DISC with Clients
    • Video: Using the DISC with Clients
    Module 5: Using DISC with Lead Generation Methods
    • Workbook: Using DISC with Lead Generation Methods
    • Video: Using DISC with Lead Generation Methods
    • DISC Behavioral Assessment
    • DISC Lead Gen Tendencies
    Module 6: DISC Profiles for Different Real Estate Team Roles
    • Workbook: DISC Profiles for Different Real Estate Team Roles
    • Video: DISC Profiles for Different Real Estate Team Roles
    Module 7: Training Team Members Using DISC
    • Workbook: Training Team Members Using DISC
    • Video: Training Team Members Using DISC

    About this course

    • $199.00
    • 26 lessons
    • 2.5 hours of video content
    Add to Cart

    Immediate Takeaways

    Here is what you can expect to gain from taking this online course.

    • CHARTS that demonstrate the differences between the DISC profiles. Learn what makes a D behavior, I behavior, S behavior, and C behavior, and what makes them different from each other.
    • GRAPHICS to illustrate key concepts as they relate to learning about DISC behavioral profiles. You will be able to visualize the differences between the profiles, which will help you identify them as you learn through the course.
    • CHEAT SHEET on mirroring and matching DISC behaviors to help you learn how to better communicate with all behavioral styles.
    • OPTIONS for how you learn best. Each module provides a downloadable PDF chapter as well as a featured video of Brian Icenhower, teaching the topic at hand. At the beginning of the course, you are also provided with a full audiobook to listen to. So however you learn best -- we have an option for you!

    Certification & Designation Upon Completion

    In this ICC online course, you will receive an official designation of "Certified Behavioral Specialist" or CBS upon completion, as well as a downloadable (and printable) Certificate of Completion. Add your designation seal, as well as your designation letters, to your email signature to bolster your reputation and show off your expertise to clients and colleagues alike.


    "I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations." Jake Rockwell Over 500 Units Sold Annually "I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income." soi audio workbook Dennis Adelpour Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles "When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends." recruit audio workbook Tammi Humphrey #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations. HIRE: The Complete Hiring Process for Real Estate Agents

    Jake Rockwell

    Over 500 Units Sold Annually I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income. HIRE: The Complete Hiring Process for Real Estate Agents

    Dennis Adelpour

    Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends. HIRE: The Complete Hiring Process for Real Estate Agents

    Tammi Humphrey

    #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume Instructor Brian ​Icenhower.

    Discover the crucial relationship between human behavior and every facet of the real estate business.

    This course, DISC: Understanding Behavior in Real Estate, gives invaluable insights into the nature of behavior and how to apply it to everything you do in real estate. You’ll learn to identify different behavioral types and modify your communication style to effectively build relationships with all types of clients, as well as vendors, stakeholders, and all the other people you'll meet in the course of doing business. Not only will the client leads that you generate significantly increase, but your level of customer service and lead conversion rates will dramatically improve as well. You’ll gain insight on which types of business marketing and lead generation methods are the best fit for your behavioral style, and even how behavior impacts hiring and training within real estate teams. This course will show you how to harness your strengths while overcoming the behaviors that are holding you back from success.

    Harness your strengths.

    Understand the people you interact with, and use that information to your advantage with this DISC: Understanding Behavior in Real Estate course. Add to Cart

    DISC: Understanding Behavior in Real Estate

    More about this real estate training course

    Talk to a coach

    If you've been considering hiring a coach, now's the time. Book a FREE coaching consultation session with your purchase of this course! Book Your Call Team Onboarding Real Estate Coaching See all courses
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  • Door Knocking for Success


    When opportunity comes knocking, you'd better answer the door! This course is a great opportunity to learn successful door knocking techniques that will help you generate new listings. This course includes all the scripts and tactics you need to make the most of every neighborhood visit you make.

    Designed for all learning types

    Video Training

    In-depth professional video training on every module, presented by the author, Brian Icenhower.

    Written Modules

    Detailed and downloadable written modules with detailed graphics, scripts, spreadsheets, forms, and so much more.

    Course curriculum

    Enrollment includes access to the following course materials for 2 years

    • Workbook: Door-knocking for success
    • Video: Door-Knocking for Success
    • Graphic: 4-Step Property Preview Strategy
    • Script: Property Preview - Door-Knocking
    • Script: Turnover Rate
    • Resource: Sample Property Preview Checklist
    • Resource: Door-Knocking Note Log (Fillable)
    • Lead-Tracking Sheet (Fillable)

    About this course

    • $39.99
    • 11 lessons
    • .5 hours of video content
    Add to Cart

    Immediate Takeaways

    Here is what you can expect to gain from taking this online course.

    • SCRIPTS Helpful scripts to teach you the right things to say when Door Knocking: Property Preview Script, Turnover Rate Script.
    • RESOURCES that you can download to help you start using what you've learned in your business today: Sample Property Preview Checklist, Door-Knocking Note Log (fillable form), Lead Tracking Sheet.
    • FOUR-STEP PROPERTY PREVIEW STRATEGY outlines the steps for prospecting around areas with clusters of active listsings.
    • VIDEO by Brian Icenhower, teaching the content. He details how property previews are a great way to tie lead generation to learning the business and developing the skill sets that will, in turn, make you an even more powerful prospector.
    • OPTIONS for how you learn best. We provide you with a downloadable PDF chapter as well as a featured video of Brian Icenhower, teaching the topic at hand.


    "I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations." Jake Rockwell Over 500 Units Sold Annually "I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income." soi audio workbook Dennis Adelpour Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles "When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends." recruit audio workbook Tammi Humphrey #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations. FSBO: Prospecting For Sale By Owners (FSBOs)

    Jake Rockwell

    Over 500 Units Sold Annually I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income. FSBO: Prospecting For Sale By Owners (FSBOs)

    Dennis Adelpour

    Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends. FSBO: Prospecting For Sale By Owners (FSBOs)

    Tammi Humphrey

    #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume Instructor Brian ​Icenhower.

    Are you ready to become an even more powerful prospector?

    In this condensed course, you'll learn exactly why property previews are a great way to tie lead generation to learning the ins and outs of the industry, and you'll be on-track to develop the key skillsets that will bring you high-quality business. For decades, previewing property has been an effective lead-generation method that real estate agents have systematically implemented to get new listings, while also developing superior market knowledge and expertise. Why? Well, property previews solve many of the issues that new agents face when they first get into the business. While plenty of top-producing agents make this activity a part of their regular routines, previewing property is a particularly good way for new agents who haven't developed a large client database yet to hit the ground running. There's no better way to dive into the world of real estate than by previewing properties via door knocking -- and this course is packed with the resources you need to get started.

    Door Knocking: When opportunity knocks ...

    Learn how to turn door knocking into a source for new business in this jam-packed crash course. Add to Cart

    Talk to a coach

    If you've been considering hiring a coach, now's the time. Book a FREE coaching consultation session with your purchase of this course! Book Your Call Team Onboarding Real Estate Coaching See all courses
    Quick ViewCompare
  • Expired Listings Prospecting


    Dive deep into the world of expired listings and learn the strategies, tactics and scripts that will help you convert them into new listings for your real estate business.

    Designed for all learning types

    Video Training

    In-depth professional video training on every module, presented by the author, Brian Icenhower.

    Written Modules

    Detailed and downloadable written modules with detailed graphics, scripts, spreadsheets, forms, and so much more.

    Course curriculum

    Enrollment includes access to the following course materials for 2 years

    Course materials

    • Prospecting for Expired Listings
    • Video: Prospecting for Expired Listings
    • Resource: Expired Listing Call Log (Fillable)
    • Resource: Daily Contact Log (Fillable)
    • Graphic: Organized Sales Process Flowchart
    • Resource: Objection Handling & Validation
    • Resource: Sample Weekly Calendar
    • Script: Pre-Qualification
    • Script: Expired Listings - Phone & Voicemail
    • Script: Expired Listings 1
    • Script: Expired Listings 2
    • Script: Expired Listings - Objection Handlers
    • Expired Follow-Up Plan
    • BONUS VIDEO: Expired Listing Strategy in a Low-Inventory Market with Curtis Fenn, President of RedX

    About this course

    • $39.99
    • 18 lessons
    • 1 hour of video content
    Add to Cart

    Certification & Designation Upon Completion

    In this ICC online course, you will receive an official designation of "Certified Expired Listings Expert" or CELE upon completion, as well as a downloadable (and printable) Certificate of Completion. Add your designation seal, as well as your designation letters, to your email signature to bolster your reputation and show off your expertise to clients and colleagues alike.


    "I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations." Jake Rockwell Over 500 Units Sold Annually "I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income." soi audio workbook Dennis Adelpour Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles "When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends." recruit audio workbook Tammi Humphrey #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations. Door Knocking for Success

    Jake Rockwell

    Over 500 Units Sold Annually I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income. Door Knocking for Success

    Dennis Adelpour

    Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends. Door Knocking for Success

    Tammi Humphrey

    #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume Instructor Brian ​Icenhower.
    Founder & CEO of Icenhower Coaching & Consulting Founder/CEO of one of the world's largest real estate coaching, training, and education companies. ICC is also a leader in online training courses, systems, and company-branded websites for agent and brokerage training and onboarding.

    Restart the clock on expired listings.

    The hyper-focused content of this course will enable you to quickly master the techniques Top Producing agents use to convert expired listings into new listings for their real estate business. Get everything you need to succeed.
    Add to Cart

    Talk to a coach

    If you've been considering hiring a coach, now's the time. Book a FREE coaching consultation session with your purchase of this course! Book Your Call Team Onboarding Real Estate Coaching See all courses
    Quick ViewCompare
  • Facebook Retargeting Ads


    Gain confidence and know-how to create a good Facebook Retargeting campaign that gives you positive results, engages your audience, increases your sales, and grows your SOI.

    Designed for all learning types

    Video Training

    In-depth professional video training on every module, presented by the author, Brian Icenhower.

    Written Modules

    Detailed and downloadable written modules with detailed graphics, scripts, spreadsheets, forms, and so much more.

    Course curriculum

    Enrollment includes access to the following course materials for 2 years

    Module 1: How to Find and Use Your Facebook Pixel
    • Workbook: How to Find and Use Your Facebook Pixel
    • Video: How to Find Your Facebook Pixel and Your Facebook Pixel
    • How to Add a Facebook Pixel to Your Real Estate Website
    • Install Facebook Pixel Helper
    Module 2: Advertising Strategies Based on Your Audience
    • Workbook: Advertising Strategies Based on Your Audience
    • Video: Create a Custom Audience Based on Visitors to Your Real Estate Website
    Module 3: Using Facebook Audiences to Farm Neighborhoods and Target Your SOI on Facebook
    • Workbook: Using Facebook Audiences to Farm Neighborhoods and Target Your SOI on Facebook
    • Video: How To Upload a Contact List to Facebook and Create a Custom Audience Based on Your SOI, Web Leads, or Geographic Farm for Retargeting Ads
    • Advanced Audience Targeting and Special Housing Ads Explained for Real Estate Agents
    • Create Your Audience with the Facebook Pixel
    Module 4: Creating Your Optimized Ad on Facebook with Retargeting
    • Workbook: Creating Your Optimized Ad on Facebook with Retargeting
    • Video: Creating Your First Facebook Ad for Real Estate Agents
    • How To Run Facebook Ads For Real Estate Agents
    • Ways to Use Facebook Retargeting Ads for Real Estate
    • Creating an Ad for Collecting Information with a Facebook Lead Gen Form
    • Creating a Video Ad for Real Estate Agents
    • Easy Ways to Get Video Up On Your Page
    • Sample Facebook Retargeting Ad Text
    • Create Your Optimized Facebook Ad with the Pixel
    Module 5: Landing Pages for Your Facebook Pixel
    • Workbook: Landing Pages for Your Facebook Pixel
    • Video: How to Add Your Facebook Pixel to a Real Estate Lead Capture Page or a Landing Page
    • Create a Landing Page with the Facebook Pixel

    About this course

    • $199.00
    • 35 lessons
    • 2 hour of video content
    Add to Cart

    Immediate Takeaways

    Here are a few things you can expect to learn in this Facebook Retargeting Ads online course for real estate agents.

    • How Facebook Retargeting works
    • How to increase conversions, sales and grow your business with the use of Facebook Retargeting
    • How to figure out what ads aren’t working, why, and how to fix them
    • How to convert more lost leads
    • How to manage and optimize your Retargeting campaigns
    • How to create custom Facebook Audiences
    • How to use the Pixel Dashboard on Facebook and how to understand the Facebook Pixel statistics and use the data to help your future marketing campaigns
    • How to maximize your conversions and reach the right people
    • How to craft effective landing pages
    • Where to access royalty free images to use in your marketing campaigns ... and more!


    "I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations." Jake Rockwell Over 500 Units Sold Annually "I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income." soi audio workbook Dennis Adelpour Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles "When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends." recruit audio workbook Tammi Humphrey #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume

    I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations.

    Google Local Services Ads for REALTORS® – and Additional Online Lead Sources

    Jake Rockwell

    Over 500 Units Sold Annually

    I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income.

    Google Local Services Ads for REALTORS® – and Additional Online Lead Sources

    Dennis Adelpour

    Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles

    When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends.

    Google Local Services Ads for REALTORS® – and Additional Online Lead Sources

    Tammi Humphrey

    #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume


    Brian ​Icenhower.

    Welcome to Facebook Retargeting Ads for Real Estate Agents. This course will help guide you step-by-step as you learn how to use Retargeting ads on Facebook to your advantage.

    Have you noticed the way that the internet has been getting “smarter”? Say you were shopping for a new car online. All of the sudden, you see ads for that car EVERYWHERE. This is Retargeting in action. It’s one of the best digital marketing tools available right now, and big corporations like Google, Netflix, and Amazon all use it.

    Guess what? You can, too.

    We are going to teach you how to use Retargeting within your Facebook marketing plan. We’ll help you learn how to optimize your results and make your dollar go further. We will also help you define your target audience, teaching you tips and tricks (as well as things to avoid) along the way.

    You will become savvy at working with your Facebook Pixel, and you will learn how to create attractive and professional landing pages to attract more leads and collect their information. You will be able to craft your target audience so your ad dollars go farther. We will also teach you how to learn more about your customers and what ads they interact with most so you can adapt your marketing tactics.

    Your takeaway at the end of this course? The confidence and know-how to create a good Facebook Retargeting campaign that gives you positive results, engages your audience, increases your sales, and grows your SOI. You’ll be able to make the Retargeting ads work for you as they run 24 hours a day. And, we’ll help you learn how to best optimize your Facebook page so you can grow your SOI and increase the likes on your page.

    Included in each module are assignments, action items, downloadable resources, video tutorials, and a detailed workbook to enhance your learning.

    Master Facebook Retargeting Ads

    Gain the confidence and know-how to create an effective Facebook Retargeting campaign that gives you positive results, engages your audience, increases your sales, and grows your SOI. Add to Cart

    Talk to a coach

    If you've been considering hiring a coach, now's the time. Book a FREE coaching consultation session with your purchase of this course! Book Your Call Team Onboarding Real Estate Coaching See all courses
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  • FARM: The Real Estate Agent’s Ultimate Guide to Farming Neighborhoods


    Create steady and predictable sources of commission income from targeted geographic communities.

    Designed for all learning types

    Video Training

    In-depth professional video training on every module, presented by the author, Brian Icenhower.

    Written Modules

    Detailed and downloadable written modules with detailed graphics, scripts, spreadsheets, forms, and so much more.


    Since real estate agents are always on the move, your training must be too. This course provides a professional downloadable audiobook.

    Course curriculum

    Enrollment includes access to the following course materials for 2 years

    Module 1: Introduction to Farming
    • Workbook: Introduction to Farming
    • Video: How to Select Your Farm
    Module 2: Flyers, Mailers, Seasonals and Updates
    • Workbook: Flyers, Mailers, Seasonals and Updates
    • Video: Flyers, Mailers, Seasonals and Updates
    • Script: Just Sold
    • Script: Just Listed
    • Newsletter Templates by Month
    • Just Sold Flyer and Postcard Templates
    • Just Listed Flyer and Postcard Templates
    • Now Offering Virtual Showings Postcard Template
    • Direct Mail Marketing Companies
    • Check-In: Module 2
    Module 3: Calling the Neighbors & Door-Knocking
    • Workbook: Calling the Neighbors & Door-Knocking
    • Video: Calling the Neighbors & Door-Knocking
    • Script: Follow-Up for Neighbors
    • Script: Door-Knocking
    • Script: Just Sold
    • Script: Just Listed
    Module 4: FSBOs & Expired Listings
    • Workbook: FSBOs & Expired Listings
    • Video: For Sale By Owners & Expired Listings
    • Expired Listing Postcard Template
    • Script: FSBO Phone Call
    • Script: Benefits of Listing with an Agent
    • Script: The Watch Analogy
    • Script: Expired Listing #1
    • Script: Expired Listing #2
    • Script: Expired Listing #3
    Module 5: Open Houses & Neighborhood Events
    • Workbook: Open Houses & Neighborhood Events
    • Video: Open Houses & Neighborhood Events
    • Script: Promoting Your Open House
    • Script: Scheduling an Open House
    • Script: Open House Security
    • Script: Open House Buyer Conversion
    • Script: When a Neighbor Walks In
    • Client Appreciation Events Packet
    • Open House System Checklist – fillable
    • Open House System Checklist
    • Open House Instagram Posts Template
    • Open House Flyer Template
    • Open House Facebook Posts Template
    • Open House Timeline Graphic
    • Luxury Open House Ideas
    Module 6: Creating Email Databases, Campaigns, & Community Websites
    • Workbook: Email databases, campaigns and community websites
    • Video: Creating Email Databases, Campaigns & Community Websites
    • Email Campaigns
    • Community Websites
    • Search Updates
    • Script: Email Campaigns
    Module 7: Farming with Social Media
    • Workbook: Farming with Social Media
    • Video: Social Media Farming Methods
    • Real Estate Farming Ideas to Farm an Entire City
    • Script: Facebook Farming
    Bonus Module
    • Video: Geographic Farming Scripts and Ideas for Real Estate Agents
    • Farming Placement Graphic

    About this course

    • $199.00
    • 58 lessons
    • 3.5 hours of video content
    Add to Cart

    Immediate Takeaways

    Here is what you can expect to gain from taking this online course.

    • SCRIPTS that help you know how to talk to your farm. Just Sold Script, Just Listing Script, Follow-Up for Neighbors Script, Door-Knocking Script, FSBO Phone Call Script, Benefits of Listing with an Agent Script, The Watch Analogy Script, Expired Listing Scripts, Promoting Your Open House Script, Scheduling Your Open House Script, Open House Security Script, Open House Buyer Conversion Script, When a Neighbor Walks In Script, Email Campaigns Script, Facebook Farming Script, and more.
    • TOPICS that will help you learn how to farm successfully. Flyers, Mailers, Seasonals, and Updates, How to Door Knock, How to Work with FSBOs and Expireds, How to Host Open Houses and Neighborhood Events, How to Structure a Successful Email Campaign, How to Use Social Media to Farm, and more.
    • OPTIONS for how you learn best. Each module provides a downloadable PDF chapter as well as a featured video of Brian Icenhower, teaching the topic at hand. At the beginning of the course, you are also provided with a full audiobook to listen to. So however you learn best -- we have an option for you!

    Certification & Designation Upon Completion

    In this ICC online course, you will receive an official designation of "Certified Geographic Farming Expert" or CGFE upon completion, as well as a downloadable (and printable) Certificate of Completion. Add your designation seal, as well as your designation letters, to your email signature to bolster your reputation and show off your expertise to clients and colleagues alike.


    "I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations." Jake Rockwell Over 500 Units Sold Annually "I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income." soi audio workbook Dennis Adelpour Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles "When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends." recruit audio workbook Tammi Humphrey #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations. Prospect: The Real Estate Lead Generation Manual

    Jake Rockwell

    Over 500 Units Sold Annually I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income. Prospect: The Real Estate Lead Generation Manual

    Dennis Adelpour

    Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends. Prospect: The Real Estate Lead Generation Manual

    Tammi Humphrey

    #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume Instructor Brian ​Icenhower.

    This course will help you learn the strategies and methods top producing real estate agents use to successfully farm neighborhoods to become the community real estate expert of choice.

    Learn the systems that real estate coach Brian Icenhower implements with many of the top producing agents in the world to create steady and predictable sources of commission income from targeted geographic communities. Get the business generation strategies, techniques, scripts and tools to build your real estate geographic farming business from the ground up. We know not everyone learns the same way. For that reason, FARM: Ultimate Guide to Geographic Farming has videos, text modules, and a full audiobook. In addition, the text and audiobook are downloadable so you can keep this information for life, and take it with you wherever you go. We know this course will be valuable for your real estate business.

    Become the neighborhood real estate expert of choice.

    Learn the systems that real estate coach Brian Icenhower implements with many of the top producing agents in the world to create steady and predictable sources of commission income from targeted geographic communities. Get the business generation strategies, techniques, scripts and tools to build your real estate geographic farming business from the ground up. Add to Cart

    Agent Financials

    More about this real estate training course

    Talk to a coach

    If you've been considering hiring a coach, now's the time. Book a FREE coaching consultation session with your purchase of this course! Book Your Call Team Onboarding Real Estate Coaching See all courses
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  • FLIPPING: The Complete System to Flip Houses for Profit


    There is an art form in identifying the ideal flipping opportunities, determining and evaluating a property's potential, and every other aspect involved in a real estate flip.

    Designed for all learning types

    Video Training

    In-depth professional video training on every module, presented by the author, Brian Icenhower.

    Written Modules

    Detailed and downloadable written modules with detailed graphics, scripts, spreadsheets, forms, and so much more.

    Course curriculum

    Enrollment includes access to the following course materials for 2 years

    Module 1: Real Estate Markets & Values
    • Module 1: Real Estate Markets & Values
    • Video: Real Estate Markets & Values
    • Module 1 Quiz
    Module 2: How to Find Flips
    • Module 2: How to Find Flips
    • Video: How To Find Flips
    • Sample CMA
    • Sample CMA – word doc editable
    • Inspection Repair Checklist
    • Inspection Repair Checklist – word doc editable
    • Notice of Default Prospecting Script
    • Module 2 Quiz
    Module 3: The Flipping Economic Model
    • Module 3: The Flipping Economic Model
    • Video: The Flipping Economic Model
    • Flipping Conversion Scripts – Word doc editable
    • Flipping Conversion Scripts
    • Module 3 Quiz
    Module 4: Purchasing Flips - From Offer To Close
    • Module 4: Purchasing flips—from offer to close
    • Video: Purchasing Flips – From Offer To Close
    • Module 4 Quiz
    Module 5: Flipping Financial Models
    • Module 5: Flipping Financial Models
    • Flipping Financial Models
    • Property Investment Summary
    • Property Investment Summary – word doc editable
    • Module 5 Quiz
    Module 6: Flip Construction
    • Module 6: Flip Construction
    • Video: Flip Construction
    • Construction Workflow Checklist
    • Construction Workflow Checklist – editable word doc
    • Module 6 Quiz
    Module 7: Selling Flips
    • Module 7: Selling Flips
    • Video: Selling Flips
    • Module 7 Quiz
    Module 8: Building Your Team
    • Module 8: Building Your Team
    • Video: Building Your Team
    • Module 8 Quiz
    Flipping houses for profit

    About this course

    • $199.00
    • 40 lessons
    • 5.5 hours of video content
    Add to Cart

    Immediate Takeaways

    Here is what you can expect to gain from taking this online course.

    • SCRIPTS that help you convert more flipping leads. Flipping Conversion Scripts, and more
    • FORMS AND LISTS to streamline processes and document your flip. Sample CMA, Inspection Repair Checklist, Construction Workflow Checklist, and more
    • FINANCIAL MODELS to guide your property investments. Property Investment Summary, and more
    • QUIZ at the end of each module to promote retention of information and test your knowledge.
    • OPTIONS for how you learn best. Each module provides a downloadable PDF chapter as well as a featured video of Brian Icenhower, teaching the topic at hand. So however you learn best -- we have an option for you!


    "I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations." Jake Rockwell Over 500 Units Sold Annually "I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income." soi audio workbook Dennis Adelpour Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles "When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends." recruit audio workbook Tammi Humphrey #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations. Google Local Services Ads for REALTORS® – and Additional Online Lead Sources

    Jake Rockwell

    Over 500 Units Sold Annually I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income. Google Local Services Ads for REALTORS® – and Additional Online Lead Sources

    Dennis Adelpour

    Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends. Google Local Services Ads for REALTORS® – and Additional Online Lead Sources

    Tammi Humphrey

    #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume Instructor Brian ​Icenhower.

    Like all Icenhower training courses, this training manual is for those real estate agents wanting to move from a mere real estate practice to a systematized real estate business with the control and mastery of your results.

    Whether you are a seasoned real estate agent, experienced contractor, or an HGTV renovation show junkie dreaming of being free of your desk, this course will show you, step-by-step, how to succeed in flipping homes.

    This course will give you the tools to identify potential flips, quickly analyze their viability and your potential profit, and enable you to move swiftly to secure them as soon as they hit the market. This course provides a proven system with easy-to apply tools and formulas to help you skip the expensive mistakes that take most flippers out of the game before they can ever get started. 

    We know not everyone learns the same way. For that reason, this course has videos and text modules. In addition, the texts are downloadable so you can keep this information for life, and take it with you wherever you go.

    We know this course will be valuable for your real estate business. 

    Flipping = wealth building

    If you are serious about flipping homes, this course is an absolute must! Add to Cart

    Talk to a coach

    If you've been considering hiring a coach, now's the time. Book a FREE coaching consultation session with your purchase of this course! Book Your Call Team Onboarding Real Estate Coaching See all courses
    Quick ViewCompare
  • FSBO: Prospecting For Sale By Owners (FSBOs)


    Learn how to handle objections, sell the value of your services, and convince FSBO listings to sign with you in this mini course.

    Designed for all learning types

    Video Training

    In-depth professional video training on every module, presented by the author, Brian Icenhower.

    Written Modules

    Detailed and downloadable written modules with detailed graphics, scripts, spreadsheets, forms, and so much more.

    Course curriculum

    Enrollment includes access to the following course materials for 2 years

    Course materials

    • Workbook: Prospecting FSBOs
    • Video: Prospecting FSBOs
    • Resource: FSBO Contact Sheet (Fillable)
    • Script: 3 FSBO Questions
    • Script: FSBO Phone Questions
    • Script: FSBO Prospecting
    • Script: Increased Net Profit
    • Script: The Rolex Analogy
    • FSBO Seller Guide Template
    • FSBO Infographic - For Sale By Owner Social Media Graphic
    • FSBO Infographic - For Sale By Owner Social Media Graphic - JPG version

    About this course

    • $39.99
    • 15 lessons
    • .5 hours of video content
    Add to Cart

    Certification & Designation Upon Completion

    In this ICC online course, you will receive an official designation of "Certified FSBO Consultant" or CFC upon completion, as well as a downloadable (and printable) Certificate of Completion. Add your designation seal, as well as your designation letters, to your email signature to bolster your reputation and show off your expertise to clients and colleagues alike.


    "I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations." Jake Rockwell Over 500 Units Sold Annually "I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income." soi audio workbook Dennis Adelpour Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles "When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends." recruit audio workbook Tammi Humphrey #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations. ADMIN: The Training Process for Real Estate Administrative Assistants

    Jake Rockwell

    Over 500 Units Sold Annually I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income. ADMIN: The Training Process for Real Estate Administrative Assistants

    Dennis Adelpour

    Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends. ADMIN: The Training Process for Real Estate Administrative Assistants

    Tammi Humphrey

    #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume Instructor Brian ​Icenhower.
    Founder & CEO of Icenhower Coaching & Consulting Founder/CEO of one of the world's largest real estate coaching, training, and education companies. ICC is also a leader in online training courses, systems, and company-branded websites for agent and brokerage training and onboarding.

    Turn FSBOs into For Sale By YOU.

    Packed with scripts, tips, and systemized processes developed by working with the nation’s Top Producing agents, this course will help you master FSBO listing conversions.
    Add to Cart

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    If you've been considering hiring a coach, now's the time. Book a FREE coaching consultation session with your purchase of this course! Book Your Call Team Onboarding Real Estate Coaching See all courses
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  • Google Local Services Ads for REALTORS® – and Additional Online Lead Sources


    Discover how top producing agents use Google Local Service Ads to generate high-quality listing and buyer leads. Also, learn the best practices to maximize your online presence and for converting more leads into clients.

    Designed for all learning types

    Video Training

    In-depth professional video training on every module, presented by the author, Brian Icenhower.

    Written Modules

    Detailed and downloadable written modules with detailed graphics, scripts, spreadsheets, forms, and so much more.

    Course curriculum

    Enrollment includes access to the following course materials for 2 years

    Module 1: Local Services Ads
    • Module 1 Video: Local Services Ads
    • Workbook: Module 1: Local Services Ads
    • Quick Tip: 3 things that make you appear more frequently for Local Services Ads
    • Generating Listing Leads with Local Services Ads
    • Online Lead Source Funnel
    • Quick Tip: Starting off on the right foot
    Module 2: My Business Profile
    • Module 2 Video: My Business Profile
    • Workbook: Module 2: My Business Profile
    • Creating Multiple Google My Business Locations
    • How to Create Multiple Google Locations for a Real Estate Agent
    • Quick Tip: If you are struggling to get locations verified
    • How to Create Multiple Google Locations for a Real Estate Agent
    Module 3: Online Reviews
    • Module 3 Video: Online Reviews
    • Workbook: Module 3: Online Reviews
    • Best Practices for Generating Google Reviews
    • Asking for a Review
    • Asking for a Google Review Template
    • Leave Us a Review Social Media Template
    • Google Review Request Email Template
    • Example Video: Reviews Request
    • Google Review Script & Instructions for Staff
    • Quick Tip: Reviews for each location
    • Online Review Job Post (Word doc with social post text)
    • Online Review Job Post (PowerPoint design file template)
    • Advanced Techniques for Getting Google Reviews
    Module 4: Maximize Your Online Presence
    • Module 4 Video: Maximize Your Online Presence
    • Workbook: Module 4: Maximize Your Online Presence
    • Google Posts
    • How Real Estate Agents Rank Higher on Google
    Module 5: Grow Your Business-to-Business Database with Google
    • Module 5 Video: Grow Your Business-to-Business Database with Google
    • Workbook: Module 5: Grow Your Business-to-Business Database with Google
    • Real Estate Vendor List Template
    • Real Estate Vendor Program Scripts
    Module 6: Additional Online Lead Referral Services
    • Module 6 Video: Additional Online Referral Lead Services
    • Workbook: Module 6: Additional Online Referral Lead Services
    • Online Lead Referral Sources

    About this course

    • $249.00
    • 38 lessons
    • 3 hours of video content
    Add to Cart

    Immediate Takeaways

    Here is what you can expect to gain from taking this online course.

    • Learn about Local Services Ads and how to leverage them to dominate the local real estate market
    • Business profile best practices and how-to to create a profile that will showcase the value you provide
    • How to get reviews and use them to grow your business
    • Action Steps at the end of each module to help you apply what you just learned


    "I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations." Jake Rockwell Over 500 Units Sold Annually "I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income." soi audio workbook Dennis Adelpour Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles "When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends." recruit audio workbook Tammi Humphrey #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations. SOI: Building a Referral-Based Sphere of Influence

    Jake Rockwell

    Over 500 Units Sold Annually I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income. SOI: Building a Referral-Based Sphere of Influence

    Dennis Adelpour

    Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends. SOI: Building a Referral-Based Sphere of Influence

    Tammi Humphrey

    #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume Instructor Brian ​Icenhower. What are Local Services Ads (LSA) for Realtors? Our industry is shifting, again, thanks to technology. Once upon a time, Zillow dominated the online lead scene. But recently we have seen a shift away from Zillow — so where do we go next? Why is Zillow going away? How is Zillow going away? Why should we be going someplace else? You’ve got a lot of questions, and so did we. Luckily for you, we got the answers, and we put them all together into this online course for you.

    What are you waiting for?

    Master online real estate leads — discover what you need to do, learn the best practices Top Producers use to generate and accelerate their businesses, and become the #1 Realtor in your desired neighborhood! Add to Cart

    Talk to a coach

    If you've been considering hiring a coach, now's the time. Book a FREE coaching consultation session with your purchase of this course! Book Your Call Team Onboarding Real Estate Coaching See all courses
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  • Growth Operations Systems


    If your organization isn't growing, then it is dying. Discover Brian Icenhower's powerful and proven strategies and practices for implementing organizational growth.

    Designed for all learning types

    Video Training

    In-depth professional video training on every module, presented by the author, Brian Icenhower.

    Written Modules

    Detailed and downloadable written modules with detailed graphics, scripts, spreadsheets, forms, and so much more.


    Since real estate agents are always on the move, your training must be too. This course provides a professional downloadable audiobook.

    Course curriculum

    Enrollment includes access to the following course materials for 2 years

    Component 1: Devise A Viral Goal
    • Workbook: Component 1: Devise A Viral Goal
    • Video: Component 1: Devise a Viral Goal
    • SMART Goals Fillable Form
    • FIVE (Chapter Summaries)
    • FIVE (Spark & Stoke Conversation)
    • Component 1 Quiz
    Component 2: Focus On Activities First
    • Workbook: Component 2: Focus On Activities First
    • Video: Component 2: Focus On Activities First
    • Component 2 Quiz
    Component 3: Cultivate Personal Responsibility With Public Accountability
    • Workbook: Component 3: Cultivate Personal Responsibility With Public Accountability
    • Video: Component 3: Cultivate Personal Responsibility With Public Accountability
    • Prospecting Accountability Chart Fillable Form
    • Component 3 Quiz
    Component 4: Drive Growth With A Dashboard
    • Workbook: Component 4: Drive Growth With A Dashboard
    • Video: Component 4: Drive Growth With A Dashboard
    • Sample Scoreboard Dashboard
    • FIVE (Organizational Dashboard)
    • ICC Dashboard Template
    • Understanding DISC Profiles
    • DISC Behavioral Assessment
    • DISC Style Identification
    • Team Scoreboard Graphic – Template
    • ICC Broker Scoreboard
    • Component 4 Quiz
    Component 5: Huddle Up
    • Workbook: Component 5: Huddle Up
    • Video: Component 5: Huddle Up
    • Solo Agent Annual Business Plan Sample
    • Team Annual Business Plan Sample
    • Blank Annual Business Plan Fillable Form
    • Component 5 Quiz

    About this course

    • $199.00
    • 35 lessons
    • 3 hours of video content
    Add to Cart

    Immediate Takeaways

    Here is what you can expect to gain from taking this online course.

    • THE FIVE-WEEK BOOK CLUB will guide you chapter by chapter with engaging questions and discussion starters.
    • TEMPLATES AND MODELS - DISC Behavioral Assessment, The DISC Behavior Model, DISC Style Identification, Sample Scoreboard Dashboard, Dashboard Template
    • TEAM BUILDING - Team Annual Business Plan Template, How to Hold a Huddle
    • FORMS AND LISTS - SMART Goals Fillable Form, The Transaction Timeline, Prospecting Accountability Chart Fillable Form, The 4 Key Accountability Questions
    • QUIZ at the end of each module to promote retention of information and test your knowledge.
    • OPTIONS for how you learn best. Each module provides a downloadable PDF chapter as well as a featured video of Brian Icenhower, teaching the topic at hand. At the beginning of the course, you are also provided with a full audiobook to listen to. So however you learn best -- we have an option for you!

    Certification & Designation Upon Completion

    In this ICC online course, you will receive an official designation of "Certified Growth Systems Expert" or CGSE upon completion, as well as a downloadable (and printable) Certificate of Completion. Add your designation seal, as well as your designation letters, to your email signature to bolster your reputation and show off your expertise to clients and colleagues alike.


    "I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations." Jake Rockwell Over 500 Units Sold Annually "I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income." soi audio workbook Dennis Adelpour Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles "When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends." recruit audio workbook Tammi Humphrey #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations. Google Local Services Ads for REALTORS® – and Additional Online Lead Sources

    Jake Rockwell

    Over 500 Units Sold Annually I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income. Google Local Services Ads for REALTORS® – and Additional Online Lead Sources

    Dennis Adelpour

    Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends. Google Local Services Ads for REALTORS® – and Additional Online Lead Sources

    Tammi Humphrey

    #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume Instructor Brian ​Icenhower.

    I built this course for those real estate agents wanting to move from a mere real estate practice to a systematized real estate business with the control and mastery of your results.

    In today’s world, stagnation is equivalent to death. Opportunity is all around but with that comes the opportunity to fail. It may seem discouraging to some, but this idea has driven some of the most successful businesses in the world. If your organization isn't growing, then it is dying. Discover my powerful and proven strategies and practices for implementing organizational growth.

    Learn the Growth Operations Systems that work.

    If your organization isn't growing, then it is dying. Discover Brian Icenhower's powerful and proven strategies and practices for implementing organizational growth. Add to Cart

    Growth Operations Systems

    More about this real estate training course

    Talk to a coach

    If you've been considering hiring a coach, now's the time. Book a FREE coaching consultation session with your purchase of this course! Book Your Call Team Onboarding Real Estate Coaching See all courses
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  • Guaranteed Offer Program


    Learn how to implement the Guaranteed Offer Program as a call to action for sellers and stand out with a value proposition that will grow your real estate business and provide tremendous value to your clients.

    Designed for all learning types

    Video Training

    In-depth professional video training on every module, presented by the author, Brian Icenhower.

    Written Modules

    Detailed and downloadable written modules with detailed graphics, scripts, spreadsheets, forms, and so much more.

    Course curriculum

    Enrollment includes access to the following course materials for 2 years

    • VIDEO: Guaranteed Offer Program
    • WORKBOOK: Guaranteed Offer Program
    • Seller Lead Sheet
    • Listing Consultation
    • Guaranteed Offer Program Social Media Post Template
    • Memorandum of Understanding Template
    • Billboard Marketing Examples
    • Email Signature Marketing Example
    • Website Marketing Examples
    • Video Marketing Example
    • Guaranteed Offer Postcard Templates
    Flipping houses for profit

    About this course

    • $39.99
    • 13 lessons
    • .5 hours of video content
    Add to Cart

    Immediate Takeaways

    Here is what you can expect to gain from taking this online course.

    • SCRIPTS to help you implement the Guaranteed Offer Program and present the option to incoming leads; also, learn how to pitch the concept to potential investors
    • SOCIAL MEDIA TEMPLATES to help you promote your Guaranteed Offer Program on your social media channels
    • MORE MARKETING TEMPLATES to help you market your Guaranteed Offer Program, among your other services
    • VIDEO TUTORIAL led by ICC Coach Rick Fuller that will help you understand the impact a Guaranteed Offer Program will have on your real estate business
    • EXAMPLES of what successful Realtors and teams are doing to market their Guaranteed Offer Program
    • WORKBOOK that will walk you through the details, benefits, and tips you'll need as you launch your Guaranteed Offer Program


    "I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations." Jake Rockwell Over 500 Units Sold Annually "I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income." soi audio workbook Dennis Adelpour Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles "When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends." recruit audio workbook Tammi Humphrey #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume

    I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations.

    Success Mindset

    Jake Rockwell

    Over 500 Units Sold Annually

    I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income.

    Success Mindset

    Dennis Adelpour

    Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles

    When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends.

    Success Mindset

    Tammi Humphrey

    #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume


    Rick ​Fuller.

    As the Broker/Owner of the Rick Fuller Team, Rick has led his team to produce over $100 Million in Annual Sales. In addition, Rick’s team boasts over 500 FIVE STAR reviews from satisfied customers. They have successfully established multiple locations throughout the San Francisco Bay Area and Sacramento County, and has earned Zillow’s distinction as #1 Real Estate Team in the San Francisco Bay Area and Sacramento County for most recent sales. We are honored to have Rick as one our top ICC coaches.

    Rick Fuller

    Create a compelling call to action for sellers and get more listings.

    Offering the Guaranteed Offer Program in your real estate business will not only make you stand out among your peers, but it provides the most compelling call to action for sellers. When you add this kind of value, you attract more listings. Learn how to implement the Guaranteed Offer Program through this jam-packed crash course. Add to Cart

    Talk to a coach

    If you've been considering hiring a coach, now's the time. Book a FREE coaching consultation session with your purchase of this course! Book Your Call Team Onboarding Real Estate Coaching See all courses
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  • HIRE: The Complete Hiring Process for Real Estate Agents


    Learn how to make smart and strategic hiring decisions.

    Designed for all learning types

    Video Training

    In-depth professional video training on every module, presented by the author, Brian Icenhower.

    Written Modules

    Detailed and downloadable written modules with detailed graphics, scripts, spreadsheets, forms, and so much more.


    Since real estate agents are always on the move, your training must be too. This course provides a professional downloadable audiobook.

    Course curriculum

    Enrollment includes access to the following course materials for 2 years

    Module 1: Hiring Foundations
    • Workbook: Hiring Foundations
    • Video: Initial Hiring Considerations & Mindset
    • Graphic: The first-quarter check-mark
    • Graphic: The hiring process overview
    Module 2: The Job Description
    • Workbook: The Job Description
    • Video: Creating a Job Description
    • Job Description: Administrative Assistant
    • Job Description: Buyer’s Agent
    • Job Description: Showing Assistant
    • Graphic: Leverage Training Curve
    Module 3: The DISC Assessment
    • Workbook: The DISC Assessment
    • Video: Identifying DISC Behavioral Profiles
    • Graphic: DISC Profiles
    • Graphic: DISC Behavioral Assessment
    • Script: “Applicant Denied” Email
    • Module 3: Get to know the DISC profiles
    Module 4: Advertising the Job
    • Workbook: Advertising the Job
    • Video: Advertising the Job: Getting into action
    • Online Job Post: Administrative Position
    • Online Job Post: Sales Position
    • Script: Facebook Job Ad
    • Script: Calling Affiliates
    • Script: Calling SOI Contacts
    • Script: “Thank you for your interest” email
    Module 5: Reviewing Applications, Getting Behavioral Assessments
    • Workbook: Reviewing Applications, Getting Behavioral Assessments
    • Video: Reviewing Applications & Getting Behavioral Assessments
    • DISC Email Instructions Template
    Module 6: The Phone Screening Interview
    • Workbook: The Phone Screening Interview
    • Video: Who to Look For: The phone screening interview
    • Phone Screening Worksheet (fillable)
    • Follow-Up Phone Screening Worksheet (fillable)
    • The DISC Profiles
    • The DISC Behavioral Assessment
    • Computer Skills Assessment –
    Module 7: The In-Person Interview
    • Workbook: The In-Person Interview
    • Video: The In-Person Interview
    • In-Person Interview Form (fillable)
    Module 8: Reference Checks
    • Workbook: Reference checks
    • Video: Reference Check Worksheet (fillable)
    Module 9: Compensation Considerations & the Final Offer
    • Workbook: Compensation Considerations & the Final Offer
    • Video: Compensation Considerations & the Final Offer
    • Offer Letter for Administrative Staff
    • Offer Letter for ISA to Sales Agent
    • Offer Letter for Sales Agents
    • New Employee Information Card (fillable)
    • Advanced Hiring Considerations

    About this course

    • $199.00
    • 52 lessons
    • 4 hours of video content
    Add to Cart

    Immediate Takeaways

    Here is what you can expect to gain from taking this online course.

    • SCRIPTS Applicant Denied Email, Facebook Job Ad, Calling Affiliates, Calling SOI Contacts, Thank You For Your Interest Email, and more.
    • FORMS AND LISTS to streamline processes. DISC Email Instructions Template, Phone Screening Worksheet, DISC Behavioral Assessment, In-Person Interview Form, Reference Check Worksheet, Offer Letter Templates, New Employee Information Card, and more.
    • GRAPHICS to illustrate key concepts. The First Quarter Checkmark, The Hiring Process Overview, Leverage Training Curve, DISC Profiles, and more.
    • JOB DESCRIPTIONS so you don't have to reinvent the wheel. Job Descriptions for Administrative Assistant, Buyer's Agent, Showing Agent, Online Job Posts, and more.
    • OPTIONS for how you learn best. Each module provides a downloadable PDF chapter as well as a featured video of Brian Icenhower, teaching the topic at hand. At the beginning of the course, you are also provided with a full audiobook to listen to. So however you learn best -- we have an option for you!

    Certification & Designation Upon Completion

    In this ICC online course, you will receive an official designation of "Certified Hiring Associate" or CHA upon completion, as well as a downloadable (and printable) Certificate of Completion. Add your designation seal, as well as your designation letters, to your email signature to bolster your reputation and show off your expertise to clients and colleagues alike.


    "I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations." Jake Rockwell Over 500 Units Sold Annually "I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income." soi audio workbook Dennis Adelpour Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles "When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends." recruit audio workbook Tammi Humphrey #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations. Agent Financials

    Jake Rockwell

    Over 500 Units Sold Annually I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income. Agent Financials

    Dennis Adelpour

    Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends. Agent Financials

    Tammi Humphrey

    #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume Instructor Brian ​Icenhower.

    Nine simple but vital steps, this course walks you through the optimal hiring process so that you can get the right person hired the first time around.

    The whole hiring process is designed for busy professionals who don’t have a lot of time to invest in hiring but still need to make a smart and selective hire. Whether you’re hiring administrative staff or commission-based sales agents, we walk you through every step carefully and completely and make the entire process very simple and accessible.

    Make a smart & selective hire.

    Your business depends on it.
    This Hiring Process for Real Estate Agents course provides all of the necessary materials to compile a complete "Hiring Operations Manual" for your real estate business. Complete with job descriptions, online job posts templates, interview worksheets, reference check forms, compensation structures, offer letters and so much more, this process will ensure that you attract a large number of quality applicants to ultimately hire the most talented people for your team. Add to Cart

    Talk to a coach

    If you've been considering hiring a coach, now's the time. Book a FREE coaching consultation session with your purchase of this course! Book Your Call Team Onboarding Real Estate Coaching See all courses
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  • Increasing Profitability with Entrepreneurship

    Online Course

    Go beyond real estate and enter the world of ancillary services. Learn how to partner with vendors and take your business to the next level by leveraging synergistic relationships and growing your profitability at the same time.

    Add to Cart Increasing Profitability with Entrepreneurship (1)

    Increasing Profitability with Entrepreneurship

    Click to watch more about this real estate training course

    Designed for all learning types

    Video Training

    In-depth video with Brian Icenhower walking you through each Industry Update slide and explaining the meaning, and providing talking points for you to use with your clients.

    Written Workbook

    Detailed and downloadable written workbook that provides you with each industry graph and chart, along with a written explanation of what it means and talking points to use with your clients.

    Course curriculum

    Enrollment includes access to the following course materials for 6 months

    Welcome to Increasing Profitability with Entrepreneurship
    • Welcome to Increasing Profitability with Entrepreneurship with Rick Fuller

    • Sign up for the Executive Leadership Round Table Group Coaching Program

    • Join us at the ICC Regional Summit

    • Schedule a Coaching Call

    • Stay Connected via our REAL ESTATE AGENT ROUND TABLE Facebook Group

    Module 1: Leading Beyond Real Estate Commission
    • VIDEO: Leading Beyond Real Estate Commission
    • WORKBOOK: Leading Beyond Real Estate Commission
    Module 2: From Team Leader to Entrepreneur
    • VIDEO: From Team Leader to Entrepreneur
    • WORKBOOK: From Team Leader to Entrepreneur
    Module 3: Growing Your Profitability Through Ancillary
    • VIDEO: Growing Your Profitability Through Ancillary
    • WORKBOOK: Growing Your Profitability Through Ancillary
      Module 4: Leading Through Change
      • VIDEO: Leading Through Change
      • WORKBOOK: Leading Through Change
      Increasing Profitability with Entrepreneurship

      About this course

      • $249.00
      • 13 lessons
      • 3.5 hours of content
      Add to Cart


      "I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations." Jake Rockwell Over 500 Units Sold Annually "I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income." soi audio workbook Dennis Adelpour Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles "When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends." recruit audio workbook Tammi Humphrey #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume

      I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations.

      Increasing Profitability with Entrepreneurship

      Jake Rockwell

      Over 500 Units Sold Annually

      I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income.

      Increasing Profitability with Entrepreneurship

      Dennis Adelpour

      Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles

      When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends.

      Increasing Profitability with Entrepreneurship

      Tammi Humphrey

      #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume


      Rick ​Fuller.

      I'm very excited about this course, Increasing Profitability with Entrepreneurship.

      Here's my prediction: one day, you and I will sell real estate for the benefit of being able to provide ancillary services, like mortgage, insurance, title, construction related services, and others.

      This is about you and I not thinking about the real estate transaction. It's about you and I thinking about the transition from one home to the next, and all the services that go along with that. This is about you and I providing greater service to our clients. This is about you and I providing greater opportunities for the people that are around us. And, this is about you increasing your profitability as you grow.

      You're going to learn a lot of information in this course. This is not content you're going to find in quick clips on YouTube, or listening to sound bites on social media. This is an in-depth discussion about how you can have the kind of partnerships with other vendors that is synergistic, so that you can achieve growth together.

      Go beyond real estate.

      Achieve growth faster by partnering with ancillary services and provide your clients with better service at the same time. Add to Cart

      Talk to a coach

      If you've been considering hiring a coach, now's the time. Book a FREE coaching consultation session with your purchase of this course! Book Your Call Team Onboarding Real Estate Coaching See all courses
      Quick ViewCompare
    1. Industry Update: Spring/Summer 2025 Real Estate Market Slides & Talking Points

      Online Course

      In this Industry Update online course, you'll gain access to spring/summer 2025 real estate market slides and talking points to learn and use with your clients.

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      Industry Update

      Click to watch more about this real estate training course

      Designed for all learning types

      Video Training

      In-depth video with Brian Icenhower walking you through each Industry Update slide and explaining the meaning, and providing talking points for you to use with your clients.

      Written Workbook

      Detailed and downloadable written workbook that provides you with each industry graph and chart, along with a written explanation of what it means and talking points to use with your clients.

      Course curriculum

      Enrollment includes 6 months of access to the following course materials for spring/summer 2025

      Welcome to Industry Update
      • VIDEO: Industry Update: Spring/Summer 2025 Real Estate Market Slides & Talking Points with Brian Icenhower
      • Industry Update Talking Points Workbook
      Industry Update Presentation Slides
      • Industry Update Presentation

      • Industry Update: Spring/Summer 2025 Real Estate Market Slides – downloadable

      • Industry Update – All Slides as Image Files – downloadable

      Industry Update SpringSummer 2025 Real Estate Market Slides & Talking Points (1)

      About this course

      • $135.00
      • 6 months of access
      Add to Cart


      "I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations." Jake Rockwell Over 500 Units Sold Annually "I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income." soi audio workbook Dennis Adelpour Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles "When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends." recruit audio workbook Tammi Humphrey #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume

      I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations.

      Industry Update: Spring/Summer 2025 Real Estate Market Slides & Talking Points

      Jake Rockwell

      Over 500 Units Sold Annually

      I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income.

      Industry Update: Spring/Summer 2025 Real Estate Market Slides & Talking Points

      Dennis Adelpour

      Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles

      When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends.

      Industry Update: Spring/Summer 2025 Real Estate Market Slides & Talking Points

      Tammi Humphrey

      #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume


      Brian ​Icenhower.

      I created Industry Update to help you educate yourself and your clients on the current real estate market stats.

      The point of this course is not to give you a bunch of predictions that either put you at ease or scare you about the real estate market. That’s not the goal.

      The point is to give you accurate information. To arm you with material with which to educate your client. More importantly, we are providing you with visual information, and the talking points around those visual assets so that you can clearly articulate what is happening in the market to your clients.

      People who want to buy a home, sell a home, or invest … they have a lot of questions based on what they’re hearing in the world today. Now more than ever they need a real estate professional to sift through all the madness and tell them what is really happening so they can make the best informed decisions with regards to the purchase and sale of real estate now and in the future.

      It’s super, super important that we use this data in a way that helps us convey a message. We aren’t arguing with our clients. We are simply the conduit of information, and we educate them. Now, more than ever, they will listen to us. Especially when you have these visuals and you can show, not just tell.

      SHOW, not just tell.

      Access our spring/summer 2025 real estate market slides and talking points to learn and use with your clients! Add to Cart

      Talk to a coach

      If you've been considering hiring a coach, now's the time. Book a FREE coaching consultation session with your purchase of this course! Book Your Call Team Onboarding Real Estate Coaching See all courses
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    2. ISA Agent Training


      Tested and proven on many of the top prospectors and Inside Sales Agents in North America, this course was created to train ISAs on successful prospecting techniques and designed to get ISAs into action and converting leads quickly.

      Designed for all learning types

      Video Training

      In-depth professional video training on every module, presented by the author, Brian Icenhower.

      Written Modules

      Detailed and downloadable written modules with detailed graphics, scripts, spreadsheets, forms, and so much more.

      Course curriculum

      Enrollment includes access to the following course materials for 2 years

      Module 1: Online Lead Sources
      • Video: Online Lead Sources
      • Intro & Setting Online Leads and Setting Expectations eBook file
      Module 2: Making Initial Contact with Online Leads
      • Video: Making Initial Contact with Online Leads
      • Making Initial Contact with Online Leads eBook file
      • 2-Week Assault Plan
      • VIDEO: How to Set Up Your CRM
      • SOI Call & Text Contact Cycle
      Module 3: Online Lead Follow-Up Plans
      • Video: Online Lead Follow-Up Plans
      • Online Lead Follow-Up Plans eBook file
      Module 4: Online Lead Nurturing Scripts
      • Video: Online Lead Nurturing Scripts
      • Online Lead Nurturing Scripts eBook file
      Module 5: Tracking Online Lead Key Performance Indicators
      • Video: Tracking Online Lead Key Performance Indicators
      • Tracking Online Lead Key Performance Indicators eBook file
      • ICC Team Dashboard Template
      Module 6: Scheduling & Time Management
      • Learning Objectives
      • Printable Workbook: Scheduling & Time Management
      • Video: Scheduling & Time Management
      • Tips to Avoid Procrastination
      • Scheduling Calendar
      • Daily Schedule for Realtors
      • Quiz: Module 6
      Module 7: Conversation Skill Development - Mirroring & Matching
      • Learning Objectives
      • Printable Workbook: Conversation Skill Development – Mirroring & Matching
      • Video: Conversation Skill Development – Mirroring & Matching
      • Learning Styles Language
      • What Type of Learner Are You?
      • Quiz: Module 7
      Module 8: Downswings, Embedded Commands, Tie-Downs & Trial Closes
      • Learning Objectives
      • Printable Workbook: Downswings, Embedded Commands, Tie-Downs & Trial Closes
      • Video: Downswings, Embedded Commands, Tie-Downs & Trial Closes
      • Trial Closes & Tie-Downs
      • DISC Profiles
      • Step + Value + Tie Down
      • Step + Value + Tie Down (BLANK)
      • Embedded Commands Practice
      • Trial Close Practice Tracker
      • Quiz: Module 8
      Module 9: Tracking, Analytics & Organized Sales Process
      • Learning Objectives
      • Printable Workbook: Tracking, Analytics & Organized Sales Process
      • Video: Tracking, Analytics & Organized Sales Process
      • Organized Sales Process: Phases Flowchart
      • Quiz: Module 9
      Module 10: Alternative-Choice Close & Objection-Handling
      • Learning Objectives
      • Printable Workbook: Alternative-Choice Close & Objection-Handling
      • Alternative-Choice Close & Objection-Handling
      • Methods of Closing
      • Objection Handlers
      • Quiz: Module 10
      Module 11: Creating Urgency
      • Learning Objectives
      • Printable Workbook: Creating Urgency
      • Video: Creating Urgency – Scripts & Techniques
      • Top Ways to Create Urgency
      • Organized Sales Process: Phases Flowchart
      • Quiz: Module 11
      Module 12: Nurturing & Cultivation
      • Learning Objectives
      • Printable Workbook: Nurturing & Cultivation
      • Video: Nurturing & Cultivation
      • Weekly Nurture Checklist
      • Are You Nurturing?
      • Nurture Contact Formula Flowchart
      • Real-Deal Trust Builders
      • Organized Sales Process Phases Flowchart
      • Quiz: Module 12
      Module 13: Pre-Qualification
      • Learning Objectives
      • Printable Workbook: Pre-Qualification
      • Video: Pre-Qualification: Processes, Scripts & Methods
      • Pre-Qualification Do’s and Don’ts
      • Phrases to Get Back on Track
      • Buyer Questionnaire & Lead Sheet
      • Buyer Questionnaire & Lead Sheet (fillable PDF)
      • Seller Questionnaire & Lead Sheet
      • Seller Questionnaire & Lead Sheet (fillable PDF)
      • Quiz: Module 13
      Module 14: Closing & Conversation Models
      • Learning Objectives
      • Printable Workbook: Closing & Conversation Models
      • Video: Closing & Conversation Models
      • Methods of Closing
      • 3 Deep Questions
      • L.P.M.A.M.A. Qualifying Conversation Model
      • Quiz: Module 14
      Module 15: Building Value
      • Learning Objectives
      • Printable Workbook: Building Value
      • Video: Building Value
      • Building Value
      • Organized Sales Process Phases Flowchart
      • Real-Deal Trust Builders
      • 3 Deep Questions
      • Quiz: Module 15

      About this course

      • $199.00
      • 94 lessons
      • 10 hours of video content
      Add to Cart

      Immediate Takeaways

      Here is what you can expect to gain from taking this online course.

      • TOPICS including time management, tracking KPIs, how to prospect for online leads, conversion skill development, objection handling, how to nurture leads, closing strategies, mirroring and matching, DISC behavioral assessment, and more.
      • SCRIPTS to reach all kinds of prospects. Online Lead Nurturing Script book, Script Book for ISAs, and more.
      • RESOURCES to help you do your job more efficiently and effectively. Buyer Lead Sheet, Seller Lead Sheet, Trial Close Practice Tracker, Scheduling Calendar, Embedded Commands Practice, DISC Behavioral Assessment, Scripts, and more.
      • QUIZ at the end of modules to promote retention of information and test your knowledge.
      • OPTIONS for how you learn best. Each module provides a downloadable PDF chapter as well as a featured video of Brian Icenhower, teaching the topic at hand. So however you learn best -- we have an option for you!

      Certification & Designation Upon Completion

      In this ICC online course, you will receive an official designation of "Certified Inside Sales Agent" or CISA upon completion, as well as a downloadable (and printable) Certificate of Completion. Add your designation seal, as well as your designation letters, to your email signature to bolster your reputation and show off your expertise to clients and colleagues alike.


      "I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations." Jake Rockwell Over 500 Units Sold Annually "I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income." soi audio workbook Dennis Adelpour Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles "When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends." recruit audio workbook Tammi Humphrey #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations. Online Lead Conversion: Converting Real Estate Internet Leads

      Jake Rockwell

      Over 500 Units Sold Annually I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income. Online Lead Conversion: Converting Real Estate Internet Leads

      Dennis Adelpour

      Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends. Online Lead Conversion: Converting Real Estate Internet Leads

      Tammi Humphrey

      #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume Instructor Brian ​Icenhower.

      Looking to make the next step in your real estate career? Then you're in the right place!

      The Inside Sales Agent (ISA) Training online course is for real estate agents who want to take on the challenge of becoming ISAs, with a systematized process for lead generation, nurturing, and converting that will set you up for success.

      With 15 text-and-video modules packed with tips and resources, the course will teach you everything you need to know to get started in inside sales, using coach Brian Icenhower's tried-and-true methods to give you the advantage of over three decades of experience in the business.

      What to expect

      Course participants will become experts in:
      • prospecting best practices
      • making initial contact
      • lead follow-up
      • nurturing techniques
      • time management
      • objection handling
      • creating urgency
      • pre-qualifying leads
      • closing methods
      • converting to appointments
      • the entire organized sales process
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      Talk to a coach

      If you've been considering hiring a coach, now's the time. Book a FREE coaching consultation session with your purchase of this course! Book Your Call Team Onboarding Real Estate Coaching See all courses
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    3. ISA Manager Training


      Designed for leaders and managers of real estate sales teams, this course provides the systems, forms, scripts, benchmarking tools, and training exercises needed to effectively develop and manage Inside Sales Agents.

      Designed for all learning types

      Video Training

      In-depth professional video training on every module, presented by the author, Brian Icenhower.

      Written Modules

      Detailed and downloadable written modules with detailed graphics, scripts, spreadsheets, forms, and so much more.

      Course curriculum

      Enrollment includes access to the following course materials for 2 years

      Module 1: Online Lead Sources
      • Video: Online Lead Sources
      • Intro & Setting Online Leads and Setting Expectations eBook file
      Module 2: Making Initial Contact with Online Leads
      • Video: Making Initial Contact with Online Leads
      • Making Initial Contact with Online Leads eBook file
      • VIDEO: How to Set Up Your CRM
      • SOI Call & Text Contact Cycle
      Module 3: Online Lead Follow-Up Plans
      • Video: Online Lead Follow-Up Plans
      • Online Lead Follow-Up Plans eBook file
      Module 4: Online Lead Nurturing Scripts
      • Video: Online Lead Nurturing Scripts
      • Online Lead Nurturing Scripts eBook file
      Module 5: Tracking Online Lead Key Performance Indicators
      • Video: Tracking Online Lead Key Performance Indicators Tracking Online Lead Key Performance Indicators eBook file
      Module 6: Recruiting, Interviewing & Hiring ISAs
      • Printable Workbook: Recruiting, Interviewing & Hiring ISAs
      • ISA Manager Guide – Module 6 Appendix
      • Video: Recruiting, Interviewing & Hiring ISAs
      • Hiring – Offer Letter for Inside Sales Agents
      • Check-In: Recruiting, Interviewing & Hiring ISA’s
      Module 7: First Quarter for ISAs
      • Printable Workbook: First Quarter for ISAs
      • Video: First Quarter for ISAs
      • Sample Onboarding Calendar for Agents (editable)
      • ISA Manager Guide – Module 7 Appendix
      Module 8: Scripts For The ISA
      • Learning Objectives
      • Printable Workbook: Scripts For The ISA
      • Video: Scripts For The ISA
      • ISA Manager Guide – Module 8 Appendix
      Module 9: Testing & Benchmarking
      • Learning Objectives
      • Printable Workbook: Testing & Benchmarking
      • Video: Testing & Benchmarking
      • ISA Manager Guide – Module 9 Appendix
      Module 10: ISA Practice
      • Learning Objectives
      • Printable Workbook: ISA Practice
      • Video: ISA Practice
      • ISA Manager Guide – Module 10 Appendix

      About this course

      • $199.00
      • 35 lessons
      • 6.5 hours of video content
      Add to Cart

      Immediate Takeaways

      Here is what you can expect to gain from taking this online course.

      • SCRIPTS to help you train your Inside Sales Agent team.
      • WORKBOOK to guide you as you recruit, hire, and train your Inside Sales Agent team.
      • BENCHMARKS to use as you structure your training and track your KPIs.
      • ONLINE LEAD FOLLOW UP PLANS and processes to help you systematize your business.
      • TRAINING EXERCISES for your Inside Sales Agent team to help them learn, practice, and grow.
      • OPTIONS for how you learn best. Each module provides a downloadable PDF chapter as well as a featured video of Brian Icenhower, teaching the topic at hand.

      Certification & Designation Upon Completion

      In this ICC online course, you will receive an official designation of "Certified Inside Sales Agent Trainer" or CISAT upon completion, as well as a downloadable (and printable) Certificate of Completion. Add your designation seal, as well as your designation letters, to your email signature to bolster your reputation and show off your expertise to clients and colleagues alike.


      "I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations." Jake Rockwell Over 500 Units Sold Annually "I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income." soi audio workbook Dennis Adelpour Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles "When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends." recruit audio workbook Tammi Humphrey #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations. Time Management for Real Estate Agents

      Jake Rockwell

      Over 500 Units Sold Annually I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income. Time Management for Real Estate Agents

      Dennis Adelpour

      Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends. Time Management for Real Estate Agents

      Tammi Humphrey

      #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume Instructor Brian ​Icenhower.

      Designed for leaders and managers of real estate sales teams

      This course provides the systems, forms, scripts, benchmarking tools, and training exercises needed to effectively develop and manage Inside Sales Agents. These very same ISA hiring, onboarding and training systems have been implemented and tested by many of the top real estate teams in North America. We know this course will be valuable for your real estate business.

      Harness your strengths.

      Understand the people you interact with, and use that information to your advantage with this DISC: Understanding Behavior in Real Estate course. Add to Cart

      ISA Manager Training

      More about this real estate training course

      Talk to a coach

      If you've been considering hiring a coach, now's the time. Book a FREE coaching consultation session with your purchase of this course! Book Your Call Team Onboarding Real Estate Coaching See all courses
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    4. Leadership Strategies

      Online Course
      Raise your leadership skills and develop your leadership strategies to grow your business.
      Add to Cart Leadership Strategies (1)

      Leadership Strategies

      Click to watch more about this real estate training course

      Designed for all learning types

      Video Training

      In-depth video with Brian Icenhower walking you through each Industry Update slide and explaining the meaning, and providing talking points for you to use with your clients.

      Written Workbook

      Detailed and downloadable written workbook that provides you with each industry graph and chart, along with a written explanation of what it means and talking points to use with your clients.

      Course curriculum

      Enrollment includes access to the following course materials for 6 months

      Welcome to Leadership Strategies
      • Welcome to Leadership Strategies with Rick Fuller
      • Sign up for the Executive Leadership Round Table Group Coaching Program
      • Join us at the ICC Regional Summit
      • Schedule a Coaching Call
      • Stay Connected via our REAL ESTATE AGENT ROUND TABLE Facebook Group
      Module 1: How to Scale Your Team
      • VIDEO: How to Scale Your Team
      • WORKBOOK: How to Scale Your Team
      Module 2: Leadership Training for Real Estate Team Wanting to Grow
      • VIDEO: Leadership Training for Real Estate Team Wanting to Grow
      • WORKBOOK: Leadership Training for Real Estate Teams Wanting to Grow
      Module 3: Leading With Opportunities, Not Obstacles
      • VIDEO: Leading With Opportunities, Not Obstacles
      • WORKBOOK: Leading With Opportunities, Not Obstacles
      Module 4: Real Estate Agent Attraction Recruiting Strategies
      • VIDEO: Real Estate Agent Attraction Recruiting Strategies
      • WORKBOOK: Real Estate Agent Attraction Recruiting Strategies
      Module 5: Real Estate Leadership Coaching Strategies
      • VIDEO: Real Estate Leadership Coaching Strategies
      • WORKBOOK: Real Estate Leadership Coaching Strategies
      Module 6: Viral Team Goals and Activity Based Indicators
      • VIDEO: Viral Team Goals and Activity Based Indicators
      • WORKBOOK: Viral Team Goals and Activity Based Indicators
      Module 7: Public Accountability and Personal Responsibility
      • VIDEO: Public Accountability and Personal Responsibility
      • WORKBOOK: Public Accountability and Personal Responsibility
      Module 8: The Power of Dashboards
      • VIDEO: The Power of Dashboards
      • WORKBOOK: The Power Of Dashboards
      Module 9: Replacing Yourself as a Real Estate Leader
      • VIDEO: Replacing Yourself as a Real Estate Leader
      • WORKBOOK: Replacing Yourself as a Real Estate Leader
      Leadership Strategies

      About this course

      • $249.00
      • 23 lessons
      • 5.5 hours of video content
      Add to Cart


      "I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations." Jake Rockwell Over 500 Units Sold Annually "I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income." soi audio workbook Dennis Adelpour Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles "When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends." recruit audio workbook Tammi Humphrey #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations. Leadership Strategies

      Jake Rockwell

      Over 500 Units Sold Annually I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income. Leadership Strategies

      Dennis Adelpour

      Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends. Leadership Strategies

      Tammi Humphrey

      #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume Instructor Rick ​Fuller.

      Raise your leadership skills and develop your leadership strategies to grow your business.

      I am so excited about this course, Leadership Strategies.

      This is about you raising the lid on your leadership so you can raise the lid on all of your organizations, raise the lid on your ancillaries, raise the lid on your people. You cannot outgrow your personal development. Your outward growth starts with your inward development in terms of leadership. This is what this course is all about: raise your leadership skills so that you can grow your business.

      Raise the lid on your leadership.

      Raise your leadership skills and develop your leadership strategies to grow your business. Add to Cart

      Talk to a coach

      If you've been considering hiring a coach, now's the time. Book a FREE coaching consultation session with your purchase of this course! Book Your Call Team Onboarding Real Estate Coaching See all courses
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    5. Learn Canva for Real Estate Agents: A Beginner’s Guide

      ICT Online Course

      Learn Canva for Real Estate Agents:
      A Beginner's Guide

      Learn Canva for Real Estate Agents: A Beginner's Guide

      Are you a real estate professional looking to level up your marketing game? Dive into our beginner-friendly course and discover how Canva can revolutionize your visual content creation and save you tons of time. Learn the very basics, from how to create and navigate your Canva account to how to design templates for your print and digital marketing pieces. Join us on this transformative journey and start crafting visuals that sell!

      Add to Cart learn canva for real estate agents

      Create Eye-Catching Marketing Materials

      Learn to design captivating flyers, social media posts, and more to attract potential buyers

      learn canva for real estate agents

      Boost Your Branding Efforts

      Elevate your brand with professional graphics that convey trust and credibility

      learn canva for real estate agents

      Save Time and Money

      Ditch expensive design services and create your visuals in-house with ease

      Designed for all learning types

      Video Training

      In-depth video training walking you through each module of the course, explaining the strategies, tips, and best practices for using Canva for real estate agents.

      Written Workbook

      Detailed and downloadable written workbook that provides you with a bullet point outline, summarized text, action steps, key takeaways, as well as space for taking notes.

      Instructor Materials

      Teach this course at your organization with the help of our downloadable presentation notes, presentation files, and Instructor's Manual.

      Mergers & Acquisitions

      Click to watch more about this real estate training course

      Program curriculum

      Enrollment includes access to the following course materials for 90 days.

      Week 1: Facebook for Real Estate
      • Master Facebook’s algorithm and create an optimized business page
      • Develop content beyond listings: market updates, agent life, testimonials
      • Build engagement through strategic posting and community management
      • Learn Facebook Groups creation and management
      • Set up targeted ads that generate real business
      Week 2: Instagram for Real Estate
      • Craft an effective profile with strategic bio, highlights, and stories
      • Create content across Stories, Reels, and posts with platform-specific best practices
      • Implement content pillars and efficient hashtag strategy
      • Develop relationships with local businesses and influencers
      • Manage content creation efficiently with batching and scheduling tools
      Week 3: YouTube for Real Estate
      • Set up and optimize a YouTube channel for real estate
      • Create engaging video content with basic production tips
      • Design effective thumbnails that drive clicks
      • Master YouTube SEO fundamentals
      • Implement YouTube Shorts for quick property showcases
      • Launch targeted YouTube ad campaigns
      Week 4: Expert Panel
      • Learn from successful agents actively using Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube
      • Get platform-specific strategies and tips from real estate professionals
      • Participate in Q&A sessions with experts
      • Understand how to integrate multiple platforms effectively
      Digital Domination Mastering Facebook, Instagram & YouTube to Grow Your Online Presence

      About this course

      • $99.00
      • 6 modules; 45 lessons
      • 90 days of access to course materials
      Add to Cart


      "I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations." Jake Rockwell Over 500 Units Sold Annually "I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income." soi audio workbook Dennis Adelpour Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles "When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends." recruit audio workbook Tammi Humphrey #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume

      I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations.

      Learn Canva for Real Estate Agents: A Beginner’s Guide

      Jake Rockwell

      Over 500 Units Sold Annually

      I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income.

      Learn Canva for Real Estate Agents: A Beginner’s Guide

      Dennis Adelpour

      Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles

      When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends.

      Learn Canva for Real Estate Agents: A Beginner’s Guide

      Tammi Humphrey

      #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume


      Rachel ​V.

      Let's get you started with Canva. 

      Hey there! I'm Rachel, your guide on learning how to use Canva for real estate marketing. As the Director of Marketing at Icenhower Coaching & Training, I use Canva daily for a wide variety of marketing projects.

      I've crafted this course, module by module, to teach you the very basics and get your feet wet in the world of graphic design.

      Canva is a great (and free!) tool that anyone (yes, ANYONE) can use to create professional marketing graphics, with no graphic design experience required.

      Let's work together to unleash your creativity, empower your brand, and take your marketing to new heights. I can't wait to share my expertise with you!


      learn canva for real estate agents

      Create templates in Canva to streamline your marketing workflow.

      In this course, you will learn how to use Canva and create easy-to-use templates for your print and digital marketing materials at your real estate organization.

      This course will walk you through the process, step by step, and you will finish the course feeling confident that you can create your own templates and use them with ease!

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      If you've been considering hiring a coach, now's the time. Book a FREE coaching consultation session with your purchase of this course! Book Your Call Team Onboarding Real Estate Coaching See all courses
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    6. Mergers and Acquisitions

      Online Course
      Learn how to expand your organization through mergers and acquisitions (M&A) of real estate brokerages, teams and more.  Grasp the various options for structuring M&A transactions, company valuation methods, due diligence considerations, transition plans, and how to identify and engage potential M&A candidate companies. Learners will receive many downloadable scripts, checklists, plans, sample agreements and a variety of other tools to create a step-by-step process for the growth of any real estate organization.
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      Mergers & Acquisitions

      Click to watch more about this real estate training course

      Designed for all learning types

      Video Training

      In-depth video with Brian Icenhower walking you through the entire merger/acquisition process, and providing tools and talking points for you to use.

      Written Workbook

      Detailed and downloadable written workbook that provides you with the bullet points, a space for taking notes, as well as activities and key takeaways.

      Instructor Materials

      Teach this course at your organization with the help of our downloadable presentation notes, presentation files, and Instructor's Manual.

      Course curriculum

      Enrollment includes access to the following course materials for 6 months

      Welcome to Mergers & Acquisitions
      • Welcome to Mergers & Acquisitions! A message from your Instructor, Brian Icenhower
      • Schedule a Coaching Call
      • Stay Connected via our REAL ESTATE AGENT ROUND TABLE Facebook Group
      Module 1: Mergers & Acquisitions Fundamentals
      • VIDEO: Mergers & Acquisitions Fundamentals
      • AUDIO: Mergers & Acquisitions Fundamentals
      • Workbook: Mergers & Acquisitions Fundamentals
      • Instructor’s Manual: Mergers & Acquisitions Fundamentals
      • Presentation Outline: Mergers & Acquisitions Fundamentals
      • Presentation PDF: Mergers & Acqusitions Fundamentals
      • Presentation Slides: Mergers & Acquisitions Fundamentals
      Module 2: Engaging M&A Candidates
      • VIDEO: Engaging M&A Candidates
      • AUDIO: Mergers & Acquisitions Fundamentals
      • Workbook: Engaging M&A Candidates
      • Instructor’s Manual: Engaging M&A Candidates
      • Presentation Outline: Engaging M&A Candidates
      • Presentation PDF: Engaging M&A Candidates
      • Presentation Slides: Engaging M&A Candidates
      • Securing the NDA Talking Points
      • Initial Approach Call Scripts
      • SWOT Competition Analysis
      • Discovery Questionnaire
      • MLS Company Production Data – Last 12 Months
      Module 3: Recruiting
      • VIDEO: Recruiting

      • AUDIO: Recruiting

      • Workbook: Recruiting

      • Instructor’s Manual: Recruiting

      • Presentation Outline: Recruiting

      • Presentation PDF: Recruiting

      • Presentation Slides: Recruiting

      • Discovery Questionaire

      Module 4: Due Diligence
      • VIDEO: Due Diligence

      • AUDIO: Due Diligence

      • Workbook: Due Diligence

      • Instructor’s Manual: Due Diligence

      • Presentation Outline: Due Diligence

      • Presentation PDF: Due Diligence

      • Presentation Slides: Due Diligence

      • Company Comparison Matrix

      • Owner Information Request

      • NDA Sample Agreement

      Module 5: The Pro Forma
      • VIDEO: The Pro Forma

      • AUDIO: The Pro Forma

      • Workbook: The Pro Forma

      • Instructor’s Manual: The Pro Forma

      • Presentation Outline: The Pro Forma

      • Presentation PDF: The Pro Forma

      • Presentation Slides: The Pro Forma

      • Earnout Formulas

      • Example Pro Forma

      Module 6: Valuation
      • VIDEO: Valuation

      • AUDIO: Valuation

      • Workbook: Valuation

      • Instructor’s Manual: Valuation

      • Presentation Outline: Valuation

      • Presentation PDF: Valuation

      • Presentation Slides: Valuation

      • EBITDA Approach Example

      • EBITDA Approach Worksheet

      Module 7: The LOI - Putting the Deal Together
      • VIDEO: The LOI – Putting the Deal Together

      • AUDIO: The LOI – Putting the Deal Together

      • Workbook: The LOI – Putting the Deal Together

      • Instructor’s Manual: The LOI – Putting the Deal Together

      • Presentation Outline: The LOI – Putting the Deal Together

      • Presentation PDF: The LOI – Putting the Deal Together

      • Presentation Slides: The LOI – Putting the Deal Together

      • Sample Letter of Intent

      Module 8: Planning the Purchase & Transition
      • VIDEO: Planning the Purchase & Transition

      • AUDIO: Planning the Purchase & Transition

      • Instructor’s Manual: Planning the Purchase & Transition

      • Workbook: Planning the Purchase & Transition

      • Presentation Outline: Planning the Purchase & Transition

      • Presentation PDF: Planning the Purchase & Transition

      • Presentation Slides: Planning the Purchase & Transition

      • Sample Pre-Closing Checklist

      • Sample Purchase Agreement

      Module 9: Closing the Transaction & Beyond
      • VIDEO: Closing the Transaction & Beyond

      • AUDIO: Closing the Transaction & Beyond

      • Workbook: Closing the Transaction & Beyond

      • Instructor’s Manual: Closing the Transaction & Beyond

      • Presentation Outline: Closing the Transaction & Beyond

      • Presentation PDF: Closing the Transaction & Beyond

      • Presentation Slides: Closing the Transaction & Beyond

      • Sample Launch Day Agenda

      • Launch Day Checklist

      • Sample Press Release

      mergers and acquisitions

      About this course

      • $750.00
      • 82 lessons
      • 4.5 hours of video content
      • 6 months of access to course materials
      Add to Cart


      "I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations." Jake Rockwell Over 500 Units Sold Annually "I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income." soi audio workbook Dennis Adelpour Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles "When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends." recruit audio workbook Tammi Humphrey #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume

      I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations.

      Business Planning

      Jake Rockwell

      Over 500 Units Sold Annually

      I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income.

      Business Planning

      Dennis Adelpour

      Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles

      When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends.

      Business Planning

      Tammi Humphrey

      #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume


      Brian ​Icenhower.

      Welcome to the world of mergers and acquisitions (M&A), where real growth begins. 

      In this course, we’re going to break down the process of acquiring or merging with real estate businesses. It might seem daunting at first, but by the end, you’ll see just how achievable it is—even for those who never thought they could do it.

      Let’s start with one simple truth: mergers and acquisitions are easier than you think. Most people assume M&A is reserved for massive corporations or elite businesspeople with deep pockets. That’s simply not true. 

      If there’s one thing I want you to take away from this course, it’s this: with the right approach, you can successfully grow your real estate business through M&A without a massive cash outlay.

      Whether you’re a team leader, a broker, or an advanced agent, M&A can fast-track your growth and set you apart from the competition. By leveraging proven strategies, you can scale your operations, enter new markets, and build a thriving organization.

      Brian Icenhower - ICC Speaker Headshot mergers and acquisitions

      Take your business to the next level.

      Whether you’re a team leader, a broker, or an advanced agent, M&A can fast-track your growth and set you apart from the competition. By leveraging proven strategies, you can scale your operations, enter new markets, and build a thriving organization.

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      If you've been considering hiring a coach, now's the time. Book a FREE coaching consultation session with your purchase of this course! Book Your Call Team Onboarding Real Estate Coaching See all courses
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    7. Negotiation Skills Training for Realtors


      Learn the proven tactics, strategies, and scripts for negotiating on behalf of your clients, with your clients, and with all the vendors you interact with on a daily basis.

      Designed for all learning types

      Video Training

      In-depth professional video training on every module, presented by the author, Brian Icenhower.

      Written Modules

      Detailed and downloadable written modules with detailed graphics, scripts, spreadsheets, forms, and so much more.


      Since real estate agents are always on the move, your training must be too. This course provides a professional downloadable audiobook.

      Course curriculum

      Enrollment includes access to the following course materials for 2 years

      Module 1: Understanding the Needs Analysis
      • VIDEO: Understanding the Needs Analysis
      • AUDIO: Understanding the Needs Analysis
      • Workbook: Understanding the Needs Analysis
      • The Feelings Wheel
      • Real Estate Trainer Podcast: Episode 196 – Real Estate Recruiting Scripts: Conducting the Appointment
      • Action Steps for Module 1
      Module 2: Negotiating with a Needs Analysis
      • VIDEO: Negotiating With a Needs Analysis
      • AUDIO: Negotiating With a Needs Analysis
      • Workbook: Negotiating With a Needs Analysis
      • Buyer Lead Sheet (fillable)
      • Seller Lead Sheet (fillable)
      • Action Steps for Module 2
      Module 3: Mirroring Opponents
      • VIDEO: Mirroring Opponents
      • AUDIO: Mirroring Opponents
      • Workbook: Mirroring Opponents
      • Real Estate Trainer Podcast: Episode 184 – NLP Real Estate Scripts for Realtors
      • Action Step for Module 3
      Module 4: Matching Opponents
      • VIDEO: Matching Opponents
      • AUDIO: Matching Opponents
      • Workbook: Matching Opponents
      • Mirror & Matching – Real Estate Negotiation Strategies
      • Action Steps for Module 4
      Module 5: Understanding Behavioral Profiles
      • VIDEO: Understanding Behavioral Profiles
      • AUDIO: Understanding Behavioral Profiles
      • Workbook: Understanding Behavioral Profiles
      • DISC Style Identification
      • Understanding DISC Profiles
      • DISC Lead Gen Tendencies & DISC Profiles Graphics
      • DISC Behavioral Assessment
      • Take the DISC Behavioral Assessment
      • Action Steps for Module 5
      Module 6: Identifying & Matching Behavioral Profiles
      • VIDEO: Identifying & Matching Behavioral Profiles
      • AUDIO: Identifying & Matching Behavioral Profiles
      • Workbook: Identifying & Matching Behavioral Profiles
      • Real Estate Trainer Podcast: Episode 76 – Recruiting for Real Estate Agents & DISC Behavior Profiles
      • Action Steps for Module 6
      Module 7: Changing Your Opponent's Position
      • VIDEO: Changing Your Opponent’s Position
      • AUDIO: Changing Your Opponent’s Position
      • Workbook: Changing Your Opponent’s Position
      • Action Steps for Module 7
      Module 8: Negotiation Tactics to Secure Agreement
      • VIDEO: Negotiation Tactics to Secure Agreement
      • AUDIO: Negotiation Tactics to Secure Agreement
      • Workbook: Negotiation Tactics to Secure Agreement
      • 10 Real Estate Negotiation Tactics
      • Action Steps for Module 8
      Module 9: The Negotiation Blueprint
      • VIDEO: The Negotiation Blueprint
      • AUDIO: The Negotiation Blueprint
      • Workbook: The Negotiation Blueprint
      • Meet in the Middle Negotiation Model Graphic
      • The Icenhower Method Negotiation Model Graphic
      • Action Steps for Module 9
      Module 10: Real Estate Negotiation Scripts & Strategies
      • VIDEO: Real Estate Negotiation Scripts & Strategies
      • AUDIO: Real Estate Negotiation Scripts & Strategies
      • Workbook: Real Estate Negotiation Scripts & Strategies
      • Price Reduction Graphic
      • Impact of Price on Visibility – Social Media Infographic
      • Action Steps for Module 10

      About this course

      • $249.00
      • 60 lessons
      • 4.5 hours of video content
      Add to Cart

      Immediate Takeaways

      Here is what you can expect to gain from taking this online course.

      • Learn the top 10 negotiation tactics, when to use them, and how to apply them immediately to win more negotiations.
      • Understand why it is important to use an established model for negotiations vs. "winging it."
      • Learn how to use the DISC behavioral profile model to aid in better negotiations through the understanding of various behavioral tendencies.
      • Get insight into how to modify your personal DISC behavioral profile in order to better communicate with your clients, vendors, and other Realtors.
      • Once you learn how to use established negotiation strategies, models, and tactics, learn how to SHOW YOUR WORK in order to ensure that your clients see the value you are bringing through your expertise.
      • Learn the "Meet in the Middle" and "The Icenhower Model" negotiation strategies, step by step, and download the helpful graphics so you can practice these negotiation methods every day.
      • Use this huge value add to earn more referral business from clients who are blown away by your hard work to win negotiations.
      • Become empowered and confident in your negotiations and ultimately win more of them!

      Certification & Designation Upon Completion

      In this ICC online course, you will receive an official designation of "Certified Negotiation Specialist" or CNS upon completion, as well as a downloadable (and printable) Certificate of Completion. Add your designation seal, as well as your designation letters, to your email signature to bolster your reputation and show off your expertise to clients and colleagues alike.


      "I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations." Jake Rockwell Over 500 Units Sold Annually "I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income." soi audio workbook Dennis Adelpour Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles "When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends." recruit audio workbook Tammi Humphrey #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume I use ICC systems, the Online Learning Center, and the coaching program to coach and train my team of over 30 agents. I use the ICC dashboard systems to keep my entire team accountable for their activities and set proper expectations. Guaranteed Offer Program

      Jake Rockwell

      Over 500 Units Sold Annually I have coached with ICC for over five years. ICC has helped me quadruple my luxury business through marketing strategies so that I receive listings and sales through lead generation and multiple pillars of income. Guaranteed Offer Program

      Dennis Adelpour

      Luxury Agent - West Los Angeles When we started coaching with ICC we worked all the time with some degree of success. Now, seven years later, we have grown to have the #1 market share in our area, we more than tripled our income and production, while also improving our work-life balance to enjoy our personal life with family and friends. Guaranteed Offer Program

      Tammi Humphrey

      #1 Market Share & 100 Million in Annual Sales Volume Instructor Brian ​Icenhower.

      I created Negotiation Skills Training for Realtors because there is simply no other training out their like this specifically for real estate agents.

      Most agents have no rhyme or reason when it comes to their negotiations. You are not an "average agent", though, and you are here to propel yourself (and your business) forward by learning the proven scripts, strategies, and negotiation tactics that Top Producers use. Now is the time to step up your game. This is a high-level course, and you won't find this kind of training anywhere else. I'll explain everything from start to finish, and by the end, you'll feel confident and walk away with tactics that you can use in your business every day. Time to win more negotiations!

      No more "winging it".

      Do you have a negotiation strategy? If your answer is "no," or you aren't sure, then you're in the right place. Up your game and win more negotiations by learning the scripts, strategies, and negotiation tactics that have been proven to work. Add to Cart

      Negotiation Skills Training for Realtors

      More about this real estate training course

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      If you've been considering hiring a coach, now's the time. Book a FREE coaching consultation session with your purchase of this course! Book Your Call Team Onboarding Real Estate Coaching See all courses
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